Bingomans hosts BEBA competition I I 'his l'hunday at Bulge- man's ( nun-nun " Ccrure In Kitchener. over 1.000 high school 'stu- dents will gather to compete in a vanely of business com- petitions, This will be the regional competition for [)ECA Ontario. There will be team and individual events, written Continued from page 26 and have everything set up before that special someone arrives. "We can set you up with a string quartet and have your gourmet meal delivered before your girl friend gets there so she can think you cooked it," she said. "There's nu need to become a memher to shop." Taylor-Gilder stressed. adding delivery on purchas- es over $100 is free. "Once they purchase a membership. they can log onto the service. and they can input all the reminders they need to be notified of." she said. Only a membership for the reminder service is required. Tayiortiilder said in her research she discovered online reminder services "This stuff is flying out, it appeals to a lot of people. " ~ Kerry Macsmughtort co - ou Tter First we sie-tiff) Glety stiuItlip11: Mitiatimei9§9§1Â¥3912ri§§.itandard- I V - not Inau- "Ill m w tr, .n I humor 9mm" rum-n t “mu-l [human roman wen-m - “no all Inn-I 1nw m! I “a...†mum; anl'r a.» _ toss mu - ‘. ite .n.. TI" h-In mu -m my...†..._,, â€1...“. am- mm is ton mm or Iqmualrn' mar man-mum New 'vum'w-v u' “I'n‘v'lu'h-nl r... W read, menu and lulupluys llll which an unlludual (our IrtHHor or " It'll!" must demonstrate tnarketing at business knowledge in a face-to-lace role-play with a fudge). rhese competitions test competence in specific occupational skills. leader- ship development and man- spanning the country. but none servicing the Waterloo area. So far business has been well for Reminder Girls. with many customers calling from out of town looking for gifts In be delivered to loved ones in the area. Reminder Girls offers a wide variety of gifts, from gourmet foods lo games to exotic jewelry. Macnaughlon said ifpeo- ple don't we a gift on the Web site which appeals to them, the women will work " )ur first customer was from Alhcrla." Taylor-Cider said. "It's done. and they don't Even have to leave the house." "This stuff is flying out; it appeals lo a lot of people," said Macnaughlon. I: I foto source"' "-3“ - momma DIGITAL MI SERVICES mBent’s (a foto source"' "3* Hrgh Quality Digital Prints 5x7 . 8x10 - 11x14 _ 12x18 - $2.50 ea. $5.00 ea $9.95 ea. $995 ea. fTCrirre!_rCCr. HS!) Virmria Street North, Kitchener')? 570 4460 wwwA'irtoriaNtar_rom from DIGITAL MEDIA Victoria Star Motors Inc. m... 1 , mm m ".9â€ new PP' - w p; nun _ 1.! WWW 'S.' 'WT â€qu mm ._ w-.. u...r- w: an. no": "or“! a.“ m‘Alrurn' m. first .., " lung St. South, Wm Tel: 356-1310 Print From: Compact mash. Smart Medla. so. MMC, XD Cards. CD Memory Stick. or Floppy Dlslt agemertt lrainmg. I'hey also Include basic scholastic and communication skills. human relations and employability skills testing. Through the Competitive Events Program, DECA members can show how they can apply what they are learning in the classroom to the business world today. with the customer to create a profile of the gift receiver, and go out and find a suit- able gift. She said everyday they are adding new gifts. and next week a new "tweens and teens" section is coming online, as well as flowers. The girls also deliver any- where in Canada and the us. Macnaughton said the Web site offers a number of gift certificates for restau- rants. salons, local spas and theaters in the area. Reminder Girls also fea- tures local artisans and local businesses. by selling their artwork or gift certificates for their services. "We don't pick up your laundry. but we'll go pick up your flowers if you like." said Macnaughton. I 1vArmirlj'rj"'t"'j"i'iiibNIcIE Ihe leLA (Jinanu Provincial Competition is being held on Feb. 7-8. 2005 at the Toronto Sheraton Centre for more than 2500 students. Ihese DNA tuJr"petr- nuns have been held tor over 25 years in Omaha More information can be found at Often. kids don't appreciate Canada Sayings Bonds until much later. Unless of course. you give them in a really big box. If ynu'm looking for a gift that's guaranteed to create interest; try Canada Savings Bonds. After all. the/rethep1tthattiterahkepsmttrMng. 8uy1ttemvehereyou bank orinvesrorbuythern dined; Either way. make sure to ask fora free gift card so that special someone knows that they're getting the gift of Canada. To buy directly, visit wwwxsbgcca or call I 888 773-9995 ilk/MALL YOU CAN EAT ( JAPANESE RESTAURANT _ IN THE TRl-CITIES 888-9006 We'll bring your store to over 32,000 doors. WATERLoo's thm Commrrv NEWSPAPER . 886-2830 tttet-yt-iii-ttemi Mom-Sat. 4:30-9 am. Canadit