mm The lively musical array known as Slump! will Lake the stage at Kitchener':; Centre in the Square. Nov. IO-t I at a pm. For tickets, call the box omce at 57’8-1570. Theatre on the Edge presents live improv comedy every Thursday at 8 pan. at the Waterloo Co mmunity Arts Centre. Admission is " For further information. call the Arts Centre at 747-5049. Poor Tom Productions, with K-W Lttle Theatre, presents Top Girls. at 8 pm. Nov, 18-20 at the Registry Theatre in Kitchener. The play is a fundraiser for the KWII Re, Building Fund. Advance lick ets are Sl0 and available at Far Out Flicks, 94 Queen St. s., Kitchener. 743-7 102, and Old Goat Books, 99 King St., Waterloo. 880-9595. Tickets CLUES ACROSS I, Protective covenng 6. Design a better rnousetrap IO, Nuclear weapon 14. Elapid snake 15. Fish. plural 16. Hurry 17 /Vrs 18. The divudend of a fraction 20 A way of applying 22. School 23. Enough (archaic) 25, Marks to omit print 26, Jean Paul V author 30. Horned 1npers 33 - Ladd. actor 34 The first Sign of the zodiac 35 Supporter 38 Fanoful weakens 42 Valuable mineral 43 True hrs 44 Eating establishment 45 Sousaphones 46 Mattreatments 48 Fundamenlally Imponam 51 Scarlett's home 53 Gum arabvcs CHR RONICLE CROSSWOR KAY Musical Productions pun snub Peer Pan - Live on Stage. Nov. 25-27 at the Centre In the Square in Kitchener. Tickets are $27 to $37. and can be purchased by calling the box oiftce at 578- I 570, Next Level Theatre presents "The Sanlaland Diaries". by David Sedaris. Dec. 2-4 at 8 p.m.. at the ChurchTheatre. I376 king St. N.. in St, Jacobs. The play is a fundraiser for the Waterloo public library. All tickets are $25. and can be purchased by calling 5711-1570 or 1-fltr0-265-8977. Drayton Entertainment pre- sents ll Runs in the Family. through Dec. 31 at the School- house Theatre in St, Jacobs. Tickets are $33. Elmira Theatre Company pre- sents the comedy Dearly Departed as part of its Dinner Theatre 2004 program at the Lois Hall, Nov. 11-13 and 18- 20.Tickets are $42 each. For tickets. call the Centre in the Square at 578- 1570 or visit wwwArentre"AWare.c0m. 56. Exhibition areas 61. Hood 63. Goatlike antelope 64. Paul __. Swiss painter 65. Opposed to a policy. attitude. etc 66. (Scottish) island 67. Chalcedony 68. An old sthrer Spanish com 69. Saws CLUES DOWN 1. Any of several carangld fish 2, Israeli dance 3. Apron 4, Dull 5. More comfortable 6 Former monetary unn of Hungary 7, Roman coin 8 - Mater. one's school 9 NASDAQ Ilcker for Nalvonal Security Group mo 10 m a way. draws " Nocturnal badgerlrhe animal 12 Meadow grass 13 Ponds 19 Pungent fleshy root of a member o! the mustard lamuy 21 Compass pt. 24 Most cagy 26 New England nver 27 Growth-regulating chermcal sprayed on lrun trees 28 Tear down 29 Exploswe 31 Transgressuons 32 A specnal kyved one 34 Continent 35 Blats 36 Encountered generally at a particular time 37, Square measures 39, Piper 7 Jackass lhe Godfather trl Soul. James Brown, with special guesl Jacksoul, will perform Nov. All at the Centre in the Square, The concert will begin at 8 pm. Tickets are $59.50 plus convenience fees, and are available by calling the box office at 5N-1570, or online at www.centre-squarec0m. Orange Music recording artist Paul Brandt will be on stage at the Centre in the Square in Kitchener at 7:30 p.m.. Dec. 5. Tickets are $29.50 to $35. and are available by calling the box omce at 5NH570, or online at www.cenlre- square-com. Duke ofWetlington, 33 Erb St. W. Waterloo in the Atrium. features Kevin Comes Friday. High Diving Act Saturday. and a Celtic jam every Sunday evening (bring your own instrument or just sing along). Failte Irish Pub. 85 King St. N. . Waterloo, features Norrie Crete every Sunday and Creamer and the Goose every Monday. King Street Trio. 65 University Ave. E. features live jazz four nights a week. Wednesdays and Thursdays from 5230-9 40 The outward flow of the tide 41 European money 45 In a way. sailed 46, Macaws 47 Angiospermous trees 49 Central Florida city p m [ lrtdays from 7.307 1 11M! our. and Saturdays trom T it) It): it) our For tnlonna Hill) x lit kingureeurioior" Luhe's Dine and nature. Lrt "lllllt‘t‘l l Dr It H. kitrlwrir. Preertis l 'raham and litmu- l (Ida) tutti Nuturdin Molly Bloom's Irish Pub Ill Waterloo prt'serus Kenny Munsltuw and Fred Hale every Wednesday night Sole Restaurant and Wine Bar. 83 lirh St, w, Waterloo. presents live jazz every Salim day from 10 pm. to I am, Nov. 13 features the Arte Trio with Art hang on bass. Pat Ludwig on piano and Bob Green on drums. For more information or reservations, call Solé at 747-5622. Blackshop restaurant in Cam, bridge presents live jazz Sun- days in the dining room from 78:30 p. m. Nov. 14 features the Arte Trio. For more infor- mation or reservations. call 62 I -4180. Paddy Flaherty's in Waterloo features Skinny Phat every Wednesday. Open Mike with lohn every Thursday. Hannah's On Princess. 51 King St. N. in Waterloo. fea- tures Dr. Kananga Tuesdays. Andriy Tykhonov Wednee days. Kinky Funk Affair Thurs- days. and What's Next Fridays and Saturdays. For more information or reservations. call 884-9297. Lucy's Seafood Kitchen. located inside Waterloo Town Square. presents The Tim Louis Duo playing live jazz and cajun every Thursday night at 9 pm. AINMEN'J 50 Adds trim 52, Month 54 Essential all or perfume obtained from tiowers 55 Monelary unit of Western Samoa 57 Swiss river Liu. Kitchvrir-Waterloo t hnmlu'r Musk 1storut'ly pn- sl'lllN plank! hrana Anna Nov, pr, .11“ p.m. at rhe Musk Noon, 57Young 5L W, m It aterloo. lhe W111 Faculty of Music presents a free noun-hour concert, featuring Casey Saks! and Carolyn Amasun. Nov. 16 at the Maureen Forrester Recital Hall. Bluevale Collegiate Choir, under conductor Nancy Kidd. and the Choirs of First United, with organist lan Overdujn. will perform A Service of Scripture Lessons and (lands ' at 7 pan. Dec. 5. at First Unit- ed Church inWaterloo. An offering will be gratefully accepted for the Canadian Bible Society. King Street Trio Restaurant, located on University Avenue in Waterloo. is displaying paintings by Podi Lawrence, including paintings of the K- W Symphony. musicians and dancers. through December. The Canadian Clay and Glass 58 Waxed timsh 59 Oh. God! 60 Without (French) 62 The Tth lane! of the Greek alphabet Gallerr ef, ( Awhile lit N, m Wurerloo, prewut', two mduhm called nudcsmml In: lwu Ways umekmg Hum .1 Model. tw Rama: 1 tetcher And Isabella 51v tut-u. and It's All Relative, CeritrnicWorksorAutt,.hnoug and Cad Beam, rhrough Lin. 3, 200T Mm.“ lhe Hdnn Gallery m uptown Wan-nun is showing new works by Paul Kekish entitled Narrative, on display Ihmugh Nov. 20. Cafe? Bun Chain. located at 100 Regina St. S. in Waterloo, presents Terry Buhmws' land- stapes to Dec. 31. Charbries restaurant. located at 15 King St. N. in Waterloo, presents the an of Connie Melnik, through Dec. " The Kitchener-Waterloo Art Gallery. located at 101 Queen St. N. in Kitchener, presents Carl Hiebert: Aerial Were of the Grand River: River: Grand! group Show. to Nov. M. Country Blue Gallery. located at the St. Jacobs Factory Out- let in Waterloo, presents art- work by Bill Saunders. through Dec. 31. mm The Peter Etril Snyder Gallery, located at59 Erb St. E. in Waterloo, presents Mennonite Vignettes. through Nov. 30. The Robert Langen Gallery presents Outside the Walls. by Sandra Martin, to Nov. 27.