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WWWJoya Pocket Coil Legacy Sleep Set )] Continued from page 12 background is lull ot mush cal influence, starting with his father. who owns a must- cal instrument store in Cul- gary, Alta., and is a world- class accordion player, But instead of following in his father's footsteps. Klippen picked up a guitar and began to chart his own course. with inspiration Singer entertains UWWarriors' fans "l lived mostly like a bum in Australia." Klippert said. “I ended up going to Fiji with $10 in my pocket. "When I got to Fiji I wanted to bush. but I obvi- ously looked like a tourist. This lady thought I'd be killed. so she took me in, I stayed for three months, helping her paint and run a youth hostel." But it was his sister who thrust him into the eye of the Canadian Idol storm, when auditions for the show blew through Calgary. After learning the guitar. Klippert took his one-man an on the road. landing in Australia. Fiji and Aruba, before making his way back to Canada. After arriving home, Klip- pert formed a band called Kovered In Lies with his brother, Bennie. from grunge rockers like the late Kurt Cobain, Scott Wei- land and Chris Cornell, as well as groups like Metallica. "I couldn't help it." Klip- pen said with a chuckle. " lhe people I was hanging around at the lime were these long-haired guys with cigarette butts hanging out of their races. They were COOL" "s-om" 624-3389 ' x:“-- 'F' 742-067. Gary Miller APetals G Pots Inc. Flower d Gift sac; Kuchener 725 Ottawa St S Call 742-7221 Electric Adiustable Beds CUSTOM SIZES MADE TO ORDER "I saw the show as being mainly about pop music, and I'm definitely not a pop musician," he said. "I'm used to singing hard metal songs where every third or fourth word -- if not every word - is a swear. I didn't know what I had to be for Klippen admitted. at first he didn't think he was cut out for the competition. But ambition overcame uncertainty, and by 9:30 pm. that day, Klippert had a ticket to the Canadian Idol finals in Toronto. She got In line for the auditions at 3 am“. called klippert at 5 21,111.. and your vinced him to take her place In line "The whole day was the most stressful. nauseating, "There have been ups and downs along the way, but I think I 've proven I'm not . cookie- cu tier " Waterloo 65 UnwersnyAve f 61:13:54le tsk ' - Billy klippert singer nNaNtINi; LNIEREST FREE "lt was funny. the fans don't hear this kind of thing, but the executive producer had heard me sing before and he really liked me. He told me that if (judgesl rut me. I was supposed to tell them to shut up. and just keep singing-" ttut-wrenching experience ofmy lite," he said. "i went In and sang a Carpenters' sung. as well as some songs I wrote myself, But that wasn‘t necessary. as Klipperl went on to impress everyone in the room, "l was just myself." he said. “I didn't think N go anywhere. "When you're chosen out of a group M41100 people, I guess it's quite an accom- plishment. " definitely changed my life forever." Klippen said appearing on the weekly show was equally rewarding. though seeing his fellow competi- tors cut was never easy. When Klippen. who won over viewers with his ver- sion of Elton John's single Levon. which is included on his CD. and earned his way into the top three finalists, was cut, he said he wasn't surprised. "There have been ups and downs along thes way. bu! I think lie prove" I'm um crrokiv-cuucr. I have my nwn style." he said. Flying high an the mnmvnlum of his first album, Klippen already has plans fur a wrnnd proivci, "I'm going to keep Prov' ing mywlf, lump moving. and hope for the best." he said. "I thought I'd be going home a lot earlier," he said. "Getting cut wasn't as hard as it was looking around at the people who were crying for me. That really touched Klipperl said he was happy for the eventual win- ner. Ryan Malcolm. whom Klippert calls his best friend. 'l just had lunch with Ryan yesterday." Klipperl said. But life has gone {m since the competition, and Klip- port's fans are still lwhind him. Win-Hun llvgmrml [min " memlwrs and lhmr Curuhvs wall pn-wnl thc I/throtumlCruftuud llnhlw alum. 'saturday hum " " m m ", " m and 'uiruinx from It] " m In 4 pm Aclrnlwnn " a nun pm Islmhlr [and Ilvm m " (ANN 'hmut:ort to [hr l-nud Hunk nl'\\";nI-rlnn Ill-gum l'hn- show will lake plm " al thc Waterloo Ill-gland Pohl " Mm! “Hum!!!†11' .uinn ( (-nln'. n" llvglmml "and Ifm( .unlmtlgn- "l've really enjoyed mot-1 ing new people: and " I know I've made anybody happy. I feel really good."