local schools benefit from cooks [which Ml'qlmillllt Money also used to improve Laurel Creek nature centre ore than 60.000 eltr Mammary school students 1n the Grand River watershed have benefited hum d fuudrais- mg program tor outdoor education, famed on by the Grand River Conservation Foundation. the Living Classroom- Campaign [or (Jutduur Edu- cation wax launched m The St. Agnes Catholic Women's Leaguewill hold their annual card and dessert party, this Monday at 7:30 pm. in the St. Agnes Parish Centre, 75 Bluevale St. N., inWaierloo. The 2004 "Our Canadian“ card party celebrates Cana- da with a red-and-white theme including Canadian flags. party favours. and prizes - In the past this event has been a winner, drawing as many as 300 card players, - This card party is the main St. Agnes CWL fundraising event, and the CWL uses the card party "take" to support charities and good works in the Veterans can eat tar tree The Ali Baba Steakhouse and Crooner's Lounge in uptown Waterloo is offering war veterans a free meal tomorrow for Remem- brance Day. wwwmaterloochronicle.ca Veterans who wear their WATERLOO CHRONICLE edutonal©waterloochronlcle ca spons@waterloochromcle ca sales@waterloochromcle ca classufred@waterloochronIcle ca compos:ng@waterloochronucle.ca Check out the on the internet ... April 3005 to rupre money lo mppml outdoor education pmgmms throughout the watershed lhe foundation provides a subsidy of Mi per child for children in Three elementary grades from public, Catholic and private schools who attend nature venues for curriculum- based programs. Players generally come in foursomes in enjoy card games of their choice together with coffee. tea. "ace" desserts served at their table. and a "full deck" of door prizes. But the “win ning hand" of the evening is a charity raffle and this year's prizes include a queen-size quilt, Reinhart oil painting. and generous giftcertiticates. Waterloo communitv. All door prizes and lame prizes are donated to this community event by local businesses or individuals. Marilyn Murray. chair of the Fundraising effort. told campaign volunteers this week that about $1.8 mil, lion has been raised toward the campaign" goal at Sit.2 Inillmn, The doors open at 7 p.m.. and admission is $6. avail- able at the door. Call 885- 4480 for more information. No tar. in the first two years ol the program, the war medals will be served a five-ounce filet mignon steak, a baked potato. veg- etables and bread, Family members do not eat for free. For reservations, call886-2550 Foundation has gut-n 5350.000 lo btX watershed school boards II has "tvested another 5100.000 In 1mprovemerus m GRCA nature (fillies Including Apps Mill near Brantford, Guelph Lake near Guelph. Sharks Mills m Cambridge. Laurel Creek In Waterloo and Taquanyah near Cayuga, In addition, the Foundw non has financed Improve» menu at Luther Marsh and Rockwood Conservation Areas lo allow for an expau won of outdoor eduranun programs tor students Ht the Upper Grand District school board T he Foundations cum mument In the school boards runs u: the end ol the 2006-le school yam Murras muted than mun than 350 uldlwduah bus, "Because of this, we have ensured the continuation of these vital outdoor programs. " - Mnribyn Mun-y tu ndmumg char r 1 T3tl,l l iiiirai, FOR KIDS AND COLLECTORS 1:20 die-cast race cars "Because or um we haw ensured the conunuauon ot [new vxlai uuluuux can“ nun program' _ Murrax “cast“ ds>utldllulh am: tuunddnuxr have Lon Inhaled In Ute CW! Mr Changes m the pruvu» cial {unduly turmuie to: education lea severe school boards u: cuusmer reducmg Of droppuw (hex: ouiitoor alumina“ pro grams The Foundauon (19cm: HI munch tite lunurassm; efiort In help school month mannaâ€: m expam: tttet' "ruwaru. vaum. 'ruumuum r . my meta cudnn cram n mumenu uruKCt 0' av bum: tltve' Luuscwaum Itat. bum: liner Lume- hue-cry MERE Wu: