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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 20 Oct 2004, p. 8

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( me Waterloo t 'hmmclr ts puhlhhed even Weduesui" by the Fairway Group. owned by (inMedm Group lrtc ‘a sutrsodtam u! Torstar l imp The mule”! ut ttus paper h protected by uxpwlghl dud may be tut-d only tor personal In)” commercial purposes All other nghls are reserved and com"teroal use ts protutrued to make uwot thr, mammal mu must tirst uhlam the pernmuon of The mum m lln- copvnghl "dttonattu'watertoocrtroucuwa sro-tsitter-loot-ttron) cu saueaawtuerioocltronirie.ca ctrtttruvimgwwaterlmiltrorticleta WATERLOO CHRONICLE} Phorte 68hr '.ttt30 I [hr “wa ul our oylumntsts .xw the” own and do not rtr'cessartly rrlnrsenl those nl' thts Hm “up" I llvuidll'llrml hymn! le writ mum Ivtters In Ilw l rim» "In simul-I h. -ssrrncd vmh namr Mlvlm< and ppm...- numlm and mu lu- scrrrieri I... u I luau. No unqgm-l) lrlmvs will hr [thllshI-d Nurtmrssrrrrts may He mun-4| In: lrngm ur plraw hr hurl I "mug!“ In [turn and an.” nun-nah. \uhmlul'd In um I’m-Instr: and an r-‘md Im plyhlumrmn wmalns wnh the allrlmv Dull 1hr [mt-lulu-y am‘ its In rm.“ nun ln'v‘h n-puul... " [ha-m IIIIHIIII nlmnunu n-ulhrr‘lnum (In! mailing mick“... "‘C\\.‘rhw v 1 mm In Walnhm NN It" 279 Weber St., North. Suite 20 Waterloo, Ontario NZI 3118 Huh I rl.~- urn-u I 'Wig'. ryihmlrndurl Group Publisher Group Sales We” Associate Publisher ,'|Vx hum» Mot F." M." “H”! wed-I Proirrrs sped-I Prnknn Mgr.623 3050. ti23 my) £11.20!- m 210 tdvertisiog uln mu. 222 F r“ l "W‘ , l l "es"ss 18' J lh-Iail Nah" Mamager I am ZJII 1utlrroinilrs: Wit-144"... Faitror. UL " 5 Sports Fdimr. [an 229 www wiiterloochrornrlc um]. Ill I".Ihln .'I‘III|‘ Msul stle, Prod an \xrrrllk‘lll \.m.nm PF. mpg, Pr. J" , y, [ R .- Letters Policy "Ln NLIKulJuI \rl m. ISSN mm 34 I I! 4005114 Th l "i \dwrlmug Yates I u 22 ah ' rpmposinl \mlxh-d Htlti N .Imbrl 93H3 tp, Unfortunately the news wasn't unexpected. con~ sidering Hope's prognosis was deemed poor by the doctors who diagnosed the inoperable brain tumour “mane year ago. ..-. g l I . - g Arid n-u-u Ill hm lust llllllnt’llh ot lilo. du- man 2mm! In [with run tor mm more tvrldle [nun her par t'Itls hen-w taking hm Inst hrmlh In lhl-ir arms Hop" Wits nmlung it nm determined f lmu- lmrm-d so much irom thr "v1ory m this hmn- l‘hllll and her tumily, iruludmg In m-vt'r Iakr hit-m those yuu Inn-1m grunu-d, But it was heart- wrenching all the same for those of us who believe in miracles and prayed a divine intervention would prove the doctors wrong. offer, As fate dictated. the tragedy tame first when I learned Hope Monaghan. the four-year-old daugh- ter ot' my boyfriertd's friends. Mike and Richelle Monaghan. lost her year-long battle with cancer. In ilx place arrived a pair "I' angel's wings lai- lurml Mr a special little girl who brought sn much in} In thow who knew hen, anu. known as llopic "iiiiiiry' In thnw she lum‘hrd wnh u H lu-r sltx smilt' was an mxpumlmn tor all or m Che mughvxl adults wrutld [Ind I: lllllll‘llll In Inuuh tlu, unnum- slus alumni llmmgl‘ Ilw Inns ur hm illtuvs, II wally got me lthmg alum] my awn lite. and my rule last weekend as Maud at Honour In my M's- lvr's weddi ng. V Sadly. that mimick- tlever came. '10 he honest. l nun-r thought ken would choose me In stand up with her an the mum important day of hm Iilr. As sum-rs who have nlmusl eight years squirming 1mm" n-Iatmnship has been love-hate nl best. And, as the uldt-r siblmg who. while growing up. tank pm In la'asmg and mum-mung the baby ot the family, I'm ashamed In any f mused " lot of that am maxim But In n-u'm ys-urs. [hunks In a litrlc mm- and " Im of maturity. I've tried m mend Ilw damagv and show my usu'r lust how mmh she nwam ttt me Hun pruu'ss was :mswrn-d when thc brim-104w rm-rlnnkml all u! hm glrllrie-nds and I hose. rm- In lvad her down the aisle. Whrds ram" dram rilw how mm h that nun-nu In nw Watt lung mv sun-r and her llt'illl shun-1hr" first kiss as husband and ml". 1 cnnldrh help mulling r11 Hupu- Munughun h um gum m show thcre's a dim-mm plan nul thcre for all u! us Tloose Hop" was pm on [Ins "arth to mm those shv mm hm! mm frcttvr proph- And though " sm-ms unlnn that hm life was tut short wlnlv' orlwrs hrr. ml. her parvnrs should [PM hnmum'tl that Ills-Ir daughu't has, Il-fI an "Ver lasting h-gmx " Ivan”, that um ht. qumi In [hr hunt! of low and iurgwruiess almwd hmwvrn two \les ”will Vrttt Hop"- Whale mv lumllv was l rln-hranng [hr murrmgv of um halw girl. Hum-K tamily was mourning the death oi thors Hope gave us the gift of hope 'ihund out last week how true these famous song lyrics are. when I experienced perhaps the great- ,esl blessing and the saddest tragedy life has to JO everything r7 turn. tum, tum There is a season __- mm. mm. mm And a timefor w wy purpose under Heaters A time to build up. a mne to break down A (mm m dance, " (mm m Immm A time to cast ml'ayswuvs A time to gurhersrones togetlter AN DREA BAILEY VIEWPOINT [The Byrdsl n one of these chilly autumn morn- Oings we'll awaken to a soupcon of winter plastered across our lawns. gardens and driveways. And then. brethren, it's only a missed step to a crash landing on the derriere. Not In mention the autos that are meeting each other nose to now. in lltudvntitied Flying tllriecl [lax nvvm landed In s,runviuutntl Platlwlllc in January _ praying unn- and In: all Iltere th mielli grin lite nn other planuh Next in Court: Hu- City m i) (ll n-mll‘ itself " VCI unmht-r Ill Hiking -- a little legal sun that x: tsl S8_t million nr so In damage (ll sumw. ot's lhe sun by the chap who gm and (ht-n didn't gm Ilu. rim-l adminislrzr 11w otiirvr lnh ( "tmril halkid m hlslwhnmi lil‘oCllISIlrl' ot " l‘nnnt’rlmn lo " muhrmillion-dollar Lawsuit, Now $8.3 million isn't (‘lmpped liver. but you have to wnndt-r how much he'll get trom wrary old Waterloo. OK. so my gut-xx Is that he won't get much Legal rush won't be neghiu- hlv. hm n'll amuum In mus! nl what Waterloo will pay. The limit dtviertrt, will hr that the rhap seeking the in!) didn't low-l with all the lath nf his previous vmplnyrm-nL Anyhow. vnll [an expert the l aw In we a 1nmlmnm and I figure Rnlwrlxnn will gm little Janything Still. I think we all should be wry gran-fill for tawvers, Ihey'w thc people whn gm us out of all the Ifllllhll' wv m-w-r would have gnm'n mm if ll hadnt freer, fur Iaww‘rs And then we have Winter to keep us (any pany month by month. Oh for the days where it YOU t'mnh yuur hair from outside vou'll crack it, " Waterloo had known of his pH'Vqus (nan'I tron totha. munlupnlim-s. II wnuld have mxt-tl him tor the jnh A fm'mllv offer of H llitlcn'nl alum III-n- flgllrvs Hnlwnsun will gr! " \ullslzmllal sunwlhmg "tercly hm am:- jurors will torrt pan- the thirk wallet Writcrlrto allegedly has, rompared In his nwagI-r holdings A Terrible Deal: Tlv, nr‘ws outlets have had a fiekl day with Canada's Imuhln-s with sulmmnm-s lhl' lmuhlr- was “in Imughl the mnrhmm rm thc dump and now wr're pm mmwmm Armem1Kf;r2tAhtlrt) allilWT1lEMatFUrrouti WAWWATERKD TOWNS-TIM Hats off to the sailor boys flHt)NICll " Waterloo ha, [mum under, seeks a mod, SANDY BAI RD Hl' "witrd the wmw sltrgarv, turf and arm "mil llu'v suumII-d the manlras for Amerie " In: "Vntallv, lhvn-K hm'n " lot of hmw lalk about extra Ilallnls likrlv to hi' ray,t In varinm parts :11 the bu ited luatt.s H Iruhyah wins. It's unlv natural hm auw ht- wnn the nuthnng diam: tss Heh hm-n our hing In all nl Ihvm -Saiiorsuufrered and two died in a fire that made the one boat a nightmare. The sub experience has been a disaster. Om1and you‘d (-xpm‘l that thir1gs will cam on for months and months. Yum Cart \m- nu immediate pmlulumx (mm New“ Harper. [nylon or [hmeppe An urdinarv Canadian finds It hard In hvlipw that many Amer" am would credit his kind of ghhhorish At the 9nd of eat h spiel he snunds like a snake rharmer gasp mg for an mum pan ing heavily. Now there comes word that Canada has come up with a submarine that can sub- merge in 10 seconds. You have to take your hat off to the sailor boys. "specially those still on deck. Liberal Gains: Paul Martin has survived as PM in the Commons (irnh. No duuh! he'll profit from the experience But. the PM got sumo kerplunks lor nut mg up an Se-billion m such surplus. Imagine. that kind at mum-v urul he gels the bug razor F l I figure lnhn Kerry had the DY 0ng 1t1 the dehatvs. u-w-n Ihuugh George huhynh wax tD bouncing around like a Tin-m rubber ball, You had to Ihmk that Dulwuh was gettirop, pend " the thousand words tho wnv he. N|lll'll'd and sputum-d Ar lu'sl, the pruhléril [lungs may (an pmm to now date to lean Chretien. like the sub deal and the advertising ho-hum, Across the Border: John Kerry and George [)uhyuh have clashed for the last time in a duel of Iunsils and pointing fin, ge As one taxpayer. I applaud the surplus wnh hopes rd many to come. And IvI's make them soon, In” er-wnl t‘l‘nnumy p, terri. Me, We're making more and more dnllan and less and less money pr',

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