You're invited to lune in to the televisior1 special Kitchener-Waterloo "nt- phony: It's All About the Music. which will be broad- cast un (11.11er this Bun day at hm) [MIL K-W Symphony gets TV special Waterloo actor EYES “SEEP Itrtztt Larry Larson, principal uumpm playcr with the KWh' and nu-mlwr ot the Canadian (Ihmnhcr linwllr ble, hosts this hall-hour spe~ rial that will give viewers an inside peek at the multitude one so different from him- self. Continued from page Is Other roles hed love to tackle include the evil Scar in The Lion King, and the mother in the musical hit Hairspray. “I like playing different characters. like the heavy or the wacky neighbour." Rama said. "I love roles that make me change the way I walk or the way I talk. or make me grow facial hair. I love that kind of stuff. That's why 1 have no problem playing a "Roles like that help you grow ar at} acty" . And there's no better place to grow professionally. Rama said, than the former uptown movie theatre. "The Waterloo Stage The- atre is a treasure too few people know about," Bama said. “I used to go there ail the time when I was younger to see movies. It still has that old theatre flavour to it." Bama said general man- ager Steve Roth has done a remarkable job making the theatre warm and inviting. "A lot of people don't know this hut Slow actually puts the actors, who are coming in from out of town up in howls on Friday nights if there's a Saturday HNE AUTOMOBILE BODY AND PAINT wrmm 1lrtropassedt_tttep* nu: ma mu " thet-ttttat Dr. Km 578-2052 PORSCHE JAGUAR MHEH MiTElh Mercedes Benz Specializing In of performances and admit mm events offered by the KWS each seasmL Interviews with Simon 5ln~aucild. artistic advisor and pmtcipal guest conduc- tor. Daniel Warren. rusidenl conductor and others are irtterspersed with live orchestra periormances of (Jffenbath's (Manure to tJrpheus in the Underworld. 1chaikovsky's Waltz from Swan Lake and Johann "And he encourages the community to gel to know the actors after the show. I think that's great." "It's so great to kick off our season with one of Norm's best plays." he said, who is also doubling as the director on this production. matinee the next day." Bamasaid. "Someone once described this show as a mix of On Golden Pond and Terms of Erutearment - I thought that this was a pret- ty good comparison. It has the right blend of comedy, character, plot and a touch of drama." "You don't hear of that often at all. Roth is éxuemely proud of his season opener, - d And it's the perfect build- ing block toward Barna's dream of one day mining for Oscar gold. “My dream is to win an Academy Award in 2010." he The Melville Boys plays every Thursday, Friday, and Saturday evening at 8 p-m-, with a Saturday afternoon matinee at 2 p.m. weekly, until Oct. 30. Tickets are $31 (evenings). $27 (matinees) t-w.rrFme+r-.eor" CUSTOM itâ€! $992 i670“ -'e" " A special feature on the kWh' Youth Orchestra pro- gram. the most cotuprehen- awe musical training pro- grum of its kind in Canada. highlights the musical stars of the future. Strauss It's Overture lo Die Fledermaus. Free concerts throughout the region for Your Orches. tra m Your Community Week. which runs Nov. 13- 20, will also be announced. and $20 for children for all shows. and are available by phoning the Waterloo Stage Theatre's box office at BM- 0000, at the theatre at 24 King St. N., or by visiting www.waterloostagetheatrec Box office hours are Monday to Friday from 10 aan. to 5:30 p.m. 'li8N BON FACTORY gts),i1,t,att, WW taGeaues a: gag: 3M "u"iiie" . 465 Phillip St. Business Hoots Purkduk Ham II Mann Wed. 9:00 - 6:00 oh 888-0772 Watadoo KITCHENER 1151 Victoria St. N 519-742-0678 CAMBRIDGE an New Rd 519-624-8389 LONDON 4390 wmgton ad, s, .--.- 519-685-0982 Factory Showrooms also In Hamilton. Burlington and Oakvlllo GRAND OPENING EVENT Thurs.- Fri. 9:00 - 8:00 IF.. U YOU' RE 'DONALD JPUNERo Lof?EING WIDE tN ’HE MWNNS OF â€AN October 16 th 31 QUEBEC BT MEL?“ ON 510mm KENNETH COLE FOR A FEW GOOD MEN. . nan you [yummy-mm ii, u 't-t...ttlrmqtttrtl, g FRANCO SARTU ORS i5 it“ EDI]