City Of Waterloo Public Notice Sign Variance: . Nr-t NotiTc IS hereby given that the Council “(The Corporu1wn oldie City orWatcrloo. al a mooring no he held on September IR. 2004 in thc Council Chambers. Md Hour. Wuterloo City Centre. 11m Regina Street South. SSaterloo. may consider amendments ofthe Sign By-lass to permit the follow mg: I. St. Paui's Evangelical Lutheran Church. 796 Erbsville Road - Ground SignIChange-able Copy. [he proposed amendment will allow a ground ' containing changeable copy. 2. Westvale Public School, 265 Westvale Drive- Ground Sign/Changeable Copy The proposed amendment will allow a ground Sign containing changeable copy. 3. Shoppers Drug Mart, 50 Weber Street North - Facia Signs The proposed amendment will allow additional facia Signs. 4. Canadian Tire Corp.IDon Flemming Developments, 652-668 Erb Street West - Freestanding Signs, Facia Signs. The proposed amendment will allow additional lama signs on three huildmgs, freestanding Signs to exceed area permuted and additional freestanding Slgns A copy of the By-law may be seen. or questions may be directed to, Development Services. 2nd Floor, Waterloo City Centre. 100 Regina Street South, Waterloo. during normal office hours (747- 8796). Destination Recreation Recreation and Leisure Services is shaping a bright future.' [his ly your chancc m provide Input min fulurc rccrc- anon opportumues at 1hc('ny of Watcrloo Hcgmmng August I" to September I}. 2004 you mm 110 to the Q "3's uchxnc dl u Hu city "utcrloo mu m and chck 0n thc Ikwirnzumn Ru; rcullun link and complete the qucs- IIIVHHJIIL' Hydrant Tasting Maintenance Program lhc (in of Watcrioo f trc' "cpartnGot h conducting schedulcd numucnnmc ol Inc hydrants Hus un gumg program IN dcspned to unxurc that thc hydrants u 1ll opcratc propuly when needed thrs yoar'x prngmm 1ssll "“qu all hydrants m thc city and should ha unn- plctcd by lhu and u! Nuwmhcr the, mmrttcmancc program "s quit" Touttne, howcvcr. " may cause \nmc temporary mumxcmcntcs such as poor water pressure and In wmc vases coloured water If coloured water Is detected please 0an a cold water lap and allow the water to run unnl II clears [hm IS a temporary suuaunn The Ctty of Waterloo l mm) Staff and the Ctty of Waterloo Fire Department thank you for your camper anon and understanding Any questions or concerns should he directed to I Judy Biddiscombe. Utility Customer Service Representative. "7-ti6t, Lisa Morrison. Development Services A» "t'e ""e"b'ctrire vvu IUI qu . 5.. (s'"rt" ,5», "if /tv,s 5255'? dais?» 'rr, mm? f, 'mah" rsal% . Arm. tegt'ktWit _ alliElus t "e. «at: ", “'55" 55-55. ra' 5:5: 0453355: 'tk%'gitC8'R'ii,i' Ak"; “I? 25:32:?†“ii-154%†JsertNgrCuet, 'im)., INl iiittiitie2ti9sta $2519†'t?j:rCr?i'it' guy‘s; W23: ESa3',, ' sew; ,5 5, , Itm (t1"it2E8 â€3.51351':: @5355“ SIN 'SWT" -p, an “514-" -.1, 51:55. t, _ ~55. Lt 'git- - a 4 = .555 55,51, m5? . 'm 'Aim" , up; .‘ 1.555;»; *3; A am P, '_» Vik, 'Yea tMis", 1% ï¬g _irtf.i's ' ' 'Y/tl 'i'iiCilt", ':'fiSti ?* BIMI iMCalllt, if if 25;; 'ME tt 5:? “255 Bi., .5 ' ~5 'sl - s - v ' "we . a _ 5' Mlm f 5., . 25,3. Max“ , fuzz? m - . 'tlt", l * . ' - E 'Pe, ----r---------- "r------------------ -- _z_,.',,r Wafirii3oo THE CITY OF lsutc-3rg Community Agency Budget Requests to Council September 20, 2004 The Corporation ofthe City ofWaterhoo plans to approve its 2005 operating and capital budgets on February S. 2005. in antrcupa1Ny and preparation for this. the Mayor and Council have set asude time on Monday September 30. 3004 for community agencies to make their funding requests they Wish to be mcluded in the 2005 budget for Council's consideration. Community agencies are invited to attend this Finance & Strategic Planning Committee meeting on September 20. 2004. Procedural rules require that the length of your presentations be ten (10) minutes or less. This step in the process will be for the purposes of col- lecting information - no budget approvals or actions will take place on this day. Community agencies may also submit a written report to Council providing an overview of the agency's operations and outlining the purpose for which the funds will be utilized if they do not wish to make a presentation to Council. Whether you choose to submit a written report or to make a presentation, we request that you e-mail a copy to the Crty ofWaterloo no later than 4:00pm Friday September IO so that we can distribute copies to the elected officials and management staff. The meeting will be held in the Couacil Chambers at the City Centre. 100 Regina Street South. the afternoon of Monday September 20. The start time is to be deter- mined depending on the number of regrstrantrc In order to ensure that a presentation time is reserved for your organization or if you have questions regarding the format, content, or time limit of presentations, you may contact Shane Fedy, Financial Services. at e-mail address sfedyqcity.watedomomca or by phone at 747-8582. REP Managers, Coaches for elf 2005 Season W; Waterloo Minor ’ Baseball Association Waterloo Mmur Baseball Asuwmuun Is aucplmg apph- cations for thc HMS Baseball Neitsott for both 'AAA' and 'A" RFP mmmgurx lur lhc dumums lch hclow JR Rnnklu Hall lh NH?) Minor Pccvscc th PM}; SR Rnolut: Hall lb IWttr; Minor Bantam thi9ul, Minor lykc lb WW) Mawr Human} lb PM“) Mawr [We l W94) Minor Muipet lb NH") Mmor Pceucc uh IWll) Mawr Mulch (h HRH, WK?) Please suhnut d yy nut“ apphcauon Matmg your coach. mg quahfsauorrs and the divrsaon you mush to coach' manage and mall n to Watcrloo Mmor Baseball Assnnatmn. 1 " Albert McCormick Community Centre, Foo Parksrde Ur . Waterloo, ON, Nil, 514 by August 25, 2004 at e-matt your apphcauon In wmba244m rogers com Interviews for these [msnmns wall take place hcgmmng m Scplcmhcr Waterloo Minor Baseball wdl host 'AAA' & 'A' REP tryouts the weekends of September 1 l and N The tryout “mes well be advertrsed m the Waterloo Chronicle the lst week In September For further information, (all WMBA 888-01“, I evenings between 1:00 - 9:00 pm. IRE-C:V (â€ISL Watii%oo City of Waterioo 100 Regina St. South Watertoo, Ontario N2] 4A8 P 519886-1550 F 51tr747-i1760 For more Information, please (Oman