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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 11 Aug 2004, p. 8

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run-n; Wvdueaddv by "w Hum-n hump. msurd bu "sMtsdta hump [In ..ssurtsuharvor lunmu my The vottterrrol [Impala-1 Ix pink" ted In I "prrip,tu dud um be. mrd "ul) In: pawn.“ nun uuuuu'n Lu purpuwx w nun-I ogtu, all’ rrsuaed and “mum-1. ml uu- h [unluluu-d In ”1qu u~r “I the. nun-um " “Mal rip-l oNntr, thc prmuwmn nl thu. nurlu ol thr. t uln'ught minimum! wu1erlouchromth1cu sports:"" aterlnochrouith. Cd ~410on waterrouchronw teva rumpuxmgw wuterltomhrru"cte.o WATERLUU CHRONICLE lhe Waterloo t hmnldu ls punk-med rhe “ms-x "t out uslummstx AW' Iltcu own and do not ncrcvcarrly rrpresvm tltow of the t1t'whPrtpt'r 279 Weber St.. North, Suite 20 Waterloo, Ontario N2) 3H8 Phone “Mum in Hun I n-usr hum "warm. mudemlnrl Group Publisher (it-up Sula ulnar-ti Aland-Ir Pulllllher Ihv'sVatvrlsv" Ilmlwv Ir lw I: nun-x lmlmuv. Yllr l duo. ”In sttoni.1 In aim-41rd: " um artrltess arrl pu-rs. numb-1 4nd WIN In . ulim‘ Fa " ' " n a No urxslgna-vl mun-n null hr pvlhllsflml mhnmwm-. m n. In whip-Hm mug“; vV'véruxo Minn-n '.'I|V\1l|:,ll m Mm». "uh Ihvl llv III ".sis x Ilurmnul u flu I‘nl-lnh-I um u . mum rm pum‘rmhm mu "tr- .mbvh- ‘alllfnl h-mhs-puhlu-Iu-a ml t' lr, t-rme". m n. fut-2+. n'l‘l-ulu- rr mun \pl-(lll In..." u . Mgr 1-21 my». I u 2 I n advrrlidng “In -.--m Muto t' mm”: .. I Mail Sales Adm-rush; Marmger.Fat. 230 sales. Fat. 223 "I "lum- J~lllle Andma Bauer Bob ' thanax Fatitor. Ext. 2I5 Spam “In". an. 229 u H'h' unlvrlum'hmlm le Cit Letters Policy m 2iir .,.: rum-“.3...“ \Iu.|».n»\r..nl m wmm-m Ii.auuet txulu'ml “alumni Nr-c, "iurtbe, L'itiN'0h3i? ,Nhl 4005114 7” \mlm-d ..-. ttlairrtrt J spam I-mpnn b2l mm}:- 211.. (i'itt/; .rh. "w. In A} MHv‘r‘HHi r umpniing All of the city councils since 1991 have agreed with, and cooperated with the environment-first city policy. and have worked for the protection of those lands in an unending onslaught by developers who seem only to care about profit from develop- ment and not the future of the city, its citizens or their future water supply the non-connecting choices were ignored by the council and a trarfic circle was chosen. which will umm‘rl lo the Wilmot Linc al a probable cost of hymn-n Sl million lo $5 million. The traffic study done projcrls an almost imrne- diate increase in traffic (m theWilmtot Line from 300 (an per day to Sun (an per day, and city staff said that at mum run. per day the road will have Iu he improved. irwltnling iilling In wetlands In make the road wider and mung mow Skill in Winn-r. [his dirumisltes tltc rut hargv arm whirh provides us with 1': pm rm" nl nu: wan-r and runlamnmlvx our mull-r to a gram-r I'XH'III than is the raw ill pron-m, Att mm-mlmrm m lhs- trafrir virriv proposal m murmur lln' Hank and It'si Iln- nun-r for It] Hum “as run-d m h) umnul. uilh no (lullar amnunls glvt-n or who “Olllll (In the. “mung nr who the [mu-rs would n-pnrl [n m what .u mm should hr lulu-n if ilte Iraffit or t unlamlnalmn nw In high” Ilmn pro- pm [I'd lt-w'lx In the Late 19803. council of the day was a back, room decision-making cabal. with little input from citizenry taken into consideration. The voters of Waterloo turfed out that council and its process in favour of open communication and environment-first decision-making rather than secretive vested-interest accommodation. When on June 28, 2004, I attended city council's public meeting on essentially the last bit of deci- sion-making which will allow developers to file development plans - the point of no return H l was dismayed to hear Mayor (Herb) Epp refer to citizen input as "chatter" from the audience in his opening remarks. Shades of councils past came to mind. City staff were previousfy directed in writing to find alternatives which would not connect the Columbia Street extension to theWilmot Line. This they did. along with other alternatives. in contravention of their directive, which did and do tanned the two roads including some which incor- porale a traffir circle. A In'In-r solution, " wrmx Ill mr, would haw hm‘n In not umm‘al (anumhm Show In thI‘Wllmnl luw mulc hmm- ("mum of thc "ltcrnatives, 'hcrelty c-lmnndllng lln- "l In Iln' wrllamtls and rpm wan-I \upplv um! um taming an unlmmn unnlml vxptutsifor Ilu' mm mvt-ars n [981 I acquired a cup)’ of [he "rawirtrnn1coully Im‘nxitixv Policy Arca" document in Wuwrlnu Region and proceeded to explore must of the 40 ur so places listed and described therein, In P388l acquired a Copy of the "West Side Desig- nation Study" produced by Waterloo city 'itafT cun- cerning everything to du with developing the wehl side ofthe city. I. and many other citizens. spoke In Waterloo city councils from 1388 on Io the present in an effort lo protect thesc environmentally sensitive lands from dcvelopers Hm nu Ihv tlru-luprrx wan! thr, ("mu-x [mu 'or Way” I pp and t mun il gnu' " In [ht-m. lln- (ll-t N0“ With mmlv In [drum rli thr III-whip NV vtpmhvm r. disrcgarduti,r I Hy pol" N whn h (Inc-t Is t rule" II In put thc Pnumnmt'm lIrsI fltc dm Nun [mum II mmlr Ignunw [hr t Ink lung It'll” nah-I n‘qlmmm'nlx All vulll run- \lrnlu- of " pr” You Ihmk HIM Park l's " fi.vu orWHit unlll will we- thc plpl'hnr Hrallun vnginm-Ix, ptpt4itvrts and "ll tltr' nilm :h-wlnpnn-m lumps .m- (lrnulmgaluuuh “I" ' mttltt hIHmn dollar “mm plprlmv Its, [hr c-nd n-xull of l nun: tl's stroke " III" pm (m lnm- At, mm, mm V Ilu. .Iqluh'l Is pnllulml" Another tiitttttto waiting to happen VIEWPOINT 'steve Shulv “mm/m- r, Debate will be one for the books The task force for more" than a year has been studying eight expansion options -' four more than the task force began 1vith. Well. half the season shot, and there are no signs of summer yet. You talk about the Credibility Gap. That's the weatherman saying. "F'air and warmer" while putting on a lapeoal. - One for the Books: Waterloo library will get the first tip Aug. I6 on what stands a chance of being the book centre's future. That's when-the joint task force on library expansion will make its long-delayed rec- ommendation on the library. Now it would be unfair to expect that any one recommendation will gel unchallenged approval. And ifs In he expected there0l he sumo warm debates before one is adopted. Say. let's hope that everyone is agreed that the library is doing a finc job in trying 10 mp:- with the spate pinch. The new lay- nul seems to be working well. Speaking of banks. {he Hihlv is surpris Inglv modern Mrrry 'lakc Noah In thc Ark. lt took him 40 days In u . find a plan 0 to park. l hcn it ‘ONC Minn] for 40 duysand annights. ', L] ' |ll\l ljks- [his summer Alarms and Excursions: lhr In ited Sum-s have served nmin- that arQaicda has plans for raids on lhv likes nf Ness York. Humgu Washington and other kvy pmnh Prct iustiorts In“? hrr'n 'mmpl-d up". ip, Wt' am; In lin- w: ”my Inulr. and nothing has hzlmwm-d yrl. ”ll'ri' is nnv big [Irnhlmn with warmng‘ ls It Irttt' car p, (.c-nrgc- Dunn”! tolling unnIIn-r Inng Ut his ort1stituerus7 lu-I‘s mu lurgm 1hr awmmm' “I'JpUI'IN that "vrcsit. Gosh. If Hwy wrn- In find vwn " sawed off .11 the, burn-l .22 in thc nuns of Iraq. old llulwah would gm nun '4ritsrrt', ""HrHitlt mg I Wa vrsrilv. Il'x pllv where vuu tatit trust \rnlr w w-ll hvluw'tl pn-sldrnl to h'u-l with vuu nu military mum'n It's "rid. but [hr ltrutcs" ol m.m\ pull" (mm has m-vr-r ln-vn qm-shum-d In iat I In ths. mm- of (.r-mgl- llullwull Inna-H1 I‘m-n nu-nunnrd 'ttso win-n "us 'turturu', mm tsdttrtt. .mll lhl' ermlllu .1le hnlri Ihcir totttt'ttiHHt, " Indium “I" ml? allihchti,thitrarvrn pmpmlx lus dul- Li)Eirf ) (111cm: T1%3ntTAl0DT0tuMaEAtlD MRylrlthmltxTirhl1! FDW'D vwmmwoumgmszrs'? Mrf;raU?UWqlf;rtMAm SOME SHAKY INVESTMENTS. SAN I JY BM RD It's hard to believe there was any real doubt about the renewal. The CBC may appear to be headed by thick heads at times. hut they never would be thick enough tty can Cherry. He sayé a lot of outrageous things, but he also says what a lot of Canadians think. Sure, often that's outrageous, so what‘s new? r. Crash Test: Hm- lhing wc can be gum-Yul for is the s: an! DY m l Mom full this summer. anht' " ', hm .uN' thc nut-Allin in has In-rn ht? Inn-w INA poopll' an- gmng mtywhvrt' With Iriver tarsrrtrtvtrtg.fewcr l an. .m' gum); kmplunk (If Ioitrllt ular "ttit', Mrl Ht [mu mun hrn- hmn'l had thow apt-z [at qur lrutk [at (UHIHUHH that ha\'(' shura, It’ll/I‘d thes l :Irmlgc- nu (hr striir. _ Hui hm: Hr hand of nm- \pm-dlng lulu cl that would rurl 'tner hmr II wax frn {hung l.% lln In In! 10] ulm " will I llxl pit-rm Ah wx “ll " fin" for gI-lllng to a plat c- In " hmn 'fvrutturity'toftii “hr-n VIII] gm iltr'rtw Fashion Plate: Outside of the fuss in the media, the smallest surprise of the year has to be Don Cherry getting his contract renewed by the CBC. Ah yes, some men achieve greatness. others are born great, and a few have great- ness thrust up on them. He. like the rest of us.'jusl know we're great. And am I) wrung?! Hu- Wri't is wr-n- so lrrquvnl that ptrrtiorts ol llw mum.“ lunlu‘d like " wn-t h'r's van] Drug Treatmeht.. Judging by what you read. Kitchener-Waterloo has top, of drug dealers turning up in courts. And Innsl of them have foreign-sounding "emu-s, a fair-sized bankroll and an alibi that makes you choke. And from what you read. lhe sank-noes passed on ihesw "o-goods arvn'i - , ‘ A still vnnugh to deter them. 'llu- MItIt' police seem In lw nahhmg TLY l enough of them. hut " (hunts i for little if thcy un- lmrk cm [hr Slfl'l‘l‘ almost thc 'rarrtt. Jav, llu-n- byt'rt' hundn-dx of Ihoirsaruls n1 pr-nlvlr- m1 lhl' lughmm‘x last “rt-km"! Inns! of I'H'lll askiug for thrc: [Inn's Yea. sunu- people say Ihey"w laking drugs In-muw "my help thero find Illrmwlww Hu. probhmo is lht-y‘rv so spaced um, whvn they find lhvmsvlws. lht'y'n- nm CVUtt sure It's them MYQNFIILOFGAS.

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