Park bylaw ttttttttitll he grandfathered ill alerlou city council should Wake another look at its decision to make Green Acre mailer park residents vacate their homes for um months every winter. The Columbia Street extension was approved by city council on June 28. Regrettably, however. there is a paucity of background information on the project available to the pub- lit. Neither technical reports at Ifoorly attended meetings arranged by council. nor indeed the city Web site itself give interested citizens background information that need to be on the table for the rest of us to consider and decide if this is a wise move by council. Granted. the residents should have made sure they had a clear understanding of the city bylaw. which states the park is not to be used as a year-round residence. when they moved in. Many questions remain unanswered The quesiions that I feel must he answered (which I have communi- can Strickland heaps Sunahashed praise on former president Jimmy Carter for his tireless energy since his days in office He. like so many others. appear to have experienced collective amnesia when u come m limmy Carter's record whilr he was "leader of the Free World", Jimmy Carter wasn't all that great The rerun} shows that Mr. Carter received his Nulwl Prue for work that he participated m after hr left offitse H11- Nobel (mnnum-l- stated that In a summun ulrn-mly marked hy threats of use of punt-r. limmy Lani-r promrued "rnvdiaimn and international ('nupvmlmn based on international law. n-spvn for human anm. and (-mnumu' devel, opment m world oirrilicts" In this sense Stnrkland is "orret't m 'stiMtrlg that "history will remem- hvr Carter mnn' " what he did with the office when he was nn Irmger m n 99 But what of (lam-r1. rrword when he was in omre7 New is a sample' of his initiatives that history sol-ms lo have forgot- ten, if that heaorv Is In he tudged wtthin the mamwlrvum ConSt'totrN- ths. l an†adrutrusrratttm. with Advil " from nalimml \l’l urilv aidi- lhlgnn-m Burundi hogan the H S [hm npvmlmn known as 'laslt Fun I‘ Ht)", whn h for If) u-ars pmppml up the Khmvr Rouge with urupnns {mam m and naming HH- Malt-ll ri-awn “as the (-u‘r Ilsc' ful mu uw of the " mnmunul nus Cambodia, 1979 LETTEIES Tb FrirfjiiiiRiirili oWith further west-side develop- ment curtailed or frozen, why is this major new road needed now? Who will it serve? cated to all members of council), need to be clearly and quickly pub- lished in a communication written in non-technical terms, include: 0 What problems were identified in the 1997 draft plan and what changes were made now to improve it? But considering it seems the park's owner. Bruce Martin. didn't even know the rules - he collected monthly rem cheques from resi- dents 12 times a year instead of 10 --e how does the city expect the resi- dents to digest the ins and outs of the bylaw. Sfany of these people have no place to go fora fiorday period. . With our finances tightly Cort- strained because of RIM Park, how can this project be justified at this lime? _ Some-have no fartiify. and most can't afford a hotel for that amount threat". The Khmer-Rouge was responsible for deaths estimated in the millions. Vietnam, IST? Carter. commenting on the destruction unleashed on the small Asian country in the previous decades. stated (with the compasr sion one would expect from a "humanitarian") that he would not pay to rebuild the devastated mun- lry. He reasoned, "we owe no debt to Vietnam. The destruction was mutual.'" How many villages, mums and cities m America were bombed to rubble and doused with carcino- gvnic substances? flow many crops wvn- destroyed on American soil in an effort to starve the local popula- (inn? East Thnor, 1977 In "ecernher 1975 the Ford administration began the funding and supply of weapons to Indoner am In its repression of East Timur In 1977 Iimmy Carter authorized thtr increase of aid spending to Indnnc- “a as the death toil in Fast Timor reached 100.000. By the end of Carter's Icrm in office, the number of deaths in that small nation reached 200.000. an estimated "ne third ofthe population, Nicaragua. 1978 Carter provided snppnn. both financiallv and through training. for allvrnmiw-s to rhe popular xuppun cd Samllmsla gnwrnmmn Hu- t IA “as gm'n mnnm m “pnmdv finan (ml and (“hm support In uppo rwnts" [he "min-r nppnm-ms" um happencd In ( nalvs: r mm the f an tras who Hragan prmwd aK 'hrr dam fightcrC, but who vu‘n- Ill wal . What about the Waterloo C0N0/lE?irf" of time, Yes. the bylaw should he enforced. But there?, no reason why it can't be grandfathered in IO allow these people -- who are mostly seniors -- to live om their days in peace. Moraine? What has been response by local and provincial environ, mental bodies to the initial plan and the current revision? What effect on future water supply will the extension have - short term and long term? In this new age of full communi- cation pledged by the members of council. it is vital that we have these questions answered - ideally in a full- page easily understood article in the Chronicle which is accessible to every citizen. Council, please have some com passion. - It's taken years for the city to realize the bylaw was being ignored. Really, what's a few more? ity mercenary murderers of thou- sands of peasants and the poor. Afghanistan. 1979 - _ _ Caner and his ever-faithful aide, Brzezinski. aligned themselves with staunch anti-Communists in the region. Jimmy Carter pumped $40 millinn â€.5. into a Curled opera- tion that recruited "freedom light- ers" such as ()sama bin laden and the Taliban. The reason: (as Brzezinski has since admitted; __- to draw the Soviet Union into a war. which would be its own Vietnam. " worked'. And after more that 20 years of war perpetrated hy both of the world supers powers oldie (‘Uld war era, the freedom lighters have heen ousted and Afghanistan has been hnmhvd In rubble with 100.000". of Afghanis either dead or homeless. Jimmy Carter's record after he left omre seems to suggest a real change of heart for the man. Orte wonders whether the apparent change of heart is because Mr. Carter is working for alone- ment. I would arguv he has a long way In go to assuage the misery his Poli- Hes wreaked upon the world, With Habitat for Humanity". goal nf providing shelter for a homeless world. (mo house at a Ilmc. it l mild talu- manv liFimvs hofnn- all the lwoplr‘ (Ilsplm ml by [hr I arter adtttmtstratmrt_ pull: new hdu‘ " plat v In live Th.“ th this nm‘x who Art' still llvmg CHRONICLE , Bob Wagner Waterloo taitlin ( uIl Ithtcrlorr Forensic science television shows seem to be all the rage the past few years. I'll admit. I've been knowo lo sit through an episode or two of CSI or Crossing Jordan. If there's one thing these shows remind me of, it's that we leave our mark every- where we go. The same applies to our dealings with our digital environment, It's interesting if you are a long-time Internet user to try a "vanity search" for your name using a search engine like Google at or Dogpile at http:/[wwwdogpilecomL If you're going to try this. be sure to use a phrase type search (sometimes accessed through the advanced features of the search engine), otherwise you will get results for any page with either your First name or last name. and not necessarily next to each other. Trying "michael hiem- stra" on Google reveals many Michaels that I never knew exist- ed. There are some that I might like to meet one day and others I wouldnt. There are a couple of items from my past that I had nearly forgotten and at least one site I'm afraid to visit (having no idea how my name got associated with it). Unintentional digital footprints can be avoided if you are careful. but would you want to leave a trail intentionally? In a previous col- umn, I mentioned the value of the Internet coming from the fact that anyone can contribute. Pick a topic that you are interested in, and chances are that there is some type of user group or hobbyist maintaining a discussion board on the subject. A discussion board (or forum) is an area ofa Web site set up to accept ques- tions, comments and information concerning a specific topic. If you have a particular area of expertise and enjoy sharing that knowledge. why not find a forum and "share the MICHAEL wealth" in your spare time? HIFMSTRA For instance, I'm interested in I u‘“""‘"“" learning more about digital photogra- phy and found the Dighal Photography Review Web site at http:) Jwww.dpreview.comt . It sports several active forums with topics ranging from lighting to printing your photos. Experts and novices alike from around the world share their knowledge here. I was surely thankful to find someone had posted information on a similar site about the particular model of digital camera I own. One day out of the blue the pic- tures were all turning out black. Someone had experience with the same model and figured out how to remedy the problem... hit the camera sharply on the side with the palm of your hand! It turned out that this particular model was prone to have a sticky lens, causing an internal obstruction. If forums are a hit loo focused for you. or you, happen In have an ample supply of spare time and a lot on your mind. you could try recording your daily musings in an online diary known as a "blag". A free site that offers this type of feature is at Blogs let you quickly add a date stamped note in a Web site with barely any technical experi- encr- required. There are many hlogs that deal with technical issues. hut there's no topical limits in what you could write. I have seen personal biog: relating what a friend had for break- fast. family blogs that were used to keep in touch with relatives and photo hlogs where people snap pictures with their cell phone ramrras and publish them automatically. Check out http:i/wwwhlogscanadmca/ for a Canadian slant. if you are adventurous, you can also try to create your own Web site. There are several sites that allow you In do this for free. providing look that make it easy for novices. Tivo such-are http:itwww.arigeinreIvcos.romt and hunt traaeocifies.yahooxorrt/, Your Internet Service Provider (IS?) might even providv a certain amount orWeh spare. I should mention a few words of caution before you run for vnur kpy’hnard lhnugh. While leaving your mark on the Inter net is a great way to sham your views and information with the global community, you might not want In disclose too much lwrumal Information Most sites require vnu to sign up for an art‘nunt hut give the nplmn to choose a pseudonym or rode “amp that gets displawd mswad of vnm real “am? If vnu an- at all worruul almul "I'vlwr stalkers" waning for mm In (Ilnllgr mm prrsmml lit-huh. then kvep rum xulunlxsmns fm Hull Lhnuqng a password Is uwnllv roqum-(l with vnur arroum as well I suggest 118mg "d mm; password for rm h Web site that Vim frvquvnt While " may hr diTrcult In luwp trm k of wvvral pass wnrds " h, " “1w mm " I'll lvavv thc n-nsuning m) this fut .mmhw I alum" leaving your digital mark [ 81180: 1 LIFE 5 1 r" 5 Li,1