Day tttll of Tigers III'IWBS to he the ttttrr-tttttt combination I ‘m " longtime gulf mu and also ct guy who has ln-un (runny, his love ol The Region ofWaterloo will be closing Erh Street between West Hill Drive and Wilmot Line in the City of Waterloo from Saturday. August - at 6:00 am. until Sunday, August 8 at 7:00 pm. to allow the installation of deep services amiss hh Street. Through name will be detained via Fischer-Hallman Road. Highland/Snyder's Road, None Dame Road and Fibs Road. Auras to the Waterloo Regional Landfill will be via the designated detour route. Emergency sen'ues will be notified ofthe closure and the detour route. Should the eonstruetion work not be possible on August - tt ll due tn intlement weather, the closure wall he resthedtiletl for an alternate date and notifieanun of the closure will be relssuetlt . -___ - _ -,,_m,, - -- ----- _, "9tr'7,rW.T-T7O'Tii"."r] din-mt! In Fuqumu rcgardiny Ihls mad closure may hr Ken \ullng. lltwonul t har VVHRS Mr. irrrr van lk Run: H'ng Hcal. Innxpnnmmn hpanunn l'royram chlmul Munu lpahn' ol “hula†Innxpormlmn and rnwroiuncntal Strvurs Iksyrn and ( (unxrrumnn H“ Frt-drmk 'xtrvvt, tuh Hour Kudu HL'T. ( )nmnn NY 1 95H rdcpCrw HI": 545-4"): rawumile: (519) V3441,“ Irma) vswvetsrrtr,ionnsatcrloo.on la Front Yard Competition Winners 2004 W)rtrrrr Ix: Runncr l p 2nd Runncr l p \\ Inna W)rrrwr Isl Rummr Up 3nd Runm r l p [st Ruuncr l p m 2nd Runnu l p II J Wr; W:n.ccr c" I'm-u: Ntcrr irast lst, Runncr (‘p 121 Dumb." Nrccr N-uth Ell-i Ruuvtc: I p r.'t" I"! \Iruzzdm 1xc & 277t Rum: ht ll ll lo. Rsrmcr l i" 3nd Runner l'p If tirsi , nz'n': (Inmmunilies In Bloom h: 747d All \\'c~mdgc Unu- ll; Morlawk ll“ Lawns Lisw JIIJ t Jrtcr jun Marshall 1)s' “i IAN!)- MI R'sl lursLdc itr't l'urcqlawn an" Rust": [)rlu- NOTICE OF ERB STREET CLOSURE WEST HILL DRIVE TO WILMOT LINE REGIONAL CONTRACT 2004-01 1 Conectrvites en "ems I Ln " 'ck Lilc-nforcst a: ilR Glccfowsa (alrnrulut Plan: baseball. it duvsn'l gel much butler than last Sulurduy in nearby Mit'lugam with three 17-8553 Waterlpp Co.mpymities 1n Bloom Region of Waterloo PUBLIC NOTICE into truddies ll W21) it spun» double- header. even though the hull WON) Cl .i - .n Y"' "7 _ 3“,? . . 's, I i,†u N, Yi'il, game was just a single mu lug. Five hours in the Hunk Open gulf muruamvnl in the City ofGrand Blunt. a " tle north of Detroit, and thcrt it little less than three hours watching the Detroit Tigers and the Chicago White Sox at Cumerica Park in the Motor City later that day is better than eight hours of work, even for a retired sports journalist. When the Buick event sets up camp at the Warwick Hills golf course in Grand Blanc and the f1eid includes Eldrick (Tiger) Woods, John Daly. eventual winner Vijay Singh and defending cham- pion Jim Furyk. Michigan golf fans simply packed the place. And I mean parked. I don't know what they drew for Saturday's third-round action, hut I'd hazard a guess it was somewhere in the 40.000-plus range. And then much later in the clubhouse. there had to be at least 20.000 ahead of me in the line for some liq- uid refreshments of the JM'. Red variety. OK. maybe it wasn't that many, hut it seemed like it. Continued fmm page 17 wealth Games taught me way more than I think win- Beavers ready for the big stage 4346?: Spectating at a golf tour- nament can he as much work as you want to put into it. It's been a lot ofyears now since I've actually gone out and walked 18 holes, watch- ing a particular player or group. The last two were probably Dave Wettlaufer and Ian Leggau at different Canadian Opens. Like most of my writing mates, I discovered early that you actually see more golf from simply watching the TV in the press room. Since I wasn't on official assignment for the 2004 Buick. I didn'l have press credentials and was content to watch players on the two ning would have. it was a big step for me. I didrit race properly and I learned the only way to succeed inter- natiunally was to race my own race and not worry about the others," "I didn't feel that much pressure when I was trying to meet the standard. because I knew from my training that l ww; going to do it. And while some summed meeting the Olympic quali- fying standard. Beavers felt competing at Athens will he the real test. "But competing there with the world watching is going to be a much more pressure-packed situalinn." But Beavers said he's ready for the big stage. He said he wants ttT make this Olympic experience count. "h's nice after lfi years of swimming to have it all cul- mmalc with m0 going lo the ()Iympix‘s." said Beavers. 2L "ft's something lic hocn looking forward to fur a wrv long limo." And ith, only nitcr I run, lac-ling that Iw'll lw n-udv m wlax. with hm lulmly. who a!" "iso t mining uvvr In sup If: I foto sourcew My" Hem PROM DIGITAL LAB SERVICES hum DION/N MEDIA High Quality Chtyt"l Puma Print From Ill!liPe,oittotst',,sct, f",, foto sourcew as" 5x7 8x10 Itx14 12x18 $2 50 ea $5 00 ea $9 95 ea 59 95 ea l Print From Compact Flam, Smart Medm SD, MMC. xo Cards, CD Memory Stick. OF Happy Dish " King St. South, “Valence Fee; 8.51 310 pari1rew holes mL-nlmncd mlrlirr. Last fall when I made a return to being a baseball fan. I wrote how I had watched my first big-league game in this same US. city across the river from Wind- son Now the ball game is u different matter. You sit down at u ball gaunt and there is very little strenuous activity. uther than jumping up and throwing your anus in the air when the "wave" rolls around the park. lt was simply an awe- some day wealherwise and a balmy night to watch baseball. And more than 40,000 fans â€" including four die-hard White Sox fans behind us __ enjoyed the two American League teams decked out in their vintage, old uniforms. lt was in a classic old park called Briggs Stadium and it was nearly 60 years ago. Eventually it became 'I'iger Stadium and still sits near thc now Comerica facility in downtown Detroit. so it was kind of neat m be seeing the Tigers And competing so early in the Olympics, which start Aug. 13 and go until Aug. 29, Beavers will also miss the opening ceremonies, “We still have another week after were done while the games are still going on In go sightseeing and we other events," said Beavers. "That's when I'll do all sorts of murisly stuff." Other athletes compel- ing at the Olympic Games with a local connection are the Region of Waterloo Swim Clulis monifer Frate- si. a ( anadian record holder in tht. 200 hackstroke, Wil- hid Iaurrer 1lniversity's Cindy iiadiv, who will hr t ompeting with the ( anath- ar1 Womeis Sullhall tram. and 1lniversity of Waterloo grad [Hum Ulla who is t anad,is lust hop" In thc worm-H's pnlr umlllng t'vcrtt pan the swimmer. "I heard it's even boner so Um looking forward to it," said the Universily of Waterloo kinesiology major. He said he doesn't mind because he heard the clos- ing ceremonies are a bigger party. Continued on page IS