Thc Coumuttee ol Adluxnncnl IN a mlunlucr unnnuucc ot fn c :5 I nil/cm who makc durum!“ oil mum: \klrungc and land \mn‘mncc apphca1wrts rulzuiw In thc City", Zomny By tsus, Council Is sucking nnc I I I cundrdate trom thc uumnunll} tor this mlumccr pmmon‘ Candidates must he Waterloo rcudcnh or cmploycd by a Waterloo company. The Commttree holds upproumatety 12 Inccungs lhmughuul Ihc year. Mcermgs are held at the Watcrloo Cu). Ccutre, “nu A month on Ttrcsdays beginning at A:3n pm†and an special occasions “bun upprored lay the manorâ€) ol the (‘ummuluc members. For mnhur uliurnmluvn Abdul the Cummillvc. please contact: [Mun-Ik- Ingram. Secretary. Committee ofAdjustmcnl Telephone: 747-8773 E-ntail: dingramevcnyncaterloovmci1 To ohtum an application form. please comma the City Clcrk's Office: The Council of the Corporation of the City of Waterloo imiles applications from members at the arm-ml public "ho desire to haw their names considered fur appointment to the: Application forms may also be picked up at Notice is hereby given that an application is being made to the Council ofthe City of Waterloo for an exemption to the City of Waterloo Noise By-law #79-79 which prohibits amplirsed sound between the hours of 5:00 pm to 7:00 am. The applicants are No music lahels: "Blissful Music" and “Rebel Groundsoundsf' The applicants are requesting an exemption as follows: To permit amplfrcd sound/music from 12:01) noon to 9:00 pm. on Saturday, July M, 2001 during a fundraiser to raise money for the k-W Hospital Cancer Centre. Several hands are scheduled to play during the event. This event will take place on the Waterloo Town Square parking lot closest to Erb Street and Caroline Struct This application will he presented to City Council on Monday. July I2. 2004 in the Council Chambers. Waterloo City Centre. IOU Regina Street South, Waterloo. Anyone wishing to speak on this matter should contact the City Clerk, Waterloo City Centre. 100 Regina Street South. Waterloo at 7413-8743 no later than 9:00 a.m. Thursday, July 8. 2004. Questions regarding this event should he directed to either Jason Reinhardt at Blissful Music. 580- l594 or Mike Downing of Rebel Groundsounds. 748-731 I. Fax: 747-85N) Applications will be accepted until 5:00 p.m. on Friday, July 16, 2004 and should be for- warded to the attention of the undersigned. A Icaxh keeps your dog where it wants to be, and should he. by your side. City ofWaterloo Dog By-law #91401 requires ALL DOG§ TQ BE L5LAtiBEUh Failure of an owner to prevent their THE CITY OF lc-yu-er-., CITY OF WATERLOO DOG BY-LAWS Telephone Fax: Email COMMI'ITE E OF ADJUSTMENT APPLICATION FOR NOISE BY-LAW EXEMPTION City Clerk's Oftice Main Floor. Waterloo City Centre IOU Regina Street South Waterloo 141-8510 IAncnuun: Nancy Gehly 7.413549 pr: Fred Dobbs, C ity Clerk City of Waterloo, COMMUNITY INFORMATION 886-1550 TAKE NOTICE that rhe Council m [hr Corporation ot the Cily of Waterloo at Us Council Mcetmp on Monday. July II. 2004 will your sidcr report DS- 04-24 regarding Green Acre Trailer Park. Report DS-04-24 -l'jse evaluates vurmus . Beaver"Creek Road _ l upuuns to address - F both health and s. ' -, safety concerns related to Green Acre Park as well as options on how to bring the Park into compliance with municipal hy-laws. For information on the time of the public meeting, please contact Nancy Gehl in the City Clerk"s Ofijce at 747-K743 on Friday, July 9, Should you wish to speak Io Council on this matter, please register as a delegation with Nancy Gehl in the City Clerk's Office at 747- 8743 on or before Wednesday, July 7. 2004. Should you wish In obtain a copy of the report DS-OI-PA. please contact Anne Marie Phelan at 747-8752 or visit City Hall. IOU Regina Street South, Waterloo. 2nd Floor, Development Services. The report will also be posted on the City"s Wehpnge: wwwiity.waterloovrrca Greg Romanick Director of Devclopment Services City ofWaterloo 747-8?53 Should you have any questions. please contact TAKE NOTICE THAT: 5. Before any hy-law is passed In authorize the sale Many real prop- any. City Counol must declare by hy-law or resoluuon at an open mccring that the real property Is surplus and that such declaration has alrcady been made. At a "unsung In bc held on Monday, July ll. 3004 In thc Counol Chmnhcrs, ('num‘ll wall hcar an} pawn “h" “hth In spunk In thv, dispuxllmn and who has “gunned il\ a dclc,uaiitttt walh thc Cur Clcrk t747 H74 It nu Ink-r than NH)†a In on Monday. July ll, JUN-1 it fun] haw an} qucxhnnx. plcaw cttntitcl 74r.si7itt, Halt-l Ihlx ithh elm nl hmc. 2004 An appraisal of the subject lands is available from the Clerk's Office. Pursuant to an Agreement of Purchase and Sale. the Council of the Corporation of the City of Waterloo intends to sell approxi- mately 2 acres of land on the West Side legally known as Part of Lot 41. GCT, Blocks 74, 75. 59 and 63. The Agreement of Purchase and Sale provides for a total purchase price of NINETY-FOUR THOUSAND EIGHTY-SEVEN DOL- LARS AND SrXTY-FIVE CENTS ($94,087.65) for the above- noted lands. subject to verification by a Reference Plan. The sale is scheduled to close thirty (30) days after all conditions set out in the Agreement of Purchase and Sale have been fulfilled or waived. CITY OF WATERLOO PUBLIC NOTICE DISPOSITION OF PROPERTY REGARDING GREEN AURF. TRAILER PARK 580 BEAVER CREEK ROAD COUNCIL MEETING (Conservation Dnve Joel Cotter Development Planner City of Waterloo 747-8543 Fred Dobbs, Chy Clerk City oi WuIcrhu, IOU Rl'glna Strcct 'iouth Watcrloo, â€mum NY 4A8 Lap 'él Cree k Reservoir