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Sell "free . a lines . 21in; Items For Sale Under $50 Ad Order Form Merchandise 1000. I 195 J. head, mot WASHER/DRYER. Heavy duh BPauman. 'Mtitrs 1015 2itg m Appliances I FRDGE. “\an 23 6 Cu It. back. snowy we tess tttars2years old Sac Hce 3182':- 14342-19 STOVE. "tC0N0m0NERS:400t?. IT), $85 EDI}: BTU S135 It?, coo FL 5185 NSC-3'. 22$- volt heaw duty $195 558?:511 Clea}; (abut-068' dun Brawn}! K White. $250 Work) web 654 0068 We buy and sell used appliances We also specahze -n last. pro- iessional service In all makes ol appliances 742-4031. BECK APPLIANCE WATERLOO CHRONICLE Jkik '7 Mini yer, :lean Cal Postal Code: WATERLOO CHRONICLE Check out the l 35;. Transportation 12004250 A l 1015 10:98:33 All Steel Buildings ., HV! Stength' __ dean-rant? steel mTytrsy man‘ was. 25:40 320-3, 4-3130. 50xl oo ether; Inwu anon Reads. Bouts VenL sAiyyprr? drawings Proneer BABY CRI' mm mattress Purchased atSears 2bhtte stcc C632] 1152 BED, SIM Ianmrg. over S2600 vnuesiec, 2 sets of bulbs electrrc has! lo raise and Iewer Shin: I ha we several thousand yards of new ':itaomaster and I00N. Nylon carpet WIII an Immgroarr and hall 'or $389 Pure rcludes carpet pad and Installahun '3C sq m" Call Steve 5 If} F38} 1336-504 #349" _ _ wwwsmrneertroldirrgs mm HOCKEY TABLE. Bunswur m an halve-v table. 1 n 6 't [net-en! (mm-Ur 333': Call F48 C883 DOL. 15 tl, mien. slime gonna xx: ar blanket Una year GIG S20C bl2 I812 n o c Call 635215 79 on the internet ... CARPET MP, 12%;: [DR ONLY S39 99 A MONTH! already with a renamed :o'npanr' Transter rm FREE No credit :hecus. uwwjeleve: unnect com An 5 1017 wa'nclii {ml A gram? 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Pea-1| lul nape rtugTral trtrrHs" warm .mp1: SPT' all “Jun and Ian am , Iva: ' ."vi en's" law ll 'sYy" If a Mike at idbiio him 669 5830 "CG ROOM Met scat" nah (Teal lame, a {hang China cab-net paid $250: ', aSungSFC-C' 3931229 l, BUY IT SELL IT RENT 1'11! WATERLOO CHRONICLE Phoms 895-5230 Fax 523-126] Real EstatetRentats ISM. 166511 700-1 TSO HIE GARAGE SALE. We 'arnulles. Sat July 1. 8 's, Sornethmg ion everyone' Frry. Road NW D1 "may; 3 mes West M Glee Men SAT.JOHE26.8 ?.6tl Eastgate Walk ' IWatemo.i, Cnereris tors. mes. Books clnmlng. baby Items All “ems priced to [curd-"ms rm. male. "ms:- traoed, veg a. a" shots S350o t: a F.5,1) 385/ ptrrrmer. m1 I n1 mm rotrrocaupored nulsrandn temperamenv ar-d bug Parents 0r- Tttt Reasonslt Cwnvrs only i, I qh69 ECG Waterloo Yard Sales 0 fT 1126 thoi2'sl" I SC at Conestoga Lake. Iormalv, Conestoga Blvd FeedCarmany CONVENIENT WATEILOO CHIOIIICLE Call 895-5230 Fax 623-1261 that's Classified! CLASSIFIED Cocks: Spaniel ‘m xhc-ts 'outstanding ar-d SIIP Rewortsitye I PETS 1205 Enigma Black and tam Smooth coat Vet checked. hrst arms Only two females Mt Ready Ma'- Asking $6 50. Call Mi? 4E 1994 NIssan Senna Auto. AMFM Cassette. 2 Uri-3r CHF, .- £399“ orrnd hm ctehsp wet checked frrst shots “Read; lo so now 5450 i519: M39 5 Only 53,000 km Five speed. 4 door god ALL-T M5120 [tested Excellent LIV-Mum $11,259 884 2199 3195-: 5729923 TRAILER. 10mm n-w a w 12m teil/sh'""'} 1993 FORD lemon 4 sic-3r new brakes. '3Pw muttier and awe hell Dower r'm var alumnmum drama 9x reller' it"ldtllnr‘ [84.2-31- km Cert and E test 31886 JN Ir68 SMOAT NORDIC-l ll- wn' l'avln- Hm: “mu-hur- wtt' I gym-1 " a mu i _ '~Ill‘ nail I new 4m: , my . 'I'.'P' 'I'V"). n"It" 'urw’i Trailers, RVs ' Sites 'r/tith?, F"?! . Mu ke r-l wet' In imxd rr'vnmllm, run Ira! at I anmng< hallpv Park WVâ€! rvorrl sanc- KHAN. 115+ Cert. ail East 2001 Toyota ciassified@waterioochronicteaa . - ITEMS - $50 or less SELL IT FREE! $2.000 or less 5m IT ran $6.30! - YARD SALES - $13.65 Buy it, Sell it, Rent it! rGolden Remain: 895-5230 Edie; Call for details: Monday - Thursday, 8am - 7pm Friday, Sam - Spm Saturday 9am - 12 noon Fax: 623-1261 editorial ©wateriooch ro nicle ca sports @walerloochronicle ca sales a wate rloochromtle ca classmed @wate rlooch mnlcie ca composung © waterloochronlcleca . _all hpr. iw, Eg:%a\e Putehved. fawn. registered mm- CKC. hrs! shots, lama} raised. female. gua'arteed $145-$- Call Shawn 51978013“ ur 2?M638 taxri eyes. tgngle tree. coat by mum; in" hymn Cindy 2 shah. 7 dtGIrrrnen. we! checked {5191655279L mm. an.“ ttu', Quddv ci r nu! WITERLOO 1980 OLDS Delta 88 Royal Brut. ham. 14-3300 ems Tttr', as s u D C' 6238985 CV 322 2033 1989 BUFCK LeSaore 4 noon 30 mes/gallon hwy and 20 My As s 5500 384 98 " Trucks ' Span 0tilities INN F350 Guam. luck Bodv In great ahape Hard.- mar wecol $2036 c. b o as I) Must ae'l Call Todd 632 b?86, You can become a Successful Writer Laxa‘mi ' al [an h?l 1.9%] Thank Yul: Fur RCA£IIHLI t ulay'x Ed" h In of Tlu. W’atcrlm " :IIIUIIIK Iv wa‘ r-paama may“ I air-aha .22; a; :9an tr! tho Hui StihTm CHIONICLE In HH'r". in Pl "w" Am. 60 gaWm cor" alete S?C0 Call hem-es" F. D rr B p m HEREBY]! GARAGE FOR ventstc'ag. Dawson St Cent" Aaterkro Call Md 9620 SOFT TOP with soft ircor'e, Ms [985 r.ir9': WI Wranglel [xiPllen' can (Mum SEED coo Cai BECOME A Cnnaehm by rorrewcmrhmre at -:r r""W.", J math _ In 5:1er .1: r -Pdlrerlms1 rum tc. lee ‘zw‘wllng :qu rowan 'v'n hm) tr Hart a I â€-0 . ardwniue" I Fto M c. End-’1 wT.r1 Pet Services a Accessories 1215 1993 CHEVY Sa'an Ar " celled. Nell manta-mad E lesteo 52201}, I519: b m 12-22. 998C281, Parts ' V Accessories I I'll" will.) Iran-1mg , or" Tood cad 5286' CONVENIENT that's Classified! Tha nk l on for reading today's edition affine T a te rioo Chronirk rage