N IC H T qWaiilililr Live musical L I V E entertainment! No cover charge. Saturday July 3: MARTIN 8: KRAMER ll!ll. dug " (tdied',',?,',,"', & Mike Stumpf -Ju 17: Kevin sman & Angela Brubacher Visit wtvusatdgcobs.grtrro tor more Information about Stone Crock services and specials? W 1519t Gti4-2575 I WK kortp, SL. N I _ JAt HHS WW Bewamin's . Stone Crock . Vidalia's Market Dinllig Bakery . eats a Cheese . Catering . Seminar & Banquet Rooms with Bill Er Eileen Griffiths TE/EI/IX-tStr-q Show Saturday Nights 'tfr/ad Gary Wter APetals 'c'", Pots Inc. it.. NV' Now accepting reservations for SUNDAY IKUMJCCHJ “mu full: \ t519t664-2286 In)“ King Fit, 81 JAt 'UHS {WIMP}: 725 Ottawa St S Call 742-7221 l n.‘l‘l.'\ I'll-1:. h tyl oi RI 'IIqII Rummy")! A? ( "rsttv, ms: f -eiiiiiaii""6"i'iii", RH." I I mm. to 3 pan. H. MILL! H H" m. Arpic “ha. dit Hun-uln- hr, huh I'm. I'm, i,tt l llc.. f, .Imlc H rn \r..-n- an Fi, 1.aau-st%. 'oertls " , .n IIA'J N .ul., an I: “may: f h.‘ Minder; 6lip'pytrs1ttMe E Pu In'.,, Flower & @5th 1-H: , Call "s-2tttt llm, "I bjsii, B jrie ighY g4?) FRESH ONTAKIN STRAWBERRIES a Strawberry Pie: $8.50 each C Stawberry Tarts: Sl.75 each Stawberry Shortcake: S I4 05 . " . ,V . t" Llama a (In-Th /rrth _.r-‘.'nnr tr" Minn; uh:- r" _ - E MEATS & CHEESE j Centre Cut Pork Loin (‘hnps........$3.29 lh. New York Strip Loin Steaks.........$8.99 Ih. Deli Sliced Roast Beef& Roast P0rk.............$5.99 m. Sirloin Tip Roasts....... Pepperettes (pkg. of lil).....-........ $4.50 Medium Cheddar.......... Lily Tomlin booked for Centre in the Square show GM ready to laugh with Lily ['nmlin as she brings her unique «may of humour to the (mum in the Square for a special Thanks- giving Hay performance. 011 It) at 2 pin Tomlin is an award win- Hing comedian and chantry ter actress best known for her "Laugh-ln" characters lidilh Ann and [immune tiw phone operator. Stone Crock Bakery [519) 664-3612 1402 King St.,STI JACOBS Drayton Entertainment celeb brates Me, laughter, and love the second time around with the heartwarming com Edy, The Cemetery Club, through July 17 at the Dray- ton Festival Theatre, Star- rung In the production are Rosemary Radcliffe. Jocelyne Zucco. Linda Goranson and Ian Dowme [k ".. 'r c.. (htrretttly, Tomlin plays Deborah Fidcrer, the presi- dent's cxecutive secretary [Ill ’1\ 's "The Wvst Wing". tungle Tickets for Lily l'umlm start at sw and ml! be available for sale as. \ill- glc tirkee, Sept. ll. tyall the centre's hox office an 578-1370. Tickets are also available online in real-tinte at www.ct'nlrv- squalrul'nm. .........$3.49lh. Cemetery Club ........$6.09 In.