Forecast: Hot! Hot! Hot! .IV'IOFQINV COI’OIA IION FIRSTGULF Q,†(0 (4/! f I! 7 Quinn ff I! tls f 1lll-liilBgttats WHO SHAPE ova COMIN- Discover how BodyTalkW can naturally improve your health. Introduced by Dr. John Veltheim in the mid 1990's. BodyTalk"M is now used by thousands of people around the world as a simple and effective means to [real allergies, ailments and illness. Je '8‘ cerena health The BodyTalkTM System Free Public Presentation By Sylvia Muiznieks. BSc., RMT, CBP. CBI Simple. Safe, Non-invasive, Effective Wed., July 7, 2004, 7:30 pm-9:30pm RIM Park, Forbes Banquet Hall 2001 University Ave., Waterloo, ON COMPLEMENIARY HEAH’HCARE beginning. and for the last six years have shared numerous days chatting over tea. visiting various gift shops and appreciating Dorothy Preece is a huge fan of For Preece, her favourite part about volunteering. she said, is, "Being able to be her friend and help hen" She also helps to keep the soul of her favourite actor and singer alive by volunteering for the famous annual Elvis festival in Collingwood each year. So for as long as she can. she will continue her cher- ished friendship with Rosie and keep her "Blue Suede Shoes" dancing to the "lail- house Rock." each other's company. "It's a woman thing." said Preece while sipping her vanilla- flavoured tea. Preece's helping hands don't stop with the friend- ship3roup. According to Hosie, peo- ple have said on a number of occasions the two even resemble each other. "I couldn't ask for anyone bet- ter," said B2-year-old Hosie. "l've been blessed." According to Higgs, the KW Friendship Group has approximately 130 volun- teers and 180 clients. "We're always looking for more vol- unteers." she said. "The King", Elvis Presley.