Mmmg In a new. um tltdy um mm h" an] ing. it um olso lu- lnnle .11 lirst. “ring unmumlml In lulu nt' unlullulLu Ln rx wilds m Imu' " pun-n rm-l ing isululnl. t “In i.slF, Inn .1 sunny ulm ' lml l" Mr to gel nu! "'s l'.|\l|\ Bu! tor 1Itito lhnn- m Wuttrrloo. slu. “Ax imlulmn- In huu- mm a [what mm h for .1 um Im-m! And it ll “mm in: Hu- kit Frietuisluit (.Imzp In†Simian and thc lug hum ot l)urmh_\ Pun-nu s.htr um nun-r lune lJll'IK' 411(st such a good '"otui'aruorl- rhe mgmnmlmn affording ttt Heathct lhgg» til .\l)\\..ll ll il 12:00 pm Denise Pellcy " :45 pm John Sherwood Trio 3:15 pm Peter Appleyard CHILDREN‘S u ' I " I HES Saturday, July It) from l2 noun Me 4 p.111. Bring Tour lawn chair! HUD-u. Jul , 9 (1:30 pm Laura Hubert 8:15 pm Shuine Demons S;\'l‘lTRl)\\.Vll IA In 12:15 pm Kevin Clark & the Joking Olivers 2:00 pm Cathy Menard 3:45 pm Jake Langley 5:30 pm Time Warp 7:15 pm Denial Sinclaire 9:00 pm Rance Lee In Am†n. [max for Hm hum. c7617 VOLUNYEERS WHO SHAPE OUR COMMUNfTY Itu- tll mdluulur oi the pro gram and volursttirs,. Is dwguml [u help people live m the" lmnw for as long, as |7\)\\lhll' "If n-duuw rluur NJIJIJUH and lunclnwxsf she mud, I'n'm r mun-d hum fit Lulu-“nus to hlll'hener null hm hmhamd Alum! I! um s ago Uwr about " yum mm (ll'l idvd try “mn- uuu a [mun]! [mlr "tvigltlsourhood In Ilu- nm’lh cud ofWater- Inn. u‘lu-n- she spunk her mm In the gunk-n mm her [Inn 1-“ and gvnlngum lt? do mum shopping Che odd mm- mu um find her llip- pm; thrvugh \unw paper- hdl‘Ls um (hr tire or her Lnnuriu- singer. Elvis Prev Iv). And " yum ever sin}! by irsr a visit. you'll Ire 'sure to mm ht.r life-sized mudvl of "H L9 "Ot, " " thr. mum u ml and glanrr Ihnmgh nunwmux plum" of prrxulml .hsislillll\ .md mhrrs who \u-rr (luw m tiw hrirshukrrigliarowako Hut “In-n Prtwtw ttttned In the itrt'st ssltt. \mnlml In sum \nlumcrnng and nun-[mg [wuplr in he: mm runmluml} After [turning about llu- AW hwndxhip hump. Much npvrums out at line [mu Unilvd (ihurrh in Kiwltottt Uw derided In apply In hm'unn- a rnllllr tt'tt Nkm.almost eight yvats larer. she still dmhmu's .1 [cw hours of her wvck hm luring the hum of senimx In luly 19Hii. "tren Precce shun-d volmttecring with the frivndxhip group. slu- was matched up with a lady Continued on page 16 for SIDEWALK SALE SAVINGS up to 50% OFF 16 King St, South, Waterloo 886-2990 COME