University of 1lhttttrltttt ttttttttt ttttnh-tttttttt on the Great Lakes n "tterrratitmal (on Ajcu-nu- hu’lhlllg on he Great I .lkt's. It‘d mung annuihr [mu-am It, Imumgrnwnl lellrngm and pulley h luring held ttt thc Uuirets'rty u! Wuwrloo this, wvck [he 47th Annual Ctniter cure at the International Assunulmn tor Great lakes For the latest Information, visit us M, drop bx ‘your local Chevrolel Ocular or call us It 1-000-6me 11.1% m a "is an In mun-h qgiPMa A mm Dump"! m 'rad- M SR 1‘19 05531 GT.- lS-Ivnvmn PW rt (Lab FUN 1'altlla1nv I S lwh H-‘lellaldn MD RTF- ls mum Annual msl 01 mm a! n 'ewo Wu. _ n. [w aw..." lunar m Dhrrhaw a. knew and .s in! 1003‘s 92$?! 2'81 No; mam lave: Annual hm: mm ot XI non In 'tt " pow 93116 km» ChNw can: nun-mm avalahlo _ Rawd rm MQRD or PM: Raw f‘mvr'llp' Colorado Fretprmr nah Human! Hum 90;: and admmlvvnl-Dn rhnva¢< nnl unlludM‘ 'v' “our" ' 3‘41:va Grin $onrx Monro "<ll‘aNP "Npstrmsrwt PPSA anmmmvalm rm and lax-M ml oriodret WThar Sum'ls nu "mm MM nnd ms an“. rummag- Manu- rate m- am auallahlo mm and am am tioialret or We Tam Fur haw Pam _ Ire (1le [1-er m- - luv may Smml l nu Gulf. Duran-s.- (canary nil-w and the - our “haw wilt" v< norm unda- Wnv'rv' .al duvlnmn lam m an a "tTS" a! harm-lg WIN! or ml ma um- roomy-ms ml 'rtrprerqt llr-d ls wound m he --, as an my W my: Much m 4 T?"s '%lvssrmtn 2'th l -l Cat:, F‘u I'marrlnq nr' amrrrovrrd aunt rrrtrbt mly {m 03M wad- ing“. 'arcnrrT8r rtmN's'I my no mum-n tHrahtr m.rrnr'ot and my a mvrnwmq mll srBry alarm-no on amnur‘l myva and _ nav'nannmrlo F ample $lv’l non " rre APR the mnnml'y pay-nan? m was 11 'tte 43 mm‘ "Mr-um or W -tqtttm.s "lav tae avmtrqhtr' where m“- .m~< "I" irv a “m? Dm- haw V" P 0"" ltr tun-r1 TI the avatar» Imam-q; Mic-r msum may ho lam mm damlrm and W who may tsup ten a MP'" Mow-1° "mm-ml tates " trymrs WV m prwa new 'tr Asmnwnm "Ind-k N sr-Wore; sou-ppm as dour-hm W m m quantum mqad mam w- ma mum Ctevrrye. . !Mvnnhlla- nuaw Mada-Mg A‘Wlallnn area only Ilnvludlnq ihptmqoar; and "cum m<m (harm n-nlpv lump may no mound rind-n _". are Crown to 'trrt lndlvvdual max I mm: 7mm Mhe alum may am no r mum-1 w othe My: ramm- Inna-00‘ m See your mama In: rm‘ um dank may; - A low-d Walkman: M annual Ma'an Cnrpn’alm m Lanada Yum Imwd new ad man Una Ivvlnnal-mu 9mm A-ahryrr TD r ,anam lmv and (a: W may a! mans . had- mark ot "um 1:70er 00'"le Bars '34tyr0"'itgtgt tii:ii'iriiftAi"j TRUCKS THE ONLY THING IT DOESN'T HAUL IS A BIG PRICE TAG,, 'HutErtttm"m0atM5KPthretmtqtFm m-a-smmmmmmm "hrat"trmtNrthtodmt_aaehhntttHNtr oerturttMS-qtV2tVq@SrqtFhtotBaotett WWMTM "Great lakes Need Grcut Watersheds." "KnrhevnttWa1erttro [JUL dam on the drainage divide ul Ihrm- Great lakes and this region has particular impurv "tv,earch, runmng now lhruugh Iuiduy. WI†ultra†hundreds of drlrguws hum around (hr world. [hr theuus n! the "leett"g Is 'grit,".',','.')',".,, “W“ * l t"a't',t,'d'l','" '525_3__ T - I an...†A-’.r __ . I. [t* " â€mush . 6“st Err.“ um. mea r a.†a...†. 'P-rs-mt- no» 99mm». . 7w:- Q 'H'" 31:3 - / k, affix: "l,": . . 'jili'. f I, a: _ ",* ', . ,7 "C . P-' . h lance Iu their manage mum." sand UW Prot. Robert Htwky, "We are 21 leader m many aspeus ut great lakes science around the world. Including the great lakes in Akita" More than 400 prestmtu- tions will be made, primarily by 11.5. and Canadian researchers but with Invited purchase flu-nth: participants [mm Russia. ranrania, Uganda. Kenya as well as European attendees, lhe guest speaker will he Michael Donahue ol the Great Lakes Commission. who will address the inter- section 0f science, policy and management in the Great Lakes. Throughout four days of scientific ses- 'it '28,94ty can urchin prie I nuns Cruesday through Fri. days. a range of topics such as environmental cunlamir â€ants. lake habitats, fish- cues and water quality will he discussed, Student partu‘lpanun n integral IO the atmosphere of these meetmgs The Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources actively promotes urere very pleased that S25,000 in funding from the Canadian-Ontario Agree- mam on the Great Lakes Basin is being used to create a student travel fund III the ministry's name." said Cheryl Lewis, manager of aquatic research and devel- opment section for the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources. student achievement and improves access lo the txhr rational opporturtittes dl um conference, "By creating this travel fund we are encouraging participation in this meet- ing and helping nurture future Great Lakes scien- lists." she added. The annual conference is one of the maior undertak- ings of the association that began in 1967 as an intema- tional organization devoted to the advancement of research. management and policy development related to great lakes. It has nearly 1.000 mem- bers. with some two-thiMs from the IIS.. one-quarter from Canada and the rest throughout the world. It publishes the Journal of Great Lakes Research fea- turing international research. Information on the International Associa- lion of Great Lakes Research. including links to the conference Web site. can be found at httpzl twwiiagicorg. Volunteers needed This Sunday in over 70 communities across Canada. members of the public are invited to join Zellers associates for the annual tellers Family Walk for Cystic Fibrosis (CPL The Kitchener-Waterloo walk is being hosted by the 7ellers More al the Laurent ian Pave: (lemma located at Ottawa Street and Slmshurg Road in Kitchener. All proceeds will be donated to the Canadian Cystic Fibrosis Mundalinn Kelli-rs has raised over S20.000 forCF research. Pledge forms will be available from any Kellen More service desk. or the cr chapter office at 528 Park St., Kitchener, Call 772-2300 for mom information. Voturtteers aw needed to help street youth for ROOF.. a local agency who Cares for and supports homeless youth in the com» munity RA? 0 F m looking for hoard members who have skills in marketing and fundraising and who share a passion to advocate on behalf of homeless youth For more information call Brian at 742 278tt