nut of it think - "'ltk, nut ahuul the lesson plan. or the curriculum It's about what you can tabr "I think Pavey"s gl-nlus p, that he realizes that Cm not going In remember the ape rim dates of the bank's of the civil war." sand frihrn nell "Instead he teaches you the lessons of historv, One of those students inspired by the life lessons is Ashley O'Donnell. who took Paw-ya Grade II American pnlilrn rnurw and joined him on a class trip to the halls of pom-r Ill Washington. "t... and New York earlier this war "That's how I ht" up my count- - these an- the ideas In pnlinrs and this Is the reality: Irv, a really good life lesson for them In learn." "The one great thing about teaching at the ser- ondary level is that the stu- dents are not yet jaded ur cynical. or at least not (our pletely." said Pavev, "ho when we talk ahnul ideas. philosophy and [minim they really get inn) that because thcy (Imelnp a sense of how the wand should he instead of how it Not bad for a teacher who spends an much or his time talking about dead people. But that',, the importance of an ans edu- cation. said Pavey While the author of an idea might be dead. the ideals still live an. And in the marketplace oi idem it's important to help his slu- dents analyze new ideas with a critical mind. WCI teacher wins award Continued [mm page 14 the next generation of lead. ers who have come tttrough his classroom. In his nomination for the award his passion for ideas was praised. and the strong moral centre he derives horn them lauded. But what sets him apart is his ability to inspire his students In reach their full potential. Oprah Winfrey was born in January [954.111 a farmhouse on the outskirts of Kosousko. Miss. There is a road named after Oprah Winfrey It leads to the Buffalo Community Church where Oprah first performed as a young girl. Purple Wisteria adorns Oprah Winfrey Road He makes vnu the Buffalo Community Church Is a simple. white trame building. At a bend in the road yusl beyond the church. we came In a sign marking the site of the house where Oprah lived until she was six, The house is gone. lhe colour of this salad reminds us of the purple Wisteria along Oprah Win- frey Road. We drum-t1 In check out "0th Wintrey Road" tor ourseixen. We dmu- mu ul humus“) nn a winding paved hlghnuy. It was spring Prolific clusters at pale purple whit-nu hung from the trees and fence posts, Oprah Wmfrev Road is Imrmw. unpaved. loose red grand. Visit us at 300 Weber Street North, In Waterloo. For more Information call 519.884.9000 or 1.800.465.8003 gmtrtttarto.ettttt On Saturday May 291h_we're “clung all summer with an exclusive d-solay of vehrcles from the past, present and future The; IS your chance to get a glimpse of exerting new 2005's from Chevrolet and Hummer, see vintage Vettes from the Golden Inangle Corvette Club and drive away mth a great deal from out 2004 Inventory. So go ahead and math May 29th on your calendar and plan for a Super Saturday at Schlueter Chevrolet Hummer J,iiii')l-""ti)r1llllllli Imtatpthtemtt" I Ettt.rhtraetsaeteet-tta I It%t5ttattthtgtm "WHOM"! "tttttFra-tet" aIIZOMCMVrI' Get more than a sneak peek at what's coming down the road. Dice the fennel. celery and apple. Add the fennel. celery and apple to the red cabbage. Toss the ingredi- ems "ogether. Add the raisins and toss again. I'hinly shred the cab- huge, Cut the shredded cab- hage crosswise in order to create bite-size pieces. Place the red cabbage in a howl. CRUNCHY RED CABBAGE FENNEL SALAD 1 (upx shredded red cats, huge 15: [up Cmely diced fennel stalk 1:4 cup finely diced celery I :4 cup tiuely diced apple. peel on I /tt cup raisins 3 lahlespuuns mayonnaise trt teaspoon salt iMtikes H m 4 an Wigs! Place the salad in it san- iug bowl and refrigerate until ready to strut (.umhlne the muyun- must and salt in a sepuruw hule Sm thoroughly. Add the mayonnaise mumm- In the culmage mixture. Stir unul the ingredients are completely mixed. tiiuperl!tiaturdia!g DI'ESEHI'S May 29. 2004