lhr “Am-[lulu lunnu h- Ps pulllhhnl urn \h-durxdm trs [hr LUNA.“ (.1..le ossued In 1 m Mcdoooup Inn .J \lthllhdl\ ol Innâ€: l mp Hu- 'oruvttoirrlithpapt" Ps irritt Il'd In; qunghl and um lw usrd "l In†pcihoital mm t "mmeuual plleusu'x Ill ulhn nghh are rug-nut and \uuum‘nldl use Ps pmhlhllrd lo umlu- uw oi lhh man-nu] mu 1mm first “hum the pemuxnun uf the nwner oi The copyright edttorialevwaterloochronicleca sportsewaterioochmnicleca salesewaterioochronicie.ca composingewatedoochronicle.ca WAI'ERU k) CHRONICLE l hr. Waterl"ot llrunn h- and: mum Inn-n m thr' Fdttor "my $I|nllld hr slgllf‘l will! ndmv- "drtrrss and I‘lmnv IIItht-r and WIN hr verrfivd h " a: , m... v ho "munm Inn-u mu hr publnhnl Nubmivuorts In.“ br. mluml In. Iniglll v... plmw I-r hurl I "pvTrxrutulctirusartrterthe mall'lldk mlnmlml In thr. Put-Inbr- and ar x n-plml tor puhln Jill!" wrunm mlhlhu mull-a quuwpnhhsIu-u and m n. mum“ m." "My, vI-‘Irlulu- " thrmr nun-m a-Inlvr-uu ..r..v|u~rI.-nm run maul-"g adults-v. u. "““mlwr Nt N “ml Ji) \VArrrlun '~"| IP.' Phone M6-2h30 Fax: tlt5tr93tr3 www.waterlouchromcle ca 279 Weber M.. North. Suile 20 Waterloo, Unlariu NZ] 3U8 The Views afoul coiumnists are their own and do not necessarily represent those of the newspaper Gluulell-I @35er 1 V rtul4.u" , Mart Mrller 'bpecul Punk-415 WI Prokrls Mgr. 52} " I K. 5231-7213. Fat, 20“ Far. 21 ll {madman l’ublsunum Matl INMes Prod un Ntrmrroem Number 40050478 Inlrmanunal ytandard 'ieriit Number ISSN 0832-34 to {dwarf-ruin; Yates. Fat . 222 Allah u_'usflyrr Pwame Fegdg-ndolf Magtqer.Ext.2Mt Salami: magi: www.mzzs Wane-Irv - mm? Gerry Marim- Letters Policy Ciib1qrt Rimmed I In â€Luann R "hut Mai-i., anpudnu Norma Lyra A Vs With each passing The roadwork in day of the project. I seemed to slouch Waterloo has further into my seat become more and grind my teeth a . little harder. lt was than a minor not because of the . . traffic itself, but Inconvenience... rather the seemingly extra slaw pace at which this type of work is done. Crews would seem In he entirely absent some days, while on other days having only few workers. (If course there were also days with the stereotypical favourite when there are many wnrkers. "let's all stand around and lean (In these shovcrs". N thc rod of the (luv. it p, the taxpaycrs' mum-v and I 03(me that Htl' tax dullan will hr used ' ml 0|le Iiu'ly, and "wrstx prn1m'ls that I ottrilsuic In will hr planm'tl. tank-d um and iinv,hcrl In " nu Sortable amuunl of Inm- I don't understand why they put the signs up that lull you how long thc wurk is m he done fur beams:- it m‘wr Cmir,hcs on timc anyway: [ would assunw that the runmu'mrs hid on thee iohs, providing a quoted price and thc timeline for completion. Aren't more any rcpcrcusriitrns when it gum way nwrlimo'le is this all a scam? flere's my intcrprclat'rmr, Thesc contractors pmlr ably promise an unrealistic completion Iimv and priro In get the inh. and then once thcy have the cunlrarl. apply the work and time lnrmula that should have horn used in lhv first place Thvy are undoubtedly serum in the knowlvdgr that Ilu-y willnrnlosvthcvontractor he pcnalired in any way. probably blaming thc "usual rmspcrts". like wvathcr and other unfrm-sl'vn circumstances for the drlayx. Ihcy should ills! Prttt a sign that any" whvn n will start,andthvn thc completion time should trad, "Whvn we frvl we haw aggravated (-nnugh prank: Art. will finish!" I umh'rslaml this work can he difficult at thc hrs! of lulu-x and I may I)(' playing on wmt' uninfnrmml stcrtoypical views of roadwork, hut my point Is that thtrt. musl In- " hum-r way In finish thras- prim-t ts mnn‘ quit Hy and PIT" irmly, These improvements have been long overdue, and I was even willing to grin and bear the minor inconvenience that goes along with road improve- mems. I had made this decision assuming of course that they were to be done in a reasonable amount of time and perhaps planned in phases or manageable segments so as to ease the disruptions. Herein lay the two main problems that seem to plague any road reconstruction project: it all seems to happen at once and it is never done in a reason- able amount of time. The roadwork inWalerloo has become more than a minor inconvenience; it has become a nightmare to travel in some of the central areas and along some of the main road arteries. This really goes back to last year while witnessing the Columbia Street improvements progress at such a snail's pace as I inched up and down Columbia every day going to and from work. t is good to see that our city and regional councils Ihave finally gone ahead with much-needed road repair and reconstruction inWaterloo. It goes without saying that over the years. the excessive damage to my tires and suspension should have warranted a tax break from the city At any rate. like many citizens. I'm glad to see a percentage of my regional tax dollars and/or prop- erty taxes actually go towards something that every citizen will probably at one point or another use. unlike that wonderful money pit known as RIM Roadwork is a nightmare The roadwork in Waterloo has become more than a minor inconvenience... v! fig)),,,,)"]? OI Jason kiffman Wtrtcrlrro " wundx Nor, ol rumplu'au-d lo mu, Still. thr rznw unm- wuh (hr ('xplannlmn [hr iures “I" n'mum 1 hcapcr than 1hr (Inmrin .lwmgr It's when you talk about the hundreds it will mean to the average taxpayers that it seems large. Yup, and it has to be large because health costs come with big num- hers. Yup. and the guy who said that taxes would someday leave us half-way broke was a loysy jnge of distance. Bdtiléé and Butts: The most pre- dimahle thing in tho budget was the irwreasyd levies on cigarettes and booze. It's hard In figure how any rational person still smokes in the light of the outrageous cost, and the pricc you pay in the tcrms of earlier mortality. Fare Enough: Holy Smnkr! Grand Rivcr lransil farm for regular lransil and fur the dir,ahlcd wall risr 25 (cuts In $2.25. I ash fares [arr thc higgt'sl nun-aw hvmuw Inan ridttswwirrrvitstrrtwkvts - low im'mm- result-nix have an?“ In suhmlin-d bus Pit'" and try 100.000 bus tirkets tiistnlsutvd by .H agvrtrivs We can't complain. We want the best in health care and that comes at a price - a big price. The health premium is one way of raising dough, and it appears as good a way as any. Gosh, lhc additional Iaxcs arc real thumpers, Imagine. Cig- art-Hrs gt) up by about $2.50 a carton. Beer goe up by 45 cums " a two-four. Wino has gone up 13 cum a Iug [which doesn't sot-m much) whilc hard liquor inrrl-aws by 25 cents a litre. maria hardly flinched a bit in getting Obashed in the beak with the Grits' first budget. The blow that really left a bruise was a health-premium levy, a payroll deduction that'll cost all but the lowest earners between $300 and $900 a year. Say, have you hcard about s the new group called Smnkors ii Anonymous? When you fool a slmng ttrge to smoke. W" dial a number and you go! a lot n! folks coughing And spcaking of mortality. thy {aw G mush-rs and non smoktts is 100 P" n-nl. Ilu, only differvno. is the liming Health care bears hefty price tag \\ lil m u: 1 (110x101 And ilu. n-gmn lr .h;vi"iti,,-i2'i), iij,tiir-)S" , fts 's, . . _ ifgtSt lb (tiii: ss' tif, "li")";;';';,"','-),)';,, iiiji?frtiCti' A trlN pmmm-tl " “mgr-5 SANDY BAIRD Q" On the Market: Kin-hvm-r laxpaycrs may soon haw thvir (-quivak'm of RIM Park to [rm aimut. Yup, thrve times in row-n! wvvks a kitrlr ('nt'r taxpayer told me of worrics about thc l'ulun' of the Kitcherwr markt'l. Mavhe. there'll he no n‘asnn fur wnrrv Mavhr the. market will hr " big sm l PNN Anyhow, we shnultln'l frct about any prob lcm In ddviutt-c. With all tht. world), prnhlrmx. It's "" " lo mad thc vliqul‘llv rulumn~ and Imam _ arr still a 10w [N‘nplt' whosc xhwl worn is ang [hr wrung fork Time of Crisis: I was talking to a doctor, an experienced specialist, the other day and he had some gloomy thoughts on our med- ical situation. "Future" meaning what happens when il'snprn and operating, Inasmuch as I didn't raise Ihv market as a strhicct and havvtit hot-n timing a lot of talking and Iravrling. 1 though! the thrvv mentions wt-n' a lot. tion that more bus tickets be sold to poor people at the rate offered students and seniors. Gee, but it would be helpful if the poor were to get half the money spent studying them. We were talking about the budget. and he said that we are headed for a full-scale, honest-Inlun medical crisis. All the parties are more or less ducking it now, but it will come. He's right on one point. Our legislators are unpredictable. You never know what urgent problem they're not going to do any- thing about. On the Hustings: The Globe and Mail has finally awarded the federal election lo the Grits. That's after weeks oi , " backing and filling. and Unsung u, E R them as sadsacks The outcome? He more or less shook his head at the, thought. Hul that?, appardruiy history now and thc Grits arr headed for a majority. For an edition or so. you began in wonder why there should he an clcvtion mall. That's horausc the Tories were running so good and thc NDI' were gaining a little ground. It's good that we have ahnut four years ha-lwccn Medians. " takes about that long for folks In regain their faith.