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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 19 May 2004, p. 34

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t PUBLIC MEETING CONCERNINEA ZONE CHANGE , APPLICATION & A PLAN OF SUBDIVISION The (My “I Watcrloo Hm lkTartment Is conducting scheduled mmntenance of fire hydrants Thes on gumg program IN desigrtcd In cnsurc that the hydrants will oper- arc prupcrly when “calm! Thu year's program WI“ mvulw all hydrants In thc clty and should hc ualnplclnl by the 6nd of Nnu-Inhcr TAKE NOTICE that thc (hum. II III thc Corporation oi the Cory III Wauerlotr VIII] hold a Public Mecumy nu Monday. Jun: 7, mm. nu csarlscr than " III p m . In "In: ('uunui Chunk-Is. in] bltsor. Ratcrioo Cny Ccnstrc. 10:) chIm 1UrecN houilt. Wan-rim) In consider thc iolfousmy applsc mun (III approval ol a [hull Plan ol SLIM“ mun and Zomng By -laxs pursudnl lo Suunm 14 ond RI III the Planning All. R S " c PIN ax amended Wm (in-s ("”ngchqu Anhurn DID? - :14qu lune Change Application LIN-02 & Draft Plan of Subdivision N'F-OMZ “In: apphcaru hivs Icqumlcd art .ancnanL-m Ill lhc Lumng,V Hy-lass In oruuut llw InnIng lor the ~IIhIcLI LIIIle III-m Nmplc Rank-mm] Unc "lift V. li' Smplc ftcudcrutal (btw, kn 'Serlil'. ' A “I: spccilic [mung provision an I: ot the bo. 'oi-kim" d [mm yard scrhack ol 6" mcNrcs. and Irom Yimglc ttc-hid-al Una [en 'SRI-IIY lu Lirccn [an '(31' The aPplrcams would IILI- upprmul lut a Drun Plan III Sumnlsli'll In order lo crcatc J PLIn of Suhdivvuon LnIIIuImng; 2,1 might dctacltcd reudvuural lots, d park Mock, AIR] wu- "alk" LV? block, an a l N In I4 45 nut), parcel A pnrlmn ol thc kmds had rum-HIM Dull Plan Aprmml under a prcu~ ouh "ppl-s, t3nr-rimrltri. howcuct thc prnpcny " artucipatcd In macaw III “(C with the .IquIsIIIuII ol ahuump lamb cmd the chlunnl Mumopahiy ot Waterloo has nmlgncd .I “If“ obdtxisrtm number III the ijlc Thu Inzunlt'nzmu~ program IN qolc munm‘. howcwr. " may (“th 'some mmpumr) Imnnu'mcnu‘s sutch ax punt Willl‘f prrxxurc and In N6Uttt' um“ coloured water, If ottourcd wan-r Ps detcctcd. plmw ”pen a mild walcr lap and allow the water to run Imlll ll dean The, Ix " Icmpurun, stttta0on Tht-cet) ot Watcrloo 1't0y fitaff and [hr (I!) of Waterloo hrv lhTartmcm thank you ior your m opcratron and tmdcrstartdmg Any questions or concerns (should he directed to Jud) Biddiscomhe. Utility Ctrstomrr Srrvice Representative, 747-ft613. sion of the Regional Munir rpulirr of Waterloo in respect lo the proposed draft plan of subdivr mint you must make a untten request to Ms. Kris Fletcher, Regional Clerk and Mn Larry Rum-ff. Commissioner of Planning and Culture. Regional Municrpality of Waterloo, lit) Frederick Street. Kttchener. Ontario. NEG 413 A decision of the Couttcsl of the Regional Municipality of Waterloo may be appealed by mak- mg il “THIS" request to Ms Kris Fletcher. Regional Clerk. I5tl Frederick Street. Kitchener. ()ntunu. NEG 413 II a person or public body that Coles an appeal ofa decision of the Regional Miniriprrlilv "t Waterloo m respect to the proposed draft plan of l.uhdmsion does not make oral \uhmimuns at the public meeting, done is held, or make written submnsinn: to the Regional Municipallly "r Waterloo before the proposed draft plan of \ubdivmnn is approved or refused. the Ontario Municipal Board may dismiss the appeal Any person may attend the Public Meeting and/or make a wntlen or verbal representation either in \upport of. or In opposrllnn In the proposed Zoning By-Law Amendment If you wish lo make a presentation to Council, please call 74T8743 pnor lo 9:00 am Monday. June 7, y 104 so that the necessary arrangements can be made to place you on the agenda, In addition. a wntten summary of the presentation should be filed prior to the meeting If a person or public body that tites a notice of appeal of a decision of the Corporation of the City ofWaterloo in respect at the Zoning By-law Amendment does not make oral suhmisslonn at a public meelmg or make written submissions In the (“animation of the Crtv "f Waterloo before the proposed Inning Ely-law Amendment IS adopted. the Omann Municipal Board may drsrmss all or pan of the appeal. THE CITY OF I55 HYDRANT TESTING - MAINTENANCE PROGRAM /' a if» , ix 'i, . -s-zcv m“ if 3% Fred Dobbs, Ctty Clerk a! Waterloo Development Scwrvtces. lad Floor. Waterloo Cily ('cnlrr. Waterloo, Unlunu or by culling 747- 8544, Fur lunhcr mtorrtrdtton regarthng the atyorc "1:111ch plane cumucl the Crly Rnh Trotter, B AA. MA" CP. lkuclupmcm Services undim The Regiunal Mumupullly (If Waterloo. Plunmng and Cuhtrre Department, ISO Frederick Street, Kitchener at by calling 515406IL Brenna MacKonnon, Manager. Dewhxpmcm Planning Thc Council of the Corporahor1 of the Coty of Waterloo well he forts ard, mg Its recommendations onto the Regional Muncipahty of Waterloo for commutation. The Regional Municipality oi Waterloo toil other appmvc thc proposed draft plan of \uhdaviuun or rcfuxc n lf you wish to be notified ofthe dece Tuesday. June tlth, 2004 and Thursday, June mm. 2004 Adult Recreation Centre Adult Recreation Centre 185 King St. S. Waterloo. ON 185 King St. S. Waterloo. ON 9:3il am.-l If“) arm. 7:01) p.m.49:tll) p.m. Participants should attend o_ne of the above dates, as both are similar in structure. Town Hall Meetings are designed to discover what adults 55+ wish to do in their spare time. C time out to meet program staff and volunteers and share your ideas regarding programs, marketing, challenges and volunteerism. Register by June l, 2004 for a Town Hall Meeting please contact: (The Adult Recreation Centre - 579-1020'tLimited Capacity" J The meetings are scheduled for: _ THE cm or WATERLOO RECREATION a. LEISURE SERVICES INVITES YOU TO ATTEND A Monday, June 7 - Displays & Demonstrations 9 am. 'v I2 pm1. (no charge). Take a peck at displays and demonstrations on Creative Craits, Line Dancing, Qi Gong. Woodcarving. SABLE (seniors camp), Old Salts Canoe Club and more! Barbecue I 1:30 a.m. - l:30 pm. Cost: $5/irerson. Enjoy a traditional BBQ and a wonder- ful afternoon of entertainment with the Summit Jazz Band. Pilates Introductory Class l:30 pm. - 2:30 pm. Cost $5tperson, Discover how pilates helps build strength. creates greater agility, balance and offers a calm focused method for getting healthy exercise. Join the City of Waterloo Mayor & Council 6:30 pm (no charge). Council will present the Ten Years of Volunteer Senior Services for the Department of Recreation and Leisure Services. Tuesday, June 8 - Town Hall Meeting 9:30 a.m. - 1 1:30 am. (no charge). Come out to meet the staff and volunteers to share your ideas on what you would like to do in your spare time. Refreshments included. Wednesday. June 9 - Getting Older... Growing Stronger ' 7 pm. - 9 pm. Cost $10/person. Join Family Physician.Aulhor & Speaker Dr. David Rainham as he explores Health. Money, Temperament, Education. and Self-esteem and the challenges of growing older. managing your health care and making the most of retirement. Thursday, June 10 - Town Hall Meeting 7 pm. -. 9 pm. (no charge). Come out and meet the staff and volunteers to share your ideas on what you would like to do in your spare time. Refreshments included. Friday, June 11 - Protect Your Money Schemes, Scams & Fiimftams Presentation 10:00 am. - Il:30 am. (no charge). This seminar will discuss issues related to telephone fraud, investment fraud and home renovation fraud. shown helm; To May l2 City of Walerkm Budget Ad, Tax Bill Breakdown \hnuld have how as TO REGISTER FOR THE ABOVE PROGRAMS PLEASE CONTACT THE ADULT RECREATION CENTRE AT 579-1020 COMMUNITY INFORMATION 886-1550 CHECK-OUT WHAT'S HAPPENING ran SENIOR’S MONTH ACTIVE IN BODY. MIND tk SPIRIT TOWN HALL MEETING Week of June 7th - 13th, 2004 www.city.waterloo.on.ca Tax Bill Breakdown (Includes reassessment impact) Total Property Tax Bill E 11"....an CORRECTION Rag: on A B "4. JOE? Total In: " Imus: 6.27%

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