12W we SHADE TREES The Region‘s Largest Selection H Over tip vanetms These Beauties ofter a multi-season colour spectacle Compact trees tor small gardens. ttro ASH CHEsmlns alumnus 9 LILACS LINDENS LOCUST cars 9 was TULIP TREE Priced & MORE From FABULOUS FRUIT TREES Fruit grim-mg has nrvev been gamer New mTrirahf vanehas o' we 'aicryy; harifr' heavy mu‘AIMER GRQWM trees wnh mam-gran Jenaâ€: Hagan-:5 lo must diseases 0ope 3. Jenna-,5 1m , al tayre' APPLES . â€mums . CHERRIES 99 FEARS . PEACHES . pums 3 & 4 " aid 7-8 tall From ASK ABOUT OUR B-STEP PROGRAM We Rave _ simply 'tseqei,tjir,(,',lj,',rj,f: . - __ - l a I 1 I 1 iirti I a Week I . Monday to Friday " _ _ ' Saturday " Sunday 9-5 Nursery & Garden Centre murmu- WM 1mgmstgmr-d,gttmlrFm-r-hrrW,tqNEarttrrillmstat' = r www.9robenumry.com O: = Feel the "Freedom of Movement" as you allow your body to experience the exciting rhythms of Swing, Disco, Latin, Hip Hop and Country. . {Junk and mm.- release nll'n-qen . Lawn 6 am 'm tt Your not! Valuo , hr.; "?V -. ur mm 1&1er: nit-WWI CHALK-1 .m ' {wit-r :"~1-J'l< m- an. mp '.uof., for :1 . hr Mam-1.- 1mm“ Qurrs" 2uiyr. PAHKWOOD LAWN MID GARDEN PRODUCTS 21 Ar., 2 WW V ;lr-'.-; release 1 1n an H -" u-..“ muss-"can; Frrr a may; m a nutshell "IT" us _ FITNESS _ FRIENDS _ FREEDOM OF MOVEMENT _ FUN . T "St 5588 “DanceIT is FITNESS IN MSGUiSE" a.rs2iIr'l"'a' Choose from 100's of 2-3 & 5 gal. sue plants Fl BOY 3 GET 4th We}: Seed Special Humbeeqworleuum Cream of the Crop The Choce at irrryfessonats' wr'-. 2NMT strum Van G'ti me the res Jts Is $011 easv m wread Fur-rd Premium CJhSoSestSmrghn9 7018“; amass Cattle Manure thiiiiiii Mulch 18 Mt's A' or "m H this; Pour at..i',i 'Ileid pa'lmyr-pva Grade b students from St Clemeot elementary school took over the sen-mg dunes at the SWISS Chalet m Water loo on %turday to use money for the Grand River Reg-anal Canter Centre Sto dents like 12 year-old Stephanie Kupfer. pictured right, helped ratse more than 55,000 In the thrrd annual fundraiser In the prewous two years the school mused more than $10,000 for the (enter (an tre Your Choice From _.. ITttMttelrtt lor ttttt cancer centre From Open , Days Cstrwey Guam. mrn me lnua' brms ct PM Br mwmk Maker, "1 b",r'1W "vrw‘aIa ‘ Be, Reg. 7.99 Dormant Spray Kit Triiie Blend Garden Soil Composted ndl. dark sotl A naturat product to control "Beds and diseases on hm ttees. roses and omamentals 30L 1399 Peat Moss From 1588 Mama; “(an |MCEACHNIE Russ Mcliadmie Rwremenl & In nannuty Ytrtahsr YTUtgnurtN= Thr‘wun‘r'ul me Emu-ml "WHO“ 3 u! Plum-"g lip DI the Was II" PJW‘W’ TER" ms 5 mum & numb mm tM I M9 King MIT ,9 King Mm I. -,,--.-~.- or,) . r: tigfi'rjifi; jliexas)stoe,1,',r,is, “j _ . rr I SHOES FOP WOMEN '20t-80 King St. S. - Waterloo. ON . N2] IP5 Office: (519)886-2560 ext. 251 Email: mssell.mceachnie@investorsgroupxunt STEVEN now trt , mains} Group l The cost to attend is $12 for adults, $6 for children l? and under, and children preschool age and younger are free. Tickets are available in advance by calling 885-5012.