Allie Smith returns to local arts ttttttttNt usirian Alfie smith Smith has been a fea- Mwill play at the tured performer at the Har Waterloo Commu- bourfront Blues Festival. nity Arts Centre this Salur- Mariposa. Hume County, day. haglewuod Mill Race and fimithk mimic 0is as the octoberfolk Festivals, Smith's music owes as much to the past as to the present. His ability to blend blues. folk, ragtime and iarv. allows him to create his uwn unique sound. in added feature m the concert is the “paling an of Robin and John. Born and raised in Hamilton. smith took up guitar at age l3. A atulCrirvitrunlentahV his talented Cmgers love to free the voice of each of the instruments he plays. Whether he is howling the blues on his National Delphi. picking a delicate originals on his Flaltop. punching out ragtime on his vintage Archtup, swinging with some old time jam, on his banjo or wailing a gospel tune on his lap Steel. Smith plays with depth and hon- esty. Smith's third CH. Buck- shot Blues. was released last fall, With 14 original tracks and two classic covers. it is a true representation of his live shows. In the disc, Smith uses his voice as an instrument to draw his audience into his deep abiding passion for the music he performs. Alyssa Wright. cellist and composer. has compared his voice to"rnolasses that would melt the heart uf ol' Scrooge himself". His voice is said to be as "rich as dark creamy chocolate", Jackson releases first CD Continued from page 22 styles taming together, Jackson hvliews the Cl) has something for everyone. "It's a reflectirm of what I like," Jackson said . [here's everything from upbeat rocking mugs m cthereal sounding ballads to plain old folk songs- "There's nothing I hate more than pulling out a CH and having all of the songs sound like a variation (If [hr first. "Good songwriters show variety. nut only in what they write almut. but in thc styles they uw." Jackson", Cl) wit-aw party will take plau- "might at 10 In“. al thc U.irctir, Room in Kitchener. Musi cian Greg Upshaw will alum the shnw. The rim is sr, per person, In $10 with a H l Jackson's (II) is availahh, al Orange Monkey Music in Waterloo. Arrhtop Music and Fatcore Records m Kitchener. and Hunt In ()rhil in Guelph. Jackson win also perform this Saturday night at the Raintree t hfé in Watvrloo He has also played in the Sanderson Centre in Brant- " ~.--.. r" ww- 'eu' HIV Fre' annum 'NMI' t , ' um 'FMrhr" .. mm, e'rT. " u .r. l. - .. PFr - c. _ T . -.. . ,7. . ' "w "tVer" -. a sc " gm mums krepmetrr' Chher haw ntmr:r" avataMa “Fmvarl .5: Hm “(1036.0 9350 hro'lrp mmmrrp wig-“whim pus... m'usl'alm" has andtawrrc ~m mrlmmé VIM euwrllw mortthtr 03qu and ‘m- (nut pur:h;\<n “mama 'aln an: r-r availahlp " and arp rm ravu'alnn on ma't r' lvmaw rum r)ctmnwrh "Io d-f'enmta hslwenn the gun. Par W: §unzul , Air GUM Pmmaw [V‘J'Ifl'Ig mg- and the " .v.»~aw Mn» N r-rtrf "new an", m a dnrmwm Vain ‘r he a was! ot trorrowrni? wholhor n» rm mp urn» 'nprosenl: art Ial rt'rrreu am 's roan-van 'o fun altruism»! at. an annqm pr"rr'rt'aqe whwh K. , {In Fawn Havana St F f " Cab "m “CS-’5] 1%rt IM7 NPR ill" REM â€'13 TIt Jill " "venting or' woman! GMA . Mart-Y truly _ uaymor'l Padrs and in (ncunly ttrapist "lav be mull-Md Mummy fy,,"',",,'", and rot! nl balmwvng wll vary dual-Mung on amourl 30"an and down nayWP'lY "zap r-amplo SM? Don at it». ADP PN' mummy pay-"em Is 3208 1, hr " monlhs nun-mm: m nlhp' unranlums may 1w man-lava wrung ransumms cm Ny a rav- pmr hams puts Mfu- Br svbvlmg the [MI‘ man: lumintmg tyt%r mums "my bu Wagmng mmh disrnunls and mrenhva< wWrct may "nun In a runner 4fttrct Va I'IPRVMI ram " our: "-rrMrt l: armour n' awlrahln mm and Is railpaed m all"; ‘n l m amn-vvsompnl '.taoturrs an)!» to 9-304 nan Dr dgmonwalm "was"; (I! v6rtV nqmpom m damned {mam apply m 87/2'f,' ram-1 CpstiPTWrrs tn rho Ontario Pom-ac . Bunch . GMC Dom-v arm-rung Assocual-nn are: only .‘mclndvng Ornaouam ant: r-rlunvna Narn- mas-larn var-m Dame: am May ho rrmwrtrn luwmd nunnlwms a! We Nevada autumn Deal-vs are fun- m sol ‘nd-vcdua‘ mun I .m lad â€no my" I Mr" max not he numb-nod um» other Mums Cttrtarrt â€who"; apply Sane your lit-aw 'or rand-nuns and dpla-ls 1'mibnit romhrtad h, ma IPL, National 6 ' High-ray -amr Safely Admvmsnanor .NHISlz Fangvsuerea nation-ark n! General Motors Cnrnoun-on TD Canada husk â€anal mgr :1 man: Hm:- l-mv . nay-anal vavlcp tantalum In Canaan W.“ and nu mm â€an ts, and»: â€ham- - n1 I'M Inmmn Dav-"mm- Barw ford, the lighthouse Theatre in Port Dover and the Cam- bridge Arts Centre. _ He is returning to the Waterloo Community Arts Centre to the great delight of his many fans 10 play his much beloved repertoire. Tickets for the concert can be purchased at WCAC or at Words Worth Book Store in Uptown Waterloo. The cdstto attend the concert is $12 in advance or $15 at the door. Showtime is B pm