Tim Roth. above, chased the little white bocce ball with a strong toss during the fifth annual K-W Boccia Tournament held the Ontario Amputee and Les Autres Sports Association at Albert McCormick Arena last Saturday. The event was held to show people with challenges that there are sports they can get involved with out there. no matter their situaton. Roth, a Kitchener native, finished second in the individual games, with Tom Mahoney from London taking top spot. Jennifer Goulet from Oshawa took third. In the rampers divi- sion. Denise McDonald from London finished first, Joey Spit- tal from London was second and Joe Schenning from London was third, In the recreational division, Mark Vander Vies from Sarnia finished first. Paul Rehel from Oshawa was second and Cheryl Anne Hewitt was third. In the Precision Boccia tourna- ment. Roth finished first with 136 points Mahoney had 12?, while Khalid Awan from Oakville was third. In the rampers division, Andrew Nielsen of Brantford was first. Spittal was second and McDonald was third. In recreation. Hewitt was first. Vander vies second and Rehel third. .- ." A†7 - ,_ homes will be used for advertising and will be done at a promotional rate! You are under NO obligation to call, unless you wish to see E your home will qualify! Homes will be selected on the basis of location, visibility, curb appeal, and style! LF you have ever considered permanent roofing for your home, and Never having another BI hours'lbll-Fnee 1-888-271-7119 Ftrst Come - Fagst Served Basis Only! for installation of a revolutionary New WgetArt_te roofing system! These Homes in this locale will be selected roof repair, Don't miss out on this unique opportunity! Gall ngw! On a roll Assists went to Shaun with two. and Brignolio. The Ravens -ihen had a fierce battle against Oshawa in the semis. which took the Game 1hree uguinxl Clairvicw Huh-d in a 'sUTIre- less tie. with liby "amine, the shutout. 'l he Ravens went on In defeat Halton 3-0 on goals by Blais, Rudow and Carrie Balch. llu' Harem nun that lint gunu- (lg-um»! kanum l u amt-I t’uulInuully prrxsunng [hrnppuxing mt Karen Floy minim! tltcshutottwftika1lw lum- goal wax 'scored lw htephauw lingnuliu. :hsislrd In Mnhy Sltaru, and rruih Ruduu. at lhr Putvuiinls Illlx urck Hui. all†" IwurIMn-m'hlng duh-m to t lshdwzl ll] [hr wml iinals Ravens finish fourth lhtrNtirloo Rurtnv, “an l.un HI! girls lun‘Ln [rum [in IthI Inlulh nut of Ni [nuns CONVENIENT PAYMENT OPTIONS q 1 Fill out the form and far It to the Waterloo Chronicle. 8956240 2 Mal the attached forrr to 239 Weber St N Sune 20 Waterloo Ontario N2J 3He 3 Call 894-2250 ext 3226 With your credit card Informatvon Take advantage of the Waterloo Chronicle’s NEW "Convenient Pay Program†and you can enjoy these benefits: FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL 594-2250 X3226 OFFER EXPIRES APRIL l, 2004 ALL THIS CONVENIENCE AND THE WATERLOO CHRONICLE FOR ONLY NAMF ADDRESS DATE CITY YES? CONVENIENT PAY PROGRAM q No cheques to write. q No hunting for change each month during carrier collections. . No interruptions at your door. . Your payment will reward Waterloo Chronicle carriers for doing a greatjob in delivering the newspaper to your door. WATERLOO CHRONICLE I'd hke to take advantage of "Convenient Pay Program v. .1 Please find a cheque for $24 00 enclosed for a 1 year subscription .1 I'd like to pay by J Visa J Mastercard $ 00 C x _ 24 per year V‘ r,,,','.?.:),.-,',,?,', la Account it Signature In the hum/t- maul mum: the mhuuslz-d Run-m sluruInIu-d ttt Humilmn ll \lnml/ started [hr " urlng. mush-d by Rudmv and Balch. Mulllngrl and Blah gun- llu' Ran-us a '_' lend lretirrc (lshuuu srorcd uilll tun mmuln Ml In the gamut ih L" pvnuds ol uu-rmm- hock m lo dcridc ln-Inn- (Minna worcd [hr umnmgguul, tlt" Whether you are offering camp programs. lessons or family summer fun events, let everyone in your community know about it in this popular feature appearing April 28, May 5 a. 12. For more info call: MARILYN MacAVELLA Special was Whine (519) 623-7395 ext. 206 Fax (519) 623-3532 Email: mmacaveliaqcambddgetimes.ea 5 ummer Funï¬w: Feature QmAK: lln “as swung again ll] Serving your Tttutterly since 185f __ - Introductory Offer - Awards 245 Labrador Dr. l Corporate Team & Coaches POSTAL CODE PHONE Exp date '. Waterloo