Theatre on the Fkige presents, live Imprm comedy every Thursday at tt pm. at the Waterloo Commun? Arts (lemm Admission Ls SG. For further informauun, call the Arts Centre all 747, 3049, KW Musmal Productions pre arms Tapestry. April 3124 at i'ictorra Park Pm'illmn Ill performances an- mghlly at a pm. with a manure Saturday at L' pm All wars are 513 Cull the ( ,enlre in the Square at 376 1370 for “KLEIN ElmiraTheatre t Company will present its spring shun Great Expectations. a musical based on the novel by Charies Dock- ens. April 2r2r, and 29 J0. and May I ~11 and (in For more informanom call 378» 1570, Ballet larger] t Ianadu will [1 re CLUES ACROSS 1. Refer lo 5. Resident of Aberdeen 9. 4 and Venzem 14. Acclaim 15. Spanish City 16. Female crooks 17, Of Capri 18. A horizontal bar of wood or metal 19. Songs 20. Steve 23. Ship's compartment 24. Legume flower petals 25. The distance covered by a step 28. Line of cliffs 33. Sammy --' songwriter 34. Trade 35. Taxi 36, From 25 million to 40 million years ago 39. Heinrich _. poet 41. Large integer 42. Whinles 43. Hebrew calendar month 44. Prizes " The time at which something begins 48. Element CHRONICLE CROS Funnyman Dun Ricktes brings his comedy an In the Lynne In the Square m Kitch, ener May t I at 8 p-m, For Inch er Information. call the box office at 5rtrlr,"0. mun-u. Theatre and Company we wills the sumptuous stage pruducuun of Strawberries In January. May 13 to lune G. "It ptay tts recommettdtNi for those 14 and older. For mun- information. call 57l IBM or visit wwwtheatrearukomPa - ny-org, The original magical musical (AIS will take thc stage at the Centre in the Square in kitch- ener lune- I-3. For tickets. call the box omce at 5784531 The Multicultural Theatre Space project, uperating In partnership wrth the Waterloo Regional Ark t inunCII and the K Ah' Multicultural K 2mm, will he auditioning adult actors and dancers for the Produc- 49. Vance (Italian) 50. Candi 57. United Arab Emirates my 58. Hybrid Citrus trot 59, Teen - 60. Scent 61. Assistant 62. Soft-tttmed fishes 63, Town In New York state 64. Soviet Untott 65, Glut CLUES DOWN 1 _ A small fragment 2. Romanian city 3. Joust 4. Choosing 5, Calm ti, -- Gable, actor 7. Of an ode 8. A timber tree ot Argentina 9. Below normal size to, Arteries Ir The Muse of history 12 Kin 13, Former CIA 2r Owned 22, Abnormal breathing 25 Sir Waiter 7 . Ivanhoe author 26, Silver ooms 27 Odd-load ungulale 28 Sheets of glass 29, Brews 30 Sours 31 Mother of Perseur 32 Roger V critic 34 And 37 Snake or serpent 38 The largest only In Atoca 40 Diners SSWO] Ihe kw Symphony and the Jeans ‘n (Jennies Band pm semis Rumours Sweet Dreams and Wuthering Heights, April 22 at 8 pm at the (bum in the Square For more Infor mation, call 'rar 1570. The Black Forest ratauram m _ (hnhtugu hosts Foulloost' Fridays with live bands, play mg classics from the Beatles. the High-s and the Rolling Stones For more Information, as" -Narkfortstresaau - rant an. Duke of Wellington. 33 Hh St W. Waterloo in theAInum. features Ron Neilson Friday. Band Gallagher Saturday, and a (hint jam every Sunday evening (bring your mm instrument or Just sing along“ kills Irish Pub, M kingtit N, Waterloo, features Sandy and Fmmds on Thursday, live music on Friday and Saturday. and Poplopia every Monday, King Street Trio. 65 University Ave. F... features hve ya]: four nights a week. Wednesdab 45 Straw hat 46 Seeps more 47 PM crab 49 Atocan open plans 50 Cod St Double reed nnstrumenl lulu's line and Dane: {15 hone†ih . x14 KMchener. presents but Iraphn Fruiay and Salurday Molly Bloom's Irish Pub m Waterloo presents Kenny Munxhaw and Frmi Hale awry Wednesday night _ Page's (HI) and Regina _ streets). features acoustic [no i Snll Waters may Thursday I from 6- ID pm, _ Bar. 83 Fab A. W., Walerloo. 1 presents In? tarp, (very Salur- l day from 10 11mm 1 am. April 24 features the Interplay Ian Tno mm Ted Blackboum [ on piano. Karl Stevenson on bass and Bill Hancock on drums, For more mformanon I or resen'allunx. call Solé at Buckshot) m I amhndge pre' senu live dunner my Sunday nights from 7-9:30 pm. April 2r, features the Paul Mitchell Group For more Information or “nations. call62t-4IM Th? Menno Singers and Pax Christi Chorale ofTommo will perform Friday at 8 pm at Benton St Baptist Church in Kitchener. For more infer manon. call 5763833. i The Kitchener-Waterloo l Chamber Music Soctety pm suns guitarist (imgom Kraw lac. April 28 at The Musw Room. 57 Young St in Water ‘ loo, tCEiziiiil me Hora Festnal Singers pm xenls [are and [angina mlh Iaeheslieder “(alum by Brahms plus music by Ttefen barb. Horowitz and others. at a p.m.. May 2 at Harcourt Memorial â€ruled (hurth 1n Guelph. Tickets are S25 each. The Kitchener-Waterloo tiyart phony presents Maria There sia -- Impressie Empress May 5 at the Camtre in the Square For more mforma- non. call the box office at 378 1570. tiCrECaCxCzC= The Kitchener-Waterloo Sym- phony presents renditions of some witty. well-1mm] but mvrlooked classics in The Other Side of Broadway. May " and 15 at the Centre in the Square. For more informa. 52 Hawauan feast 53 Protecttorn 54 The content of cognition 55 A young male horse 56 tt oot 57 Tamsm [ Apnl 2srmegaiiery Is [bailed at 53 Faty St, E. 1 The Kumz House (bmmumry Gallery in Waterloo presents Elie Norman and Mary- [ Louise Sister oil paintings. through May , “TUB Robert langen Gallery presents a sculpture exhibit by Michal Manson enlillrd Idolatry. through April PA An npemng iecepnon will be held mday from 7-9 p, m The Walerioo Community Arts CArrttre presents the an of Mary lou Hitter. through May KOR Gallery and Studies will present an exhibit by Adene Turkinglon and " amC' tK-W high schools). through May 8. Harbinger Gallery. 22 Dupont St. E, in Waterioo. presents Expressions Beyond Glass: premlenng the paintings of Robert Held. through April 24,