. Believe in cause pp. . . l. . Use skills and experience . Personally affected . . ' . . . Explore own strengths . l . Organizing events . ' . _ . . 56% . Providing information . . . Canvassing, fundraising . Al7r q Office work _ . . . . . . . . . . q Board/committee member 40% . Food related . . . . . . . . . . . Teaching, coaching _ . . _ . _30% q Providing care or support 25C; of ()nluriunx nr 14 million volunteered in 2000 Decreased from 32"i in 1997 (2.9 million volunteers; Loss of 5 H.000 volunteers Average contribution of 165 hours Increase from 146 in 1997 Thank you to all volunteers who give of their time and talent to help others! WATgiiirjrj"'t"j"i"iiii'jitIcLE NATIONAL VOLUNTEER WEEK Volunteer Services 888-6488 The Motivations of Volunteers _rc iCowjio""'yesete ms -----e THE CITYOF What Volunteers Do Volunteering 94‘}? ‘8 l Ci 119% -597 . Fultill religious obligations or beliefs . Friends volunteer . . - . _ . . . . - Improve job opportunities . . . Required to volunteer . . _ . . . Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! All of our vohroteers, SB “as. ' sors and domes who help us to frrererve and G'2'r"2 the CC'; of Homer Watson. You are all works of m! U M Old Mill Road. Kitthcnct Recognize a Distinguished Volunteer! 553484377 IndependA cm Living Ccnlsr: Thank you Volunteers. You make a difference in our community 'lt Member Agency 01 Unned Way ot Kitchener-Waterloo and area We care about the people in our community. We care about the more than 3,000 volunteers that serve United Way and our " Member Agencies. Thank you. Volunteers! itil) United \May For information on how 'at,',U)2.1CT."Lt,.',,'relC'.riCu, you can volunteer. Call 888-6100 or warmoo noon April 18-24, 2004 Country Hillé Community Centre 6'"Annual INDEPENiENT LIVING AWARDS Thursday, June 3, 2004 'iiitttttrt of . Friendship United Way SF “VINE MY! Mi NF n MIA†" (W', 742.8327 .30% 28% 25% .25% .2827? 28'i' 229% SR Friday, April 23, 2004 or visit ww w.ilcwr.org UNITED WE CARE Women in Ontario were slightly more likely than men to volunteer (27"? orwomen compared to 24Cri ofmerH. Employed residents were more likcly to volunteer f27tri) than those who were unemployed. Ontarians living in households with four or more members were more likely to volunteer than those residing in smaller households. However, volunteers living in single-member households contributed the most hours on average t 194). Twenty-five percent of Ontario residents _ . "t - volunteered an average of 165 hours each. / 3" , tCrt,, Residents aged 45 to 54 were the most /il.' L r 3:â€: likely to volunteer while those aged 25 io- (a; Fi' [ 34 and 65 and older were the least likely to ix. - "i-"' \» ' _ do so. . Volunteering in Ontario tends to increase with the level of formal education attained. Almost four in ten (38%) with a university degree volunteered, In contrast, fewer than two in ten (18%) Ontarians with less than a high school diploma volunteered. Call 894-8350 Nominations wmrwhomcwatsoa.orcca Deadline Who are Ontario's Volunteers? Fairview Parkwood Mennonite Home Mennonite Home 515 Lamp Drive 75 Cardinal Cres. S. C amhridge, ON Waterloo, ON 653-5719 "You make our Homes special." Thank you 8unbcam Centre Volunteers for your dcdication to Excellence to all our volunteers for making a difference. You are the best! Thank You Volunteers THANK YOU Big Brothers Big Sisters of Kitchener-Waterloo and Area /i')ri/ii,; .7 N, . 885-4810