The Raspberry Tarts group, the local chapter of the Red Hat Society. is holding a fundraiser this weekend to help offset the costs of a new calendar they've produced in support of HopeSpring Cancer Support Centre. he downtowns of I Waterloo and kitchen, a will Ium into a red hat district this weekend as 3itt) members of the Red flat Hutu-1y (mm- lo [own Coming lmm all over tmtario. thest. middle-aged wumvn will all by wearing red hats and purple toutfits, 'lht'ir mission: m prove llfc fur women isn't over when VI!" turn 3f). The Raspberry rarts. the Kitrhowr-Waterloo branch of the women's organiza- linn. are sponsoring the weekend and funds raised will go to support their char- ity calendar. "The Red Hat Society is like a support group for women. We have a good laugh about menopause, which a lot of people are going through or have gone though or left behind depending on their age," Sheku Bjarnasnm Raspberry Tarts Queen Mum. said. “It? nice to be with other women that aren't jus‘t BY Imam: MtrtDItTON In! lTre f 'hrum'dr hraindead now that they're older and the kids arc gone. " hey're all having a lot of fun. Thvy're out stretching their brains, out learning new things. meeting new people These women that lie mer through this an- a real blessing in my life. 1 love it." Inspired eye†by the now- youre I e g c n d a r y - Rylslnno -SheU Ladies calen- Rmspberry ii dar, the Tarts began seeing much more of each other than they thought they ever would. Ilu' calendar. Fifty-plus and Fabulous, is a revealing look at the a women of the . . . then Raspberry Tarts. o/tte, The Rylstone ladies were a group of women in Fmg- land who hated it all far a charity calendar. Their adventure is new documented in the cnmedy- drama Calendar Girls. Bjarnason explains why _ Sheku Biamason Rasmyrrry Farts Quwn Mum l . . there's still lots of Jun to be had - éven though youre past 50. " the Tarts decided to show off ail their goods. "lt all goes back to a gar- den party that we had instead of a tea, a year and a hit ago. ll was at imemhen Karis' backyard which is, very wrludrd. I had said In vn-rynnc. 'Woultln'l " hr " rule picture if we all brought a purple towel. We'll put these purple . F round us still lots 2nd have I be had our red hats and we'll all tough be manding ast so." there and it'll look like iamasml we were just s Quwn Mum g t a n d i n g there,'" Bjar- nason said. Then the women took the idea a little further and posed on the edge of a pool with bare bums facing the camera wearing only their red hats. The group thought this would make a good calen, dar idea and began shooting pictures for it, "M's nm meant to be ter ribiy vuyeuristic. All the pic- lures are funny and fun. They're all in black and white and they all have red hats. The whole thing is about that there's still lots of fun In he had even Ihuugh yorfre past 30." said Mama- sun. This weekend the Rasp- berry Tarts will be having a Hoot In promote their cal- endar, and raise money 10 offset the production (mix The proceeds from the calendar sales will go In the linprSpring Cancer Support Centre. The centre provides information and emotional support to people living with cancer in the Waterloo region. "Some of them have had cancer or by our age you know someone who has had it or has died from it." Mar- nason said, The weekend will feature a variety of activities include ing a matinee performance of the movie Calendar Girls at the Princess Cinema on Princess Street on Saturday Continued on page " s Jam“! D â€040's The Independent living Centre of Waterloo Region is accepting "ominations through April 23 for the sixth annual Independent Living Awards. to he held lune 3 at the Country Hills Community Centre in Kitchener. The Independent Living Awards were created Ity acknowledge the positive changes towards greater independence for persons with disubililiets. Since 1999, the centre has received over 350 numb "ations in total, celebrating countless contributions individuals or businesses have made towards creating a more inclusive community. George Michaels of cftyM will he homing the event, Nomination information ir, available by calling 894-8350 or by visiting wwwicsstorg. Iri-Pride Community Assoo'atint1. a non-profit Pride organization supporting the Lesbian, Gay. Bisex- ual and Transgendered cummmtities of Cambridge. Guelph and Kitchener-Waterloo. will be holding La Cage. a musical event which will take place April 30 at 7 pm. at the Walper Terrace Hotel's Crystal Ballroom in Kitchener. This gala evening of cabaret also marks the launch of this year's pride theme, "Evolution." leading up to pride 2004 activities scheduled from May 29 la lune H. La Cage is a result orTri-Pride's commitment to providing diverse opportunities for all people in Cam- bridge. Guelph and K-W to participate in local pride events. Tickets are $8 each and include admission m Club Renaissance after the show for a pm! performance party. Tickets are available through Cluh Renaissance at 24 Charles St.. Kitchener, through the Walper Terrace Hotel or through rri-Pride's Well site at www.min- bowc0rrca. The Kitchener-Waterloo Community Spirit Lions Cluh will help the community recognize mothers. while supporting the Waterloo Public Library. The club will be selling long-stemmed roses for Mother's Jay, May 9. and will be donating the profits to the Waterloo Public Iihrary to support the develop- ment anPlIs hooks-on-tape collection, The roses are being sold for $20 per dozen. and can be ordered at either the WPlIs Main or McCormick branch untilAprif _ _ A _ Hath order-must be accompanied by payment in full, either cash or cheque. Cheques should be inade payable to the k-W t 20m munity Spirit lioqsfilul} - - _ 1 Thi, rirses will be delivered May 7". and can be picked up between 3 p-m. and 7 p.m. from the Ihrpom Street entrance _of the Main Lihraryj" 35 Albert St, For more information. visit the" library's Web site at or call B86, l3 l0. Rose sales support WPL Nomination deadline fast approaching Musical kicks off local pride events