f iqrazs rim malaria; [ F111" cditorol-criook hr, mulr l .1 ,portse \mlrrlum [mum Ir k .1 “My waterioot hmlm u. un compo'unyp' "atcrloot hmnlrlz- I .1 lttcWaterioo t hum“ |r h puhllsnui ru-n "extnesuas tn [hr 141nm“ Iaooy nullrd tax t m Hum (.mup lo, a,ultmidsa" ot Innmt mp H" A Illllrnl n! "lb “Jpn lm pn-ln In! in “W" nglu artst In.“ IIr Inn-LI unh Inl pen-nu“ mm “mum-u “I pulp- my» I.-) 1|"er rir'Jus art 'ist CV H! and ' 'tliuit, r. t.1l my is pr mm“; d Iv nuk- ttsq nlL‘nqum-qu \uu Hunk um olunri, "Ir prmmw u. a! [Hr mu: n In) III: .n-lanll Whlliltu)O CHRONICLE 279Weber ht.. North, Suite 20 F7“ itw IH'0s Ill our l ulumnhh arc theu nun and do nul ue-nh rrprrwnl those Ill thc "t'Hstper (hunk-Misha Humps-human WINNER-n i’h-ulr twin Man-gun In no %ges, In. fis lhe Warerirers f hm". Ir vol 'Ime\ Icricts rn the hill-u Then xiv-HIM h serwx, mm namr addrvss and plum- numb" mil In" hr u "rm: bo ... Hr " \ \nvlnxnznnl In". " null h puwmun: \uhmuw-m "tax I- ninu'lurl. mm. m pl. m. 'I- in“ ~--x-\uui~' rvlcmv m.‘ av .. m! " ' ' gum nu pub" .r..... ..v... "" “"th- mm." h... m. mum.†on ts " ' m.- " ".4. llu'lx " "mm... "In lr' lum- ' um". ..' an. ' -..-m _ .- M svashsw "fdissrs . "ur-trr-r M x, k- 'ts i “a. tute Mullah BoMrbanx vazls S-Ed-ca" "atedoo. "ntario Nel 3MB xlulv T' II i an“ Ttairn r lav-r Elm-l “u u nan-IL Mn hr, .nh lx' Letters Policy 'l"" h\\-ML‘ uh '1: 'amerirw, \ I I Inn-$0434 Ram in hr“: trrdrrrNt ur- ulalmn , W» Ma, _ "a I numa- " oueud. 'rt Nrrrmat “a rln I'mhl M a" Miller ‘HM “its up Ity them tu quit". which gives the pruhlem us murh effort on uur part ax "just say no". " his approach does nut help. How real is the pruhlem? The Centre for Addiction and Mental Health's Ontario Student Drug Use Survey I()SI)US) is the longest ongoing school survey of adolescents in Canada, which spans over two decades. Keep in mind. since it is a school survey. those that have already left school, perhaps even for drug-related activity. are gone by the higher grades. The study is based on " surveys conducted every two years since 1977 and in the spring of 2003'. 6.616 students in Grades 7 to 12 from 37 school boards, l26 schools and 383 classes participated in the survey administered by the Institute for Social Research. York University, Drug uhuw Is like [hr hldlll'll infected won: ll [It-uh In-uum-m and [setter yvl. prevention. nu! igmzrancv. Yet il makes people otcvrnfortahic In own address it vxrept III condewcnding u-rms like. It is available online at www.cfdpxa/camh.htm, but I will hit some of the "highlights," pardon the pun. As you can see mough by its makeup, it should be considered credible. with dropouts being a vari- able that is not correctable. Females are more likely to use stimulants. For example. drug use varies by grade with inhalants [glue and solvents) declining by grade level and thus is highest in seventh graders, while all other drug use increases by grade level with t lmde 7 being lowest and Grades l l and 12 being highest. Region- ally. those in the north of Ontario use more Cigar ri-ttes. stimulants. haliucinogens, Ritalin and hinge drink more than Toronto-area students. There is some good news. There has been a decline in many forms of drug use. hut keep in mind those pesky dropouts, While Stats Canada lune 2000 showed that I3 per cent of Canadians over the age of ii had a university or better degree, the International Adult literacy survey 0f1998 showed that about 22 per tent of age w, and over. in about fwe million (hnadians. fall in the lowest level of literary Another 2-126 per cent fall in the second lowest level. Add to this that 30 per cent of young (.anadians drop out (ll school heftore they graduate. Thus about eight million Canadians river the age of lr, lark a basic school t-ertiiiratv or diploma accord- mg to Stats ( anatla. With the baby boomers retiring Stuttl who is going In he left in run our industries and provide its prorvssior1als? Worse vet. docs any- mii- we a giant human tragedy that is being ignim-d? Inst futures. iiirreasi-d sexuallv transmit ted discases, atldit lions. poverty the list goes (in and on " ret' ridr uwr tor pmthurullers" lulu/rd the Fhmdhm- ttl (he April I Hm’urd. which “1-111 on In describe hms money uhluim'd by them may go to drugx Ialk alum! 1|.1111‘ing around 1hr â€my artd mark mg tor a hand-111d tor a shmgun wound. rhc crack, duun will hkcly lead In mun' dospvmu- measures by [he addir Ix such an rohhcrus. pruxlllullun and Mullins, ttt hrlp ieed therr hulrit, Hardly tht. solu. nun the nlnununin m the ununs rcall) "iltlts Males are more likely to use seven drugs: alco- hol. LSD. PCP, other hallucinogens, tranquillizers, Ketamine and heroin, as well as binge drink and generally use any illicit drug excluding cannabis f marijuana/ MO. tht. mt-rugr dgr “I first rimuabis tpst' Is oirrotth I I. ah nhul I I, and sretoking I , Hnru‘ lwn pm (PM of studvutw, hnn- uwd an In" H drug nu hiding (.nmalm In il". pzisl \mr H pm (rm uw "l, ulml ouh. and III pm 1 ml "w oh " hol lulu.“ a u, (.Immlus and al haul mlr Illu " thug \mnng hvluuuuh \un'mml thr stmltvlts, fz'll 1h." 1hr ",rrulr"" risk of harm IR “uh regular Ml "sr' "(I Problems run deeper than mitthatdrhtg I Lnnlinued an page '9 "l., "] _,) MP01 (Ni'"l" _, Ordering 1113a iii/Li; toiIic If it had been left to some of us adults. we'd have sworn that retailers were ped- dling cigarettes to anyone who's graduated out of short pants. Still, wheh you think about it, worrying about cigarettes can be beneficial -- it takty ymlr migd off lupg cancer. Orie for the 8006: A new library for Waterloo or the expansion of the present one has been put off until 2007. It's not iafr to the library users. but it's the best the city can do in the face of the RIM Park financial mess. And thereh nm‘ thing you have to say far books: They don't interrupt at the Inns! interesting part for a word from the 9119mm. ee. who'd have thought it? The Gregion has a report that says retailers are heeding the message against selling cigarettes to anyone under 19. The library has been shifting depart- ments and doing other stuff to provide more space. and there are plans to increase the number of books. How-they'll he paid for is something else again. Never let it he said that the library patrons are anything hut a loyal and dedicated lot, Thry doit present a hig hill fur service to the my. and they don't crah a lot. Young people, old people. students. adults trying to improve their Inl in life. and folks who read jusl for the joy of it -- they're all part of the mix. Call It Herb Tonic: ll was surprising In wad that lln'rh lipp spent ahnul $60,000 in winning the Waterloo mayoralty. and that it was a darn sight more than his opponents spt'nl. It's nin- to know that Ill-rt) was willing In put his monvy where, his affections wrnx or rnurst‘. (hr mum-v rt'pn-st'nu-d thc frwl ings nf his suppnnvrs in addition In hm ("NIL Auxlurw, " lot ol Iaupnu-n t nuhl hm? told him 1h." IIH' hug I‘xpvmhllm' max " lm mm h But n wax numn well spvnl His margin ul m mrv may have "twrt " \mpr rn-n In him Ah li".. m: c r“ should Iu' ' "mlcrwtor Wc should han- ll without showmp, " off Thumb Tax: Sn; that was " Lurlv n'u 1 "iFiTrrir; )rTFiiii'iRirri"r, thanâ€!!! Higher....higherm sonable tax increase that Waterloo Council has doped out in its early go-around. _ Mayor Herb talked about an increase of IO per cent or less, and he would have made it except for the cost of operating RIM park. Thei’e's one thing about this: Council shouldn't be facing that dericit from the park each year. The city could make beaucoup de bucks from the patch as well as reaping any agri- cultural beauty it may provide. Penalties? From what we've seen they don't amount to much more than the penalty for expecta- rating on the sidewalk. Anyhow, you could name a city staffer as a stand-in. He could do the r . jolt for the city, with hells on. K, ER Or maybe he could dispense with tho bclis, That represents just over Cwe per cent of the proposed tax increase If that's so, council should figure on finding another use for the park land. Say, the careful cultivation of a popular crop such as marijuana. [J Around It Comes: There's DY one thing you have In say for m George nuhyahz In bad titttcs as well as gum]. he sports the Name dismal smirk, The days have lurm-d sad for thy pathctir president. He's a far cry from thc lutoyant warrior who Winged in In a vit"trt, w rally on huan’l the aircraft carrier. Things have gnnz- a bit sour sinu‘ then, l he Iraq invaunn has tumvd into a may 1w wraith A In: of mums arr moaning about saving um lung. Hn- paradc of hodv haw t‘ullllnlu's Ah VCs and [ht-WK am rh-Hinn “mum: thtsrntlititrlilti,lttrvdi; h sagging And Illr qm-xlmn mm lm whrthvr hr "ull Immu Ins iuthru In III-t mining " nm' Ivrm prvsidsuu In Alll (4w. the. r1tt'ss "tWaslttup1ort \lmuldn'l hr hl.nnrd m1 nnr man h look real tcmtlwrtrk Given Walcrlnn's fiscal pinch, it shouldnt lw embark- ing on any big projects right now. (The library is. of (nurse. the cxccplinn because it's been on the books for years.) Yes sir. one way to cover a had past is to build a big future over it, TAXPAYER ' l "