S It' - E . F, -r far f. .5 f N Z l E - l . M; A' lh Making the 'moo -Ve’ to milk MI bt' nun-I pull and )uur llml‘s ulm Mil“. ,iutiruus .uhl \nlunln'n haw {Innr .ll 'xl lulu-x l .uhulu u lulu] -.\hm [hm irrsuop,lu llnlh :‘hul‘ululr .lmi u‘th- milk It) Ihru st-ltool, 'l"rot lu'" Alli-â€1'!†“hm 11m Ink-v.1 that my nrmi h , mah- hvnllhy .llll'[l|illl\t'\ In our whor4 A lul ul Illhm sl'hunls .m- un the milk program and l Ilmughl Ill" whuul durum um slm't- urn- 1hr largst l alllulir l-ln-IIu-num whnnl in Nttcr- Inn." said \illt'rlt' "uwh Ilk- Ct" unlumlm Iho null. magnum whirl] slum-(l April 5. Hind] ash-d Ilu. whoor, pmrm council uhmn bringing tlw prugmm lo the whool lu-ruuw xhr, "rhought lhn wuuld lw a gt u rd nppununiu' hor us to Imu- milk because mum's an nw1nl h n ofjuice and 0th uhcrnulin- beverages that aren't neccssiriiy good for ourkids." l'hv school count“ approved the idea and gavv her the money tor the delivcty charge for the milk fridge. 'lht' Milk round! supplies the tridgr 1hut is used in the milk pmgnun “'Hw thing is we're looking " another fridge llu'auw we've had surh an myr- whvlming 11-511mm.- lor milk ordvrs that “1- t-arit house all lhu milk in one Iridgsn" mid Busch. .1va I 1aley would hau- Gmlk'd the potato drive a! Sir Fklppr Bauer school a 'AlUUt"s% it they had only collect- 1U um- Imgnl potatoes. Students at the. \rlmnl are extremely excited ahmn the Sn Imagim- the Grade 8 icachers, surprise when the school rnllt-ru-d “laugh money In bu} 530 bags at Potatoes And still have 390 leil mm, Self-sacrifice done to support others , 11 II Nth' wan Dillt'y ha, mn thc lull [Imam drivv a! Sit Rig" Bum-r whovl hm hvstid this, VP?" has lwrn lust, "nu qumiinns .lhnut ir" l'hr driw um (luring; Ir"! [h Jun. anu'lun lor 'i.wt ietrm.e h' fh Imus Mlnmnux Fr (hr f 3111mm tr Voy Junction Riverworks, St Jacobs Birthday Parties if“ NJ m _ 664-1451 Available Fhemes Grade t student Elan Grebe drinks her lunchtime milk at St. Luke's Roman Catholic school, The school recently started a milk prdgram which encourages students to drink milk, Cartons of white or chocolate milk cost students 50 cents. opportunity In hug; milk lunch. "It's excellent bccauw it keeps vwryunu healthy and people can get milk at school," said I irade I sa1Klerot Busch. Other students are mailed iwrauw ot the pri/as that they run win with drinking milk. "I think it's, really null. There's mm (It prias that we am win. 'Iherv's m many pen- plu partaking in it." said tirade fi smdvm Vir1celmccv. "The Milk huurdrhas sun plird us mlh numerous prizes fmm Ash Whlr1eulay to April " and collected $845 from the schools 530 students. "If you know our faith In)! is a lime orwhere we do for others We 511155 prayer and WT do self denial, a savrirrve of home 'ityr1, ‘Ihis (potato drive) mm all these ncedsd' said Ikaky When Daley started tht, potato drive six wars ago it was an initiative only his class mtdertook, but mun after "very student in the srhool named In panidpalv. "We wvn- munumgwi that instead of inning that chum tam In" on hagâ€! chips wr- wru- to put mu mam mum-y, into my I†V t F, 1.Hv, LIFESTYLE at After frnishitlg a $5 punch card. which purchases IO car- ttttls of milk. the students then enter their turd into a draw where students ("an win prizes Rulcrs, pencils. pom. lunch hugs and hlow up vows," said Busch. A1 lunch Limo "milk maids" num- In each classroom with milk for the students and, "they go down to thc classy mum and the children come nul and they give us their and. i1 tlwytl wish to have milk that day. and we punch it fur potato drive," said Grade 8 Mu dent Rachel I {cushy Students were damning at the Name level as Wars before. But when the ( kade 8 students heard the story ofa Grade I student named Ben the dass was motivated "He brought the $25 (from his Wm hank! into the school and donated it to the potato drive. He told his leather he. wanted In do something for mun-0m- tlic." said I Iaky "Fm " liulr [my [In donate) that just blow my class away and I mink it was " motivator irss (-wrymu- that heard that army" Call the Lawyer Referral Service HERE'S m ll WORKS . " mr I MI? W . (all " IP'x wombat lmv orvi . n my inpawnnnw all W m tr, Rf', mum nl he mnwlnnn +o mm and plum rumba rd an lad w, . h a Mr that} In" he 0W 'mambo mm: unr- P " to ml " mil - b) “NR Snulvntx WPrr. cnrrmmgesl Need help finding a lawyer? Busch always worried ahuut sending milk with her child m school. them." said Busch, "Sometime whcn you send milk with your Child it's no! as cold as youd want it he with two and a half hours lit lunch and their hiwkpack," sht- said. Tracey said hc is pleased that there is an alternative option m juice available "Milk builds strung hunt-s and instead of having juice every- day that runs out your moth." try the drive to help other peo- ple and keep nvexfy people in their prayers "You don't haw I0 donate $100 that's not thc point. As long as you try and help peo- ple," said Hunk-m Lyndia When all was said and done the school had raised enough to buy 5,300 pounds of pom: mes fiom Solwy‘x When "alcy and thrw sttr dents wvnt In pirk up the para luvs from the grown; more they thought they had packcd all the spuds into our trtmk. Mwy wrn- wn mg. it Hank lwn n-lurn trips In Continued on page I I I fall n W's member limp: rm renew-w w, In If: mum nl be mnudrmm . h a fl0 rhrrtte null he limited h ml 1-90trs65-4577 TTT: [415] 644-4886 Toll Free Crisis Line I-MO-NI' .MGN moms low "NC-’1) lltts Poster Buy durum]. spunstuml lay 1051 kool FM. will takc plutvAprrl l7 In tht. u'um’ you†oft an z-xlugu Mall. Mun- llmn .130 11mm im hiding hurhmlm-x. Lump nmwvr‘. gilt certrt1cutes, sittrris rrnunorabrliu. l'll'\ - [fullll’x arm-ark and much mun- nil] ln' durlmnml oil lw vharitv uttr1ioruvr Hull Hruwork, Ihuw ituvrentcd in unending un' uxkrd 1n luring .l lawn chuir, Ilu. run-n! will run from mum until ’1 Inn. with [(10 per u-m of mum-y raised swung (n [hr Grand Burr Regirmal Carter (ivnlrr. April i, Dental Health Month In Wutcrlrut Ill-gum. ‘l his year's campuign is called “2 " 2 is What Yotl In)!" Its nwxmgv. "hrush your well] 2 tirms curh day lot at least 2 minutes with time?" is bring supported iocally by Region ml Waterloo Public Health. Brushing twice a day fur at ieast mm minutes each time it; an easy way to mvtivate people m brush longer. more often. In a 2003 survey across Ontario, it was found that fewer than 40 per cent of seven- year- olds brush their teeth far at least rwn minutes twice a day and 15 per cent of children had not brushed their teeth at all the daylwfore. Proper lomh brushing is one of the easiest and [mm effective methods an individual can take to pnr (on themselvcs hum cavities and gum disease. For mow it1thrmation, (mimic! your dentist or the l’uhlir Ilvullh dental program at 88121122. During May and lune the ""d0-scater" Big Bike tut Stroke will mil into Waterloo Region onu- again. The Heart and Stroke Foundation is currently seeking vol, unlevrs to assist with the planning uflhis (wont. Com- mittee momlwn are needed In assist with reuniting teams and arranging day of evvm activities. This is a grail opportunity lo use m-Iwnrking and organLra- iinnal skills to help a great muse For further information, please contact the Heart and litrtrke Foundation office at 57l -HiiOO There will tre a fundraising mm“ in support of (Zmnmlmily "istice Initiatives. featuring Hum Come, dy Hypnosis, m he held on April Hill). at Waterloo Col, lemme Institute. at 7:30 pm. Just back from pcrnt'ming in Wgas, Jerry linns will entertain and amaze you. He has generously offered his talent to lwlpCommunily lmiire Initiatives. [he xhnw will feature people being hypnotized imn comic situations, as well as door prizes All proceeds fmm the own! will go to Community lustirv [nitia, tives to continue' their work in supporting the rum- munim Tickets are 820 per person. and can he pur rhnwll in admin? by mmm'ling Kov at 744-fi.'i49, ML NFL 40'" ANNUAL USED BOOK SALE Going once, going twice Big Bike for Stroke looking for volunteers 2 for 2 is what you do proper dental care b CanaditmmhsmtiortofuniversityWomeo > Friday April16,10am-9pm ï¬g Saturday April17,9am-1pm tlt);,, First United Church You’re feeling sleepy ‘W warm riWTrsuNs awn-:Wkrw "rm, ZKm 8 Wham Sis Wam-