2133"“ ' 1ll.liii6ita a ywyai "5it,5siii' ' a w. ' ’ at o " - a Lynne Harris = - = I Q School: SLAgm-s 7 Bt IN _ . Grade: 8 B ‘ " ' Iillll ’ __ - . . Nominator: Natalie Marchment T', 1 . , II . cr ' ‘ , , Nominator's comments: Lynne sets at good example for others as ", n . £993; 'N . active member of the school community, She demonstrates siru if“? " N g _ ' B, 1 leadership abilities and is w ? Cir', F ‘ , i . e tll I confident, Cs-ret/reg-si,';,;':-),"' tit, . . n I Notable achievemen -' ‘f‘? ‘ "I e R' l Lynne has heen on s 1iWit " . " 'r q" dent touncil for thi /t -' . T §_ years. She is (in the int , l P. '. g , mediate girls' volleyl ' it -: _ f team and she works a a A . 3 . tutor during her Illl' w, I, I if . " . period. She also loves c _ E 'dd we 'dh' dance and has earnei l 7 ' . q ’ It dance scholarship for one I ' EE 7 ' year of dance . ‘ , "AN. I EI _ " . Future plans: [.ynne's dre - ’ . is to he a dancer " E‘ KX tp, designer. XA S"d?rd . - t , 5x: 3 _ , t Tabitha Schell arx , 'L" r School: St. Agnes Grade: 7 I Nominator: Mark Moduli] . I Nominator's comments: Tuloitha is it spirited girl who takes ': " great amount til pride in helping other people. ' Notable achievements: 1aItitha volunteers with seniors tll . - . 'F I the ruininunity on H weekly basis. 'iiit I Future plans: Iuloitha plans to work in a retirement home I ' v‘ I hi'riiiisi- she loves working with the elderly. She also wants, . . s) in heroine ii luster parent. I i Nominator: Mark Mmlui Nominator's comments " great unmum of pndvi Notable achievements: the mmmunity nu H m1 in he s a spirited gl min-r people School: Mac4 .rvgm Grade: 7 Nominator: MacGregor whuul stall Naminator's comments: [mull ls a lu-lplul and polite sunk-m who want» In do well, Ile will “any utter class to help pm up chairs and Is often [he tirst In nth-r help. Notable achievements: lacuh helps out with the linmklml Cluh. and h also a merulwr of the the dowttl1ill skiing duh and the stun-r teutu, Future plans: [mull would like to tiniU1 high whuol and um» u-rsiu‘. and lwrunu' an usmumul and can) a good Irving School: Sir Edgar Bauer Grade: " Nominator: S. Smith Nominator's comments: Chris is very urtivc in spun». both in school and outside of school. He excels at many of the mports activities he attempts in school. llr b, generally a good spun and helps others when needed. Nolable achievements: Chris wan a hockey competition and as u result will be travelling In Japan fur Iwn gundwill and cultural exchange hockey games. He will then spend " week with 21 player from the opposite Want as a part of the cultural exchange, Future plans: Chris would like In he a pan of the NHL for hurkey or upen his own business. Chris Bauman Nomi; Jacob Braun ts " good example , Imunily. She (it-mar leadership ahilitr confident, " Notable at is dream "er or a st School: Waterloo Collegiate Grade: 12 Nominator: Craig Nickel Nominator's comments: Roh vxplodes thc myth of the "dumb jock". He has fuund the Iimv to wrw un um Stu- dent council cxerutive fur the pasl three years, and is nne of the real "good guys" around WI 1|. Ile will graduate with an average of approximately an per cent, Notable achievements: Role is wry suvcessful in school. He has been on the student council for three years and he has won both an Award of Honour and a Business lixchII-nce Award. llc alsn won llw provincial gold medal and theTop Prospect MVP Award in Midget RAN htsthev. Future plans: Huh plans ml attending Queen's University and run his (mm business one day. Rob Hanson free