School: ht, Inhnk Kilmarnock ===- Grade: l l "T" Numinamr: Rundv Harhach Nominator's comments: Ryan is u quiet but good kid. and Is always mining little things for the mam Notable achievements: Ryan has played triple AAA hank hull. has a four handicap in gull. has been on (he honour roll every year. He played in thethtturio Summl-r ( hum-s for basehall and won a gnld medal. Fulure plans: Ryan would like to btwotne u dmlur of Optometry, a chiropraclm or a businessman Ryan Lawrence Scott Moir and Tessa Virtue School: Bluevale Collegiate = Grade: 1 l and Ill =",=.- Nominator: Paul Macintosh - Nominator‘s comments: They've met every challenge we've presented to them. They've set a high standard and have a bright future ahead ofthem. Notable achievements: Scott and Tessa have been in numerous Competitions. including ones where they have won the In Canadian Championship, and placed fourth at the Croatia Cup. sixth in Bratislava. Slovakia. third at the Novice Nationals, first at the Pre-Novice Nationals. and first at the Juvenile Nationals. Future plans: They intend to cotttinue doing what they love and learn as much as possible from the experiences and opportunities available. Jacquie Peters School: Kitcherwr (Inllegialv l Grade: I0 Notable achievements: Jacquie is a nu-mhrr of kcrs, orga- nizaliunal council, and has been on the hunuur mil sittce Grade 7. She also dances competitively twice weekly. and has played thc piano sinn- ( irade 7. Future plans: [arquic would like to attend University of Waterloo ur (Jun-en's University In In-rmm' an architect and build houses. School: Blurmlx-t ullvgmlu "l Grade: I l Nominator: Randy Harland) Nominated. comments: Man p, u-n skillvd, and one of mu helm pluyers all year Notable achievements: Matt played an the Waterloo Mnlgrl AAA Wolves as an urtdcr-agta player Fast year. participated 1n the provincral championships and W'tH1. and paruupauvd in 1hr Nuliundl Air t anada Cup in Sault Me. Murw Future plans: Mall plans In attrud uniu‘rsuy m milk-gr and continue io play at a high level of hockey. such as lr, " and ultimate!) Jr A. Ilrwnuld also likv m rem-Inc d scholarship. Alter whuul. iw would like to become u tiretiglutt Matt Rennie School: Bluevale Collegiate Grade: ll Notable achievements: Mladen was on the board of (limit tors of the City of Waterloo youth council. organizing such events as the Battle of the Bands. m competitions, art shows, and a cancer fundraiser. generating $1.00l1 He has also participated in the Cayley and Pascal math contests. Future plans: Mladen hopes to attend University ofWau-r [no and participate on the university council. Mladen Rangelou -ii'i,