em seeks input on changes to watershed f I 8hrs year marks the llllh anmu-rsm) ol the dcslgumiun n! (he Grand River nxlcul as a Cartatiiutt lit-nudge Rum ln-muw 4)! Us milslumhng lwlilugc and [rut-Mum w.sl, mw A new. rupml issued luv thc tiRt A prm‘uirx an updmv nu the \lmugrs In lu‘tilugr and n-rn-ununul Mummies than have mlwn plate sinu' the designation. lhe n-pun um prcpmvd by 1lttrtdtCAioruvetilttr Tcquiremeuis ot thc ( "uradi- an Heritage Rivvh sysu-m. which calls for an updaw nu progress made to enhunn- and protect the chururtcri; tics identified In the original designation. 'lht- report. entitled A Decade in the Canadian Heritage River Systvm. is available from the GRCA's The United Way of K-W" and the Townships of Wellesley, Wilmot and Woolwich have given a sponsorship grant of $8.000 lo the House of Friendship':, summer camp sponsor- ship program. This grant will allow 22 children from families living on a limited income to attend camp fur five days this summer. Approximately 50 additiudal children'will be sponsored through donations made directly to the House of Friend- ship. This program is funded entirely through donations. - (,4 ha! ‘y at ,Kv {A A ct, L' Eels l , a4 . "ttt aail85 . E . . . ‘ ‘ ., _ w, P“ its A . e v - Fifa ' at " - . - PG al Nr' . ’ WW _ 6110!: L ytVitiiicit Saturday Buffet Starting Saturday. April Ill 9-00 AM 1100 AM " 95 per persnn I Include; cam-e. tea and a wire har The Black For.“ Inn y? Qm-g =1 Make a colourful Impressron. v _ fl, faster is Sunday, April 11th L? x a l Id., . Tttktmtra'spairtted Planer Banquet Cw' ii%%' ll {5, A brightarrangement ot0lossoms and G ac e its' a graceful vase decorated with , I - e Lit?,: - delicately hano-pamted tlowers and Ir! e . f. ' stnpes make this an amazing gift tor a E . _ anyone For tland-delivery virtually 'iq B, ' anywhere m Canada or the U S can or tid wsn our shop Or log on to our website 1872 Sawmill Road, Coneslogn Tel (519) 664-2223 www trlackforestrestatrrartt ca " wwwAurroshetrpeRowers.ra 619 King 5t.ng5t, Kitchener 'ia 744-9471 or 745-8411 7R me; P, 'hirllirraCor' Web sm- at vswwrgratuirtv- L'f m Public rmnmcnl an the report ls bring suughl, will] a deadline ot Apnl 23, Lmnnu-Ius (an hr arm In Iiurlmlal hallo. (.Rl A Cruudirou" nl i'olicy. Mani mug And Ptutrrcrsirits at Jrl9, (1217171)} ml 2.74. tax t'1l,H, [:31 494:3; rillnll: humid" gland] iu'u " Hu' no“ “-1111“ Lit-lam» dun-us ot impmu'nu-nls that llmr raken plau- sinrv 19H4, rot example . Many "alcrshcd land- marks haw [In-n pn-wrwd. cleaned up ur restored. including the (Inh-dunia Mill. the Welland Canal Lock I." an Port Mainland. (lu- West Munlmw t-overesd bridge. the Guelph haul house. and the former Riverside Silk Mills, in Cam- bridge which will become the new home ul the Um: versity ot Waterloo school ot .m'huvrune . Recrvatumul uppmur Illllt'x haw In-rn culmm'mi. “uh [hr dt'selopmen1 ol (In/rm ol kiionwtrcs at new trails. runslruruun n] m-w tiset as aw». points and [rorlage and the opt-mug ul tiw Hum home lo Iulnng . hxhing and hunung "pyrrrtunitit'ss have hum upundvd "mm; [mm ary strrrked in the Grand River mun Fergus and tlwCon, vshygu River. A managmllvm plan has been developed fur the IJutuwille Marsh. . New and expanded fes- Iivals promote the river tHs- tttm and its heritage. includ- ing Cayuga Fest, the Cob, hteoone Festival in Paris, the Waterloo-Wellington 'ai.4t.M."e-te-e-RM-mo-t"-rNhr"m" - t.rst"-rrtsmtm--qa8"--rmotomrohe" Lori-ss-tNr -tm..r" tmrrw-tttmm"ttva.te'-t_qtee-t-m sacrum-humou- (hildren's Groundwater Ir5lnal and the Grand "pportunities I’lyrtlshmg hnrum at Belwotsd Inky (innwn alum Area Che report ulsn notes mum [muses sinu- tH94. iruluding the demolition n! tile [dun Mulls. bowstring bridge and the closing ofthe Vagrant Must-um in Water- hro, Other parts of the report address potential upporluv minus and threat: relating to the watersheds heritage and rut rcatronal features lo prepare the report. (RBI A staff [will a series at publir meetings 1hroughout the watershed. distributed "uestionnaires and received suhuussluns trom individu» ills and Motlps meticulous Restoration Original Paint Rnishes Unsurpassed Coision - FINE AUIU INC " Centennial Dr. Kitchener MHEH gfEIEh1ifi2