City should have cast a wider net af LETTERS ' TEE EiraTEiT - 7 I Whenevrr therc is legal union taken, " Pr perhaps too much In ask what the hush m that anion is. and whether the affronted puny has il (use to make. But ask Wk' must. min-null) in the Case ot the City ofWuterloo WP 9115 John Ford. [In-nu 's, ttrruwr mar mum The truth Is 011le in thes details but loo often win-n something becomes a legal IlliHll’I. an 0me process becomes 11th:! for fear of handing some damning informa- tion to the other side, The worry is the lawsuit iust wun't stand up to the scrutiny. But in this case n asks me gerler- al public to put a lot of faith in the city's View of what is actionable when seeking rorowry from the RIM Parlrfinancing tiasco. when re- gs children. many of us have elighted in the thrill of an East- er egg hunt, the indulgence of chocolate bunnies or other candy treats. and the excitement of a fami, ly get-together. Local water woes create more fear ust wanted to respond to Andrea Bailey's article in the March 24 edition of the paper. My husband and I can totally relate. We bought our first brand new car because we were sick of repairing tour old one). Well. we have had nothing but trouble with it since day one. Even as youth and young adults, some of those aspects of Easter tra- ditions may remain "ttractive and enjoyable. and as pan-ms we simply return to our original pleasures but cast in a different Ink for the holi- day. However. like many things. if these are all that Easter means to us, the occasion will won lose its, genuine lustre. Faster as an active family holiday is fun, hut it is not enduring. Although not as fully afflicted by commercial interests as Christmas. for many people the teal meaning of Easter is lost on them and " is reduced simply to a celebration of spring or of "life", Iread your story in the Waterloo Chronicle for last week fHtesident questions safety of rink water". by Jason Middleton). In the first three weeks, the transmission was related. Within one year the "piston rings" were installed upside down. This left the car burning oil and empty, I live around Amos Avenue and Erb Street in Waterloo and I have been having similar problems with After tio oil changés not one person at the dealership let us pow New cars can be deep money pits Finding the real meaning of Easter “us in and of itself is not so had mmhlislung InN an City hall p, slill a work in pmgn-sm And 1itat"s asking it rot Irom a doubling puhlu that has pushed lhr misc lor Inga! "Cut9it m the new city cotutvil sUtrw 1ltey ,,tarted sit, [mg in Dru-mle Thvw citizens, wvn-n'l sure If thc zllgunu-nl was falling on deaf van Whilr critics oi tht. ciryu, approach applaud slums action below the June t deadline ttt see}. "iovery under the city", current insurance policy. they are left wow dering why the legal action is my limited in scope. Surely. others besides Ford were liable for a financing deal that near- ly doubled what the city thought it was originally paying for the park. How: about -ihe ciiyr, former CM) Tom Slockie. who had a role to play I just feel it is unfair In pay for extra water. given the fact that We pay enough taxes for basic services like this. something may be wrong with oil consumption. I only checked it on a whim before heading out for the long weekend. If it was dry then, and the part had been like that from day one, they must have come across the same thing during those first two oil changes. my water. I am now afraid to drink water and I would really much like to con- We get the sarhe song and dance, "Sorry Ms. lanes. there's nothing we can do.... " The list goes on and on... What is most upsetting now is that our bumper to bumper warranty is done and we are making these repairs out of pocket. It is disgust- Easter is supposed to be a celebra- tion of life and can be enjoyed as such; however. it is meant to be a celebration of life eternal, not life mortal. Most people, we think, do not, as a daily practice. reflect on the nature of their lives. A number in this region do try In reflect on it at least weekly. during the religious services of our respecr tive faiths, Easter. however, is intended to he a special opportunity annually for each of us to ouisider the rea- sons for which we were born and the goals for which we are living as we reflect upon the fully sacrificial existence of [ems of Nazareth. the manner of his death and his promise of resurrection and hope of eternal life for all. Mel Gibson's mnvw. "The Pas, sion of the Christ". has brought home this message In many Even for those who have not won it. it C,()i)v1 m the {new health? m hr. lack ot supvrvisiun of Funi. said luxuu' Ron Silk. m thr RIM Park Inquiry. And MFP biitanciaf, “and Robson who pulled oft a classic mm and switch scum. according In the tinul Inquiry report. And why slop there as Imlh put vimts councils had a role In play m lirst agreeing In the tittant"utg plan without knowing MI the details. and liten indetitr1ifyir1p, the like, ol Block": from any future legal mmifr rations. By timing a wider net, perhaps there will be more to hang " judg- mem on, and the potential In rotor» er more of the $32 million. But by leaving all their eggs in one basket with Ford. it leaves PPO- ple wondering if the city will end up with a rotten return instead. tact Tracey Stnith I0 somehow tell her that she has my support. ing what car dealerships can get away with. I'm not sure we will ever buy new again. What is the point, it's all a crap shoot. We bought a new car. with used- car problems. Why not stick to a good used car with extended war- ranty. and not pay out such a large monthy payment. At feissi then, the problems would seem justified. has provoked considerations about "Who is the Christ?" and "Why does He matter?" The truth of the mat- ter, however, is not Found in movies or art or even in profound or schor arly analysis of sacred writ and his- torical text. It will be found follow- ing genuine personal and prayerful reflection. Thank wil. for putting this article in the paper. lt is our invitation to all to take advantage of this Easter season to reflect upon the meaning of Christ's sacrificial experiences and his expressed promises concerning them. We believe that those who do will find the true and enduring meaning of Easter. Bishop David Heap and coun- selors. Michael Clifton and Dale Urnhach The brshoprir of The f .hurrh of Jesus f hrirt of InmwdnySain ts. Waterloo "i)/l k /i,N"',, T" t all _ oc' Cutberto A Santillan Waterloo Ien lanes Waterloo Even the very first generating station at Niagara Falls sur fered from severe cost overruns that threatened the financial framing of the entire province and caused the Conservative government of then premier James Whitney tn seriously consider priva- tizing the utility before that first light ‘ 'iIlE'Mllm l wasturned on in Bedin,thtt. . . - . People"go wild" over hydro prices Hydro has always ham] Cl pretty hm Hunt Ht the pmvir1ce beginning when Sir Adam Beck on Oct. l t, kill) tripped the first switch in Berlin. ()m. (Kitchener) 10 light up a street sign that said "For the People". Newspaper reports at the tinte said the people went wild. and when it Comes to electricity Tales it ram be argued that the people of Omaha have been going wild ever since In more recent times the Failed experiment in market deregulation led to soaring electricity prices in the winter of 2003. These soaring prices left homeowners. industry. and small business owners absolutely howling at the former provincial government to do something Rarely in public life is there a situation where homeowners, industry and small businesses agree on something. And when they do, they become a force so strong that governments are forced to act, The Eves' government acted quick- L----? ly. abandoned the free market for consumer electricity prices. returned to a more regulatory framework. and placed a cap on electricity rates at 4.3 cents a kilowatt hour (kWh). This move solved the problem of loud and vocal dissent within the province. but unfortunately created bigger and more compli- cated problems, These problems with hydro were further intensified with the great blackout in the summer of2001 Use less and pay more The challenge for the current government is to bring stabili- ty to the electricity marketplace. both for suppliers and users; and in the wake of the blackout. ensure long term supply for all consumers. Effective April I, the cap at 4.3 cents disappeared and was replaced with an increased cap of 4.7 cents a kWh for the first 750 kwh used per month. and will increase to 5.5 cents above that level. The increase is necessary and is still below what our local utilities pay for hydro within the electricity marketplace. The average price per kilowatt hour since May 2003 has aver- aged 5.105 cents per kwh. The difference between the cost and the rate charged is picked up by all Ontario taxpayers and goes into debt. Ouch. Ontario. when compared to most jurisdictions in the world, has the least expensive energy. Blessed with the natural power of Niagara Falls. Ontarians have long held the belief that our power is cheap. This myth has been aided by all governments over the past 100 years who refused to increase the cost to can sumers to reflect the true cost of supply and instead fmanced the difference through massive amounts of debt, The current government and Energy Minister Dwight Dun- can must gradually increase the cast to cansumers to reflect the [me cast of supply. Once this is done. the province can get on with the real tough ioh of building new supply and aggres- sively promoting conservation programs. All households in Ontario, including yours and mine. must change our habits to use less. When we use electricity. we must recognize that we have to pay the true cost. Having the govern- ment subsidize our use is pure folly. This is true for all con- sumers. including industries and small businesses. In many ways the sooner we use less and pay more. the sooner we can secure the long-term source of supply and simultaneously secure a sustainable economic future for all Ontarians. When it comes in hydro. we need short-term pain In achieve lung lerm gain. limail your r-omments/qucstions to seaneseartstrirk, land.cnm . Toronto follows Waterloo’s lead