Continued from page 12 class "We try to talk In ti lot [11 people that are passing through the tmwuurw on their way to class." said Bet, "But usually tttat guys ttt waves. Students stay awake for good cause "You're up high tor a link- while, but after a while you come down and have ttt sit there a while In recoup yum iSPOTLESS RElPtrrA'lrlllON', They both admitted the toughest lime is in the still of the night. when there's nobody around. and in the pre-dawn hrours when a dream-like haze sets in. "Tonight and tomorrow morning are going [0 be the toughest parts before the sun comes up." said East. local tttMatte' ittltttt needed Rite of Waterloo Public ealth and its partner. Together 4 Health. want to hear from kids about what they think students can do to be healthier at school. As part of the March Nutrition Month Campaign, Eat Well, Play Well, a special feature has been added to Together 4 Health's Web site at The acfivity, called “Let's Pack a Healthy Lunch" allows students to choose "We also have people with new t'uergy whu will mule in m boost us up with thud." said Best, "We have to have that drtre In km-p gouty," hast said that drive l‘ulllt’s in giving back In the (any numil} and helping um kwul kids. CA lot ot us have papers due. important clashes to go to and labs m go In. but Ive still manage m tit n all in." said hm. a socnnd~year otmntunicatior1s sludies "mint "We've iust got In do it." said Best. a second-year business student. "For me it’s all about the kids. "When you're sitting there and you're down and nothing going for you. foods that can be dragged and dropped into a lunch box. The packed lunch can then be printed out and compared to Canada's Food Guide to Healthy Eating rec- ommendations. The Web site activity also asks students for their ideas about how they can eat bet- ter and be more physically active at school. The infor- mation gathered will be compiled into a tool kit that is being developed by the you've got [U remember it's for the kids" While the spirit is willing the flesh is weak. and the fundraiser haul some casual- tics, hefuru it tiuaily conduct ed has! had to gm hme and and). while Beht muld hard ty keep his uyrs open as he luoked off mu) spare. Best said the saving grace was when the kids irun1 the program came by during the night and gave them the bunsl they needed to gu an and raise more than $1.700. "They motivated us because they're coming from a harder situation than we'll "We had an amazing time with them," said Best. "They fell in love with us and we fell in love with them. Healthy Schools work group to assist schools in creating healthier environments. Classrooms with at least 10 students providing their ideas online will be eligible to win a class prize. Each student in the winning class will receive a new book from a compiled list of books with positive physical activity messages. Teai:hers can receive free materials by calling 883- 2110, ext. 5294. ex er deal with." "After [Heeling with them we weren't complaining ahout treing tired amymurc." said "et his voice tracking. in what was Heal going In do as sum: "db hrs 50huur, or wakerul dreaming Wert' over? "I‘m going In bed." he said will“; Ill!') A _llllllilli]l, Y" oy Junction Irr, "A t" [hr â€at 2 year":; Cie" "CC. cF-I-J'en "a“? arm-9:1 a by warmer turtkday Lam, Birthday Parties $13.:chla Irl,:Husfeer. L' Ha. otaif. 01193.11 ..f, lun. n Riverworks, St, Jacobs 664-1451 re'.lr tfllt. Available Themes: vmiarv