Continued from page t Homeowners focused on fighting student housing model "n _ ' " _ y» mfEv'sscar l _ _ .. ‘- __, " I I," _,", o WSW“ I b ; - G S I ths,,'" . CCig' " t i A A ‘ I - " _ Lee , Igfillr " , . _ ‘ I 3 ..., , Bte t.U" ‘ IigIM1ttEM% LA.“ IE _it - .. «we IRONFUTON "E m" u - ‘ ‘699 MANOU, wnmmumv " rr,onrsai_'iiiiii' - I]- _IIII mu MILAN Rmm smalls - vu' 'f, swarm _ ,t-?-sii,)td"' “MIN e MATTRESS and FURNITURE SALE! 'jj DAYS ONLY! , I -.c'u. ,ty,y, 'tf, ilmlit, " -- f 'iaiiigl T - 35%? L. I 'iiii' mummy FIG'] mum BW, WWW '355 I". II. - WEE 1 MILLION CUSTOMERS BOLD detached home, are "limi, Hated. there may Iu' no way, In replace them um r Wale: loo hm, its limit ul land lm single-detached homes In about le years "ttle. "We want to irrt"serve [In- t1eighlururhood tor people who wum In hic there." said Wellsrtusd "ltus also wally impurldnl In] tht. rin lo present- single lunuly hour in"; hccause we're going tu he out ot rmidvnlial land in the city in tit yeah, "Am-r that we'll be hurl- ing for single-family hous- ing. and than will hurt our m'nnumy. Companies are not going tu want to locate here without housing for their employees." And he. doesn't think one neighbourhood should ire sacrificed to solve the Mtl- dunl housing problem and to preserve other neigh~ hourhoods. In fact the stu- dent prerinct model could put more pressure on 'sur- rounding neighbourhoods. momma-m III] "I“ PAY Hill 1 YEAR "No when the wills go up muund the uniwrsny. you man‘ tind lots ul sludt‘ms lunking tor housing in other "eighhourhoods. We'rc um wally mung "ther neigh» lmurlmmls .. "Slum-ms art. lundalm-IL tally interested m n ml." sand Wellhttud .. Juumn ls going up all tlw [mm "Face rt, thr perrnarlen1 residents are the ones that Create the stability in a "eighhourhood." said Well- stood. "I don't think it's tms- sihlv to create u stable neighimurhotrd that is only students. "We don't want to he forced nut." erlsumd and members of the Sugarhush neigh- buurhoud avismriation will make that pilrh to city rmmcil March 22. Mnimaimng (â€Immunity standards is also "asier In (In with a neighbourhood preservation model than the pussihlt' ghetto scenario that could rum;- out of il student precinct model, "The way I look at it, tor the gnud of students, rui- dents and the city. we have In (“1111' up with a model that shares the resuurcm we have and helps us tty build it viable community" he said. City staff have also rec- nmmunded the Neighbour- hood Preservation model m'vr the Studenl Precinct model in the Student Accommodation Study dis- Cussinn paper released last week. riailrrrWira6r>.d a m W†““6 Full ttarms/conditions contact: PAN-EXPRESS TRAVEL LTD. i‘RINLV! Dun Currie. it polity Id mt an) s;n-l;w" V mu...†"om "F ".nr'-rq -, me l.. .w ,, I "ts. muslin-A v. “WNW...†1|. P a“! - '6tr-orrstrmt .1144â€. II Invao-J. anâ€: ram ants Fiji Inca Breakfast 2nts Auckland with Crty Tour Int Rotorua with Maon Hangi 12nts Sapphire Princess Cruuse Auckland to Sydney & Tasmania 2nts Eaglereach - Australia's Premier Wilderness Resort inc, Meals/Wine Tour/Dolphins Cruise Debt Freedom ants Sydney inc. Breakfast £519) 744-7331 FEB. 15, 2005 26 DAYS V'iilu!" SOUTH PACIFIC r '-866-FOR-DEBT planner with the “Us du'cluplm-nl services department, mu! the slu den! housing needs could he mm by the unlit-s and unriilurs mum-I adopted last yeur, cost-ating higher (It-mu); des clupuwnl around nluiur ilttoroughiarcs like liulumhiu Strect and 1JriivtsrsitvAwntw. But Currie said turning it over to a Student Precinct model isn't a iirrgtotoe con- clminn. ("we the supply runs uul. there likely won't be any more single detarhvd hour w; huill in Walt-mm, hime would urglu- 1hr Ntudent Precinct model n-pr wn-ms the reality (In the ground where more than N per cent of the homes in sumo inn-as are lodging houses or rental units. "The area hann'r been completely taken over by student housing or rental housing." said Currie. " ihere's a number of hotrses occupied by permanent rch- idents and a number of resi- dents who wan! In remain there" City council will review the discussion paper March 22. There will also be public meetings March 24Watcrloo Memorial Recreation (Inm- plex, from 7-9 pm, and on April I Alhert McCorrmik Arena. from 7-9 pm. l'hr city also has itt Pre scum us sirrgle-ritnuly homes, "We should Ire [Humming the ones we have," sand Cur- ric. IN THE RED $6.999 Cruise, Air, Land plus taxes & fees