'Eapitqigipt1s 8tgiWa, ("s'"iii'iti'rl 35333- 2m "'fS?gresel WWPME†wa'i'm‘ ms 310.998 -8rrarmmermeerasatolWlFMstereotMthC1V'3_'.enautmio Human-w . L/ 'rnzl'mr-n] I Ham mm "JET . _ in! Ms. . any gun . 5‘9 mrsrr" . WW" M32076 9am; may . ten-es; imrrt . :irsr wlnmwg . '4 inwam: _ w- u if?" _ . 121 Email amine . ', (Txsal Yuma lra'smsw‘ . "IF-w? s-ae . :‘AFSI tr.. . Trrett 2E!e"£rl 52:49" . _ it.) a if!“ Call 310.604.3000 or 1.800.465.8003. Visit us at 300 mm: Street North, Waterloo. Wan call 519.884.9000 -01lDftemmt6marairaoWoihBS.0mlfmmandsa$eaio+ .ute'WMMv-tcr_r'mrwtrxor'arr-r,-ccmtti-amttn-'it worn; . "V murmur Wm . km vim max . “as aw ‘mrr o MN mm:W'-1W _ '1trht1iT0r, CHEVROLET 0 HUMMER Located at 255 King @ University in Waterloo Come and see our fresh new look for Spring!! Call us at 886-5000 , (Formerly o/a Hallmark, Conestoga Mall) [iTEl?EiT2E) "Momhsrrtartusaset Ctshihmhmseihte kurcV stem: . kw; "ml 1.3 3' nag: . Duns T'wmnx 'At8lF1'stermtvithc08Mf'3t-'rvzmr.:rmotairarsroswrcr1 my max-Denvmw mu“ Fm‘vnwmms â€arable nterrtittiy_: . "cxonreg 'ryitruwr.sets"itstamglalasrsqp>2xir2N I 2"L"t'"d"; Sewers-mod- i'Sdttu, (ti"iiir'iiiiri 'll';',"'" mm... V3??? sii"i"'i"i'iir .oWttotitl6mitre't5"aemirttrot8ttrt_serttr-hirar+ . t wen automate rre"SF"s'sim . Bean an? . Pea; Carr, n91 . 1" use arm . in Wrarq-Wv'vstPr'auerCCxreT-rVeramrtxeo'i'm.r1lhsarmermrax Jim-#40251 .6-rrt-"ammissiot"h+mtimrtoh-Ftsrhort-t+ W“ 1 Jam- mwnmvas-mepmw-i was WM?M$31< .7a.rre-rrm0trmtnoo&tse MMV war-Tm. T new Hmcmu'nmm: Samoan}?! For all life’s roads Get great value and selection with our complete inventory of 2004 vehicles. ; s225' $15,993- aM6ttttthSmartkease WWW mlmvau At 8:50 a "L on lee Avenue a number ul glrls were an [hen way In school when the vehicle approached. The mum rolled down his wmduw and scratched his goutee lhe girls fled l0 school, Ptttttttt Walk winds through Waterloo Members of the Kitchen- er and Walerlon community are invited In participate in this candlelight walk to show solidarity against the Police on watch for suspicious character driving green minivan Continued [rpm page I Peace Walk will take slace through Waterloo this yraturday. At l l:50antr a yuung boy. who was walling fur his mother 10 pick him up. began to walk home along ti'iiiii'i?is. 'i, 5264' 520.498" More I earn? “one: year“; tree - 1:09:19: '33:: We . 2 'ret'". 15"} vans-163w. . '? in l Minn?- engmi . Rea' Wye . mm saw ta" 'f 52.? r:9asrai13Xi -thsalmneaertmoert_iseamtns-rdts't-uxestrvrr' vm-swvm (NrxfSihdtessiyrroritraxrico-tatia, -mrmeosW.'Mgrrirae%xn_r- mWaiXy_i "airum'tmitg-iitt_rrtAats16"atstttmrrro_ttergs-ec,r- '/llk'/'l I'lrgt1l'/37'isi7"ii'i'iiii'ii "trBq'we-ihairtrte-tlirq-a3trnrr-"ar1rarmra-r a: o"r_Ttrr1raaaEa-1F'arr-tertorlgjt-we T mere-ity: mn-an-fm'm-im-vm any“??? Mmduwm' iyrrve when the minnan approached, the mun rolled down his wm duw. scratched his gamer and winked, lhe green mmlvan has also been sported around Kealsway pulolic school m Waterloo. "I think the thing I want tn make clear in all this is that the students in all of the vases do an excellent M, ot reporting the incidents and getting a description." said use of war. terror. violence, bombing and the threat oi war to achieve peace. This walk will corre- spend with other peace ral- lies across the world as pan of the International Day at Peace. "_"-"-.."'---- -tB-r..o-"_ hil"8~'n _"I- "o.-'"------- - -- “hu‘lu_h-’_ I-u-uuh--â€*u- hun- -o"_raqBt-rs-.- 3 3314' l 521.79? 48trmqis-tge- Can-anew IaIuIIISIMm (lath-nah: Matt Sgt Bryan larluu lhe man Is descrOed As 25 In M) years old, dark sk1n pumred n0se,a then face mm a dark curly gamma short dark hall and weanng glasses. lhe man has been seen driving a dark green minivan with "med windows, Anyone with information Is ash-d to roman Waterloo detect" rs ill as; 7700 ml 330 ur Crime Stoppers al l, Walkers will meet at 6:30 p-nr at the corner of Sea- gram 19rive and University Avenue (in front of the Uni- vanity of Watertoo). From there the group will be walking by candlelight 10 the Cenoraph at City Hall. T yo I Wh one a.“