tile others dread Win- booming suuud ut the alarm on Monday murmugs. Mrlmly Srhlrn'lwr \M'lruuu-s the wuktop call, Schindler spends tt uur ple hours CVl'I'). Monday morning making sun- pew cuts and childn'n runny thotv,clves all Home's Place. a mum and ml drop-m pro- grum attiiiated with Ilu- City of Waterloo. which tum from ortolrtat In April out of theAlhert Md'umln‘l. l IHU- [111' Mart 01 " [IL-w him-k means the Ntitrt ol "lore lull hor the urtiu- "mun-r ol (m). IE:J foto sourcew “no" Hem PROVIDWG DIGITAL Mlb SERVICES an.“ DIGITAL MEDIA @Bent’s fâ€; foto sourcew we“ ngh Ouallty Digital Pnnts 5x7 - $2.50 ea 8x10 - $5.00 ea 11x14 - $9.95 ea 12x18 - $9.95 ea, By Arman Bum 1?yyrylh' Sm!) .x6 - 39eea, “was two SHAPE Dull (Dammit cp {iv/71 I)! y b‘ 'i/ie, n " S Print From: Compact Flash. Smart Media. SD. MMC. AO Cards. CD Memory Stick, or Floppy Disk " King St. South, Waterloo Tel: 886-1320 mumly Centre As president, yichleicher also roommates the unlulr u-n-r whedule. Pronune the pmgmm lhmugh advertis- mg. and handles the paper- work that (mm-s with nur mug \urh u pmgmm But [he hm! pun ol her volunteer comu1itt1teru. she mitt is watching dun-m ol rhildu-n grow up hetorc he! tles. "I’m here humus:- l mum; it," Scllh‘it'hrl said during one oi her days an Bern"; Place. "I like fuming here and wrung the kids grow" yrhlewhes, Ivunwd of the prugmm 12 years ago when she \VilS running child (are nilh “mum Saba. founder of Sparuoum Breil-matntaured twn bed. room condo Brighl. corner umL Parking Gntrolled entry. Sauna. exer- Clip mom and party room, In this throe plus bedroom home Femmd mature vard. TN rmm_ mam "nor laundry Don't have " in chi-urn rail Alex and Lann- HIS Roy-l L-Pue ' may. Close n all Amenities Runnable May 1 743-7937 Westmmmt/0ttat" Mail Flow Family Ale: Grime [Lance Robert Sales Rep Mssoc. My 5724284. 575-3597 at 747-2040 Saba (misled the program in 1991 to give pan-ms .1 place In take their ctuldrtut Al a low rust. and the chance In stay and watch them play. “ltt'snlrms In I Audion: village dmmlul my. m the program In help gm [hulgx started. and il's just mun hulk-d sincc,“ hihlcirher said A mung mother herseli an the time, Yschleicher brought her daughlvr. mm: 13. and Bertie), Place 1369 King St. N. (upper level) St. Jacobs 554-2539 file,,?,,',),?"'; mrnesl I!†Continued on page 16 . Fine Lingerie . Sleep wear . Actlve Apparel . Smm . Bright. clean, spawns. gurgmus vww from mam “our. backs In green ark' Large oak kitchen with Island. 3 Ergo bdrm-ms, 3 Isaths.Jacuzzi. central aw. central vac. fmoshed m rmm I20 E 20". tterk. gas line fur stove. flexmle don-nu. tmly 4 wars mung MU; EASTBRIDGE BEAUTY! Now, more than event; .tt,.vl,trl)?tetioo's newspaper! WATER"irjij' "CHRONICLE THERE'S MORE TC) IT "'"-l8tl-r.l.lllt THAN STUNNING PERFORMANCES. 'uv. Vi) ROH A M A a ' . V .-i- , U' titiN I i -._ P " rucncuc kAnDE Tn IT "BE TEAM calms J., The AVS ES I oo hue ulna high performcme looks: nd handllng wll'u everyday ude qualities and aWoIdcbllvry Vokohumu 'rtnovaiiort slvlkes agaml Heres the new ulllumgh periorrvarsce radial that opens up 'he sports (or segment by making udnu hlgh rredor-ance ova-labia to most per [mmonte enthustasrs Intended kat chassis sports cats and luxury sports sedans the AVS ES IOU Is for those who dream ol performance but demand everyday dlmng cow-fall one: dmublilry ul un chimewe prune W -fov Is baking [or a blend of {mp steering response nae comfort and low none but In an affordable may the Innovahve AVS ESIOO Is kv vow Buck bungalow mth Irasernent apt Main ftrmr lenanl pays $1250. base- mem tertant pays 59511 mull rent $2200 Mortgage payment approx $1100 wn plus bedrnom bungalow wu1h walkout on 209 John S! w, Wat Hardwood Nrrw furnace, an. new wm- dnws. nownr rod Ftreplarx' large oat, m knrhem two 4 put-cr- bathrooms I with Jarunl tuh VIII a minute am I paying you to buy my house? Fairway: Mall are: Call Bryan 569-0508 tautrtimsitrA-EastiatMars5mtdthimb Waterloo mun 209 John St Vt “new 7q6q179 at I’M-0191 after 9 pm. FREE HOUSE Clean borne With some npwpr windows. some floors. roof. 2001. as furnaco‘ 1998. de. [maxi yard, 1ftLll,r,',',il 3 baths. ret" mom - den. central air. fire- place. stove. dsshwasher. {recur mcl. computer network, Pass. m May MLS' 52H LEIHHLAND DR WAT Just off Keatswav Custom Bmhwnnrl Tu bmi, mmhnrk 2 mum: lamp prmmpal moms Inft cmhmrs. farmly rmrn mth ftroplaut hung mom Inâ€) firrplmw riparian! kitchen. fnrmal dlnmg rmmv master with onsulh) Hasompm mrlaw Run» Pnvate ward “nth hut tah' Agent all; in mammals Dan-r 897-3119 Open House Sun. IA GREAT LOCATION! Flaw and Teresa Omen. Salas Rep/Assoc. Broker 57b7300 Royal LePage Hole Matty - Broker __ In“! mi