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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 25 Feb 2004, p. 27

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Remarks Panel: Many of us Immediately think M a good diet and exercise as the keys, and they are important. hut there is a lot more In achieving Ultimate Health and developing greater resiliency to all life's. challenges! Family Physicram author and speaker Dr. David Rainham will introduce workshop participants to the concept ul' idennfying the Noun: nl thc WMHA Annual (icncrul “stung In hc held nn Monday. May Tt. 2tltl m 7 (RI p m In thc RIM Park Rmcra Room Nominations tor pmmurh an the Humid ot Ihrcctors, Mr election a! the Mccnng must he suhrmttcd In unnnp In the Uharr M “In: Nummahng Commute “Mun munccn i NI dar, prim In May li. 2004 Thh Inn-lung n uprn lo all nk-mhcrs And lo [he general puhlu Treasurer , ycar's Director oi trd & 4th ch Teams I ycrtrh Dirt-clot nl Rec Hunky Jumor ”um-m 2 years Ihrector "r Parent Concerns ch Hm Iu‘y 2 years Dlrccmr ot Commumcatwsm, 2 wan Director of Sponsorship 2 YtritrN For more snformation nn the rote, and responu6mtuvs M [hast pus-1mm. please rcnru tht: WMHA Constitutton or contact a member of the WMHA Board A (up): uf thc WMHA ("minimum and nummalmn forms arr Mallahlc at the WMHA orrwe located 111 the Manuhfe SPortspkx (tr RIM Park “I on nut wrrtvate www watrrhtohockry on (a WMHA " now au‘cpung munching applvcmlnns int nut Rrrp Teams (AAA A IMDI tor the Min-112W“ season Apphcattons can be nhlamrd lrnm the WMHA orrtce or on nur writs": im www warerloohockry on ua and mast ht returmrd hy Feb 29, HIV! ' No'ttce Pa hereby gut“ that an appucanon Is hung made to the Council of the CH); ofWaterioo tur‘an exemption to the Csty ot Waterloo Nome By-Iaw #78-79 which prohibits amphtied sound between the hours ot 500 pm to 7 ou am The applicant Is Paddy Flahcny's Restaurant & Pub, 77 ng Street North, Waterloo who IN requesting an exemption as tullosst The application will he presented to City Cnuncrl on March I. 2004 in thc Councrl Chambers, Waterloo City Certtrc, 100 Regina Street South. Waterloo. Anyone wishing to speak an thm matter should contact the City C lerk, Waterloo City Centre. too Regina Street South, Waterloo at 747-8549 no later than 9:00 a.m. Thursday. February 26. 2004‘ Questions regard- Ling this event should he directed to Mr Wogam Paddy Flaheny's Restaurant & Pub, 8864 130, To permit amptitied sound/music from 11.OO a.m. to 12:00 a.m. during their St. Patrick's Day event scheduled for Monday. March IT, 2004. "12 KEYS TO ULTIMATE HEALTH" Wednesday. March 3rd. 3004 1.1" pm _ 9 pm al the Waterloo Mammal Recreation C'omplcx "" Father Duud Bauer Dore, Waterloo Cost: $1tVpersm Course Code: 36172 FOR MORE INFORMATION AND REGISTRATION CALL SSS-[220 EXT, 225 AFTER THE DOUBLE COHORT: STUDENT-COMMUNITY RELATIONS TOWN 8: GOWN SYMPOSIUM APPLICATION FOR . NOISE BY-LAW EXEMPTION THE CITY OF lg marks Karen Redman cl: Mayor H, Epp, Cuy ot' Waterloo Mayor M Hancock, Crty of Brantford President. R. Rimehan. Willnd Launcr Inner-.11} Rob Payne. Presldcnl of.ACCWA Noghhourhood Assoc-ration. Humlllun Thursday, March 4, IOU-L 2: pm Hauwr Ham. Watcrloo Memoroal Recrcatron Complcx ttll Father Dunn! Bauer Drisc For further mformation mnlacl Development Services, Kathy Mortimer, 74134531 kmomrrwrerc1rvs1tcrhvvn ca A ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Invites You To Hear Community Leaders on WATERLOO MINOR HOCKEY ASSOCIATION " KEYS TO ULTIMATE HEALTH-WORKSHOP RIM Park, .'itgite Mrs ZIXII l‘niversil) Avenue Waterloo, Ontario KER 4K4 Tel. 71544.“ Fan 725-0387 e-mail srrohtrtirmldercuet -.waterhtohurkeromca ATTENTION COACHES Coty nf Waterloo fans: Nom? There was a print error in the 2004 Winter/Spring Happenings issue. Waterloo Golf Academy - Junior Camps, Age 10- I ll, should read S250 for the Full Q Day Camp. 1 Wu Cycling Club Age 10 years a. up Roles vary wn'h program Season Spring Developmen' Um ”no: In..." Vanni. III luv-h Do logakohon porn-Ms must be mad- by cash or (human Ahh CMEqUEs “Us" " “I" ”VI" TO TME IMWIL - OIGMInnou All-Shy with will b. chow. In rogular vogus'ro'uon has and will be that“ m a krtor date by Has Indnnduol sport orgoruzohon Fundomon'al ttr, '00, '99] 560 Minor Jr, T-bait (b. 19981 595 Moist 1. Y-bnll ftn I997) 395 Ir Rookie Ball fb, 1796) 5115 Sr Rocha Boil its t995l 3125 Mme! Tyke tb 1994] $140 Motor Tyke fb, 1993) 5140 Minor Poem ttc 1992) $110 Motor Peewoe fb 199155140 Mina! Bantam [b 1990) $150 Age S-adult Rules Youth 565. Adult $90 Age 449 my; Raids than Fundamentals lb 1998-99) 545 Mam-Mate (ls 19964}?! $80 Mite [b 199b951580 Sqoirt m 1992-93] "o Nance (b 1990-9Tr Mm Banlam tb 198878” 580 Midge! tb 1985-87] 580 Season "ouserlmaguer. Mayrluly H Mund palm-u an tho Iosponsvb-Iny d the Indmduul sport orgomtohon Hoos- (M with In tsp-(IR spo" canon-11mm for duo-ls ége_4-18yqqfs Camp /rius adv" par-grams Contact Stuart Comm", 386-0434 tfamtly discount avculablel Season 3-monlh unions, nerd sass-on starving Aprd 2004 Cantor! C'ub Off-ca, 342-8623 “dado. ”not “if “Db-ll All sports moan-ruinous mount on o first-como. 'iest-sorved bus-s nap. May - Aug-3st Conmd Cathy Fluid-av. 747.0430 Age B-lt your: Imus S95 Season Sopr-tberr-Novnrmbor Conrad Boon Horn, 886-0663 l-Vl au- W Maior Bantam [b I989) $150 Midgel (b was, 1937. 1988) 5150 Season d L S-yr Fundomnlul pro9rom: April 24-juot, 26 T-troll Mor 3~July IT HOW“! (Rocha “Waugh hhrdgrstl, May IO- Jury 17 Rep AAANAA May 31-50:” 4 Contoct Ctub Offtce. 88B-024a "on” Minor hub-ll Age: 5-19 years Rates $60 ' $30 fundrunsmg he Season AanAug Ivar-es mth Much) Contact Bruce Young, 88a-6960 Mil Judo Club Age 4-65 Rates Classes $60495 Season 3 It 12-week sessrons Conrad Club Office, 743-4998 Age S-uduh Raves vary mlh program Season Sopmmbor-hgmt Contact Club one“. 885-1310 Age J-uduh - Rates vary w-ih progrom Season Apnl - June 'psf-et-eo-rho K-W 'ref-s Club Hilario-Gallium Age l-‘lbyaars Rates $855250 Season Moy-Se-ttter Con'od Dan Combs, 886-6555 “WM Age 13o your; lotus vary much pvogmm Season It t tr mks (ennui lanmfnr Boll. 74r2B33 evenings only, 7-9 p m Owner/keeper Last Name Fee Paid A ddre " Postal Code Dog's Name Breed Mated FemaleU Neuteredd SpayedU Licence Fees: Before March I or within In days of becoming an owner March I to March 3I April I to June 30 After June 30 Club Office. 8866972 :29 COMMUNITY INFORMATION 886-1550 Tags may be purchased in person or by mail at Waterloo Clly Centre. 100 Regina St. s, Waterloo. N23 4A8, Please do not send cash by mail. Make cheque or money order payable In the C ity of Waterloo. Io count!" or MM lusunmv Lu Renewal u New Tag u Plenum Tag No DOG TAG / LICENCE APPLICATION , PAYMENT DUE BEFORE MARCH l, 2004 www.city.waterloo.on.ca than '- [Ids Age 5-13 - Eates Approx $125 For 10 weeks Season year-round Contact Christopher Haring-v. 5 73-1 692 K-W 'Moor m Paperweight (in 1998-99) $75 rm (b, 199637) $150 Novice fb T994-95) Sl 75 PM“ (h 1991-93] ST75 BuMam1b ”90-91) SI 75 MIngHb 1988-89I BUS Intermediala tb 1983-87] 5250 GMs led ib up to 1984] Stas Minor Fiald iNoeot-Midger) ' 1 2 5 Please note Late fee will apply if regaining affer March 6, 2004 Copy of bath certihkote required Season and-April - and of June Contact Club Office. 884-464] l-W lull-I "out" Inc's. Age 6, 1 g years Raves vary with 09: Season April - lung Contact Stephen. 634-8453 Age 7-16 yams (boys l owls} Roles Myto logo 7-8) $200 Tyke [one l?. 1 0) $350 Atom [age 11-12) 5350 Few“ (age l3-1l13350 Jr OVFl [15-16] 5400 Season Hoosoloogue. summan‘full Jr OVFL, sprmg/summerr Contact Russell Hughes. 8936349 MI this Mh.o. In“. K... Cynic-Ila club (W in. Fob. it only) Age 2-13yuars Roles very w-Ih program Each sass-on n 10-12 weeks Cor-00d Cluh one“, 143-4970 YOUR CHOKE WMarr, 7 days of rsgtstrotioet. on Marvin mam be arranged by call-in 385- I220 :244 Your "gm-n count-nail“ wMoto'bo_e'emrooh-eo-dthorteem MIMI!“ Cooedh-or. The, Pay-nan! Ass-stunt. de-nolor Ill" be laudable for on-sih um on both 50mm Post-dour! (II-qua: must be when-Hod WM! pawn-n! assuranc- taprlkotions For brunt Informant)" pleas. motor! 885- l 220 "" I Mum Spark Midi-whoa Day: P" 03-30an by Macho" & uéur- Sums. City trf War-doe Pawn-n7 ossislonce Is uvmlobla to Wale-400 msvdonfs To apply by pawn-m anatomy, "EASE IEGISTEI FIRST WITH THE SPORT or Telephone Firs! Name Coqu r_ Date of Last Rabies Shot “5.00 '20.00 $30.00 54500 Age: 5 & up Soccer Fun (I). 1993.99] Squirt Minor fb. Srl. W or Tfth squin Motor ib H?61. M or rm. Atom Minor ttn '95]. MM or T/Th Atom Moior lb 'SM). BMW or T/Th Under It Buysth 19931.T/Th Under It can; (b. may, ww Under " Boys (tr, 1991-92). W Under 13 Girls fb 1997-92], T/Th Under 15 Boys “I l939-90l. rm, Under 15 Girls tb 1989-90]. M/W WEI-Orion" INFINITY Undor 16 Bays lb 1983) Under 16 Girls [b "No Under " Boys (b 1986-87) Under " Girls lb 1986-87] Sr Man [b "385 on olderl Sr Women (b 1985 or older) Rules: Soccer Fun S61 All other ages $106 Fundy rate [3 or moruI S256 Soason starts 'rorty Mar. ending slum PLUS HOCKEY: Age 6 "ors-odol' Rates vary WMI progmm Season Camps. weekend, a. elite programs ova-labia r k for more information Contact En: Colder. 574-3617 varies Contact Shannan Klossen. 578-9680 Morx-Fri,9arn-5pm only m. .-I.I rear-v m... Ago Trees 6 & 1 - Novrot a 6 9 Atom IO & ll Fatwa " & " 30an H 5 15 lumov " & " Rates $130 per Mayer Samson April _ lune Corttuct Cluyl Brown, SBA-3’31 or 394-8711 19744 Senior Citizens twith Senior's Card) “0.00 “500 $20.00 $25.00 2004 Tag Number 1‘22"". was) 1933) 1936457) 1 986-87)

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