1mhiqtoborrt.armsd- More interest in Research and Technology Park More than 40 representatives of the development community attend- ed a local meeting recently In learn about future plans for the University of Waterloo's "Research and Techntuogy The research park team has unveiled a Request for Expressions of Interest (RED for its second building project. providing a neighbour In the key anchor tenant. iAnywhere Sully tions. a subsidiary nf Sybase Inc. It is seeking a development team to design, finance, crttrMrurt, nwn and 1tmiuimtotorsgnmuom lease a multi-tenant omce facility: The building would provide space for research-and technology-based com- panies as well as a publicly funded and operated Accelerator Centre. Members of the development com- munity, including architects. develop- ers, contractors. real estate agents. lawyers and consultants, attended the meeting where the information in the Request for Iixpressions was reviewed. detailed. and answers In questions were provided. me inlvrvslvd develtopmertt warns PAGE 3 are required to have their submissions in hy 4:30 pm. Friday. Ian. 30. " is anticipated that a preferred developer will be identified by the end of Febru- ary by a formal review committee. VCénsltutlinn of the facility should he underway within six to eight months after a developer is selected. The project is supported hy a part- nership involving the university, the Government of Canada, the Province ofth1tario, the Region ofWaterloo, the City nf Waterloo. Communitech, and Canada"; 'I‘m'hnmugy Triangle ClllltNCl Council delays decision on heritage home designation History has a way of repeating itself . And Monday's city coun- cil meeting was no excep- tion when council was to vote whether to designate a house at 35 Central St., under the Ontario Heritage Act. The previous council already acknowledged the property as a building with architectural and historical merit. And the new council was expected to endorse the position this week. "Or was it? No one was quite sure how council was supposed to handle the proposed her- itage house, but the owner of the house was happy that his house did not " become a water“ part of his- made if: [my tn do: decisions â€9' â€"5" based on a over the p r e v 1 0 u s council. We ofthe, need to see -Biil more evi- (TSP dence of why it should be a designat- ed property and what that entails," said Brad McGill, owner ofthe house L T h e y shouldn't be ()n Oct. 6. 2003. the pre- vious council unanimously supported the wishes of the Municipal Heritage com- mittee IMHO to pursue heritage designation of the uptown home. McGill does not support his house becoming a her- itage building; though the house was home to local painter Waldemar Neufeld while he was a teenager in the early 1900s. Marg Rowell. chairper- son of the MHC, said, "This house has always been his, torically important-, By lASON anurmn For The Chronicle "Waterloo has not made it a practice to designate properties for heritage purposes over the objection of the owner." - Bill Green GS P Group because of Woldemar Neufeld. "You may not be familiar with him. but two of his paintings hang here in the council chamber." Conn. Jim Edger asked if the reason the home was so important In the MHC was because of McGWs plans to add an addition to the back of the house, Bolger said. "Your Municipal Heritage Com- mittee has done an incredi- ble service to this munici- pality. "But in this case I think they are being used as a tool to advance the interest of some particular neigh- hours." Resident luhn McMene- my spoke agreeing with the heritage desigmatien: stances." said McMenemy. A designation that comes before council to get a building zoned heritage usually has the owners con- sent. But this is not the first time conflict has arisen. The Abraham Erb House was another example of this kind of situation. Speaking on behalf of McGill. Bill Green of GSP Group, said. "Waterloo has not made it a practice to designate properties for heritage purposes over the objection of the owner." Council agreed to wait until Feb. 9 to hear more information before making a decision nn the issue. "We cer- 1ainly don't want the three-storey a d d i t i D n because of its impact on us. "The rea- son why this p r o p o s e d designation comes for- ward now is because of the circum-