[INDIE FRIDAY, JANUARY 30 . am _ '19 'N ’29.“.mm..." Saturn Saab Isuzu of Kitchener Waterloo 663 Victoria St. N. 744-5811 "In ttreggror"orettm High school students lace exam ttPtNttttPtNt Not to mention the weeks leading up to the fateful event, for, as the say- ing goes. the anticipation of the thing is far worse than the thing itself. l is a truth widely Iacknuwiedged that exam week is the low point of the year for any high school student. So how do kids keep from going crazy when. for some of them, an entire course mark is riding on one two-hour test? The popular consensus is that it's all about time orga- Local demand for food increased in 2003 House of Friendship's Emergency Food Ham- per program has reported that 26,9B1 food hampers BY Cum». Moussuu Fur The t hrorucle nizatiotr, :10! only to make sure there's mom for ade. quale studying but also scheduling time for stress- relieving activities. Keeping the stress levels down is important for stu- dents, as being too stressed out inevitably equals not being able to work properly. “It's important to plan out what youre going to do, and set aside time for your- self," said Katie Moore. a Grade 13 student at WCI. She's been taking exams for five years now. and has learned the ropes. were distributed from its Guelph Street location in 2003. This is the second highest total since the "Things aie a lot more stressful now than they used to be," said Heidi Sham. another Grade V3 student. "ieachers emphasize how much [the exams] are worth. and marks are important for college and university." Life in Grade 13 is defi, nitely not as simple as it was in the earlier grades, but the students are wiser than they were, too. They have specific techniques they use for keeping things relaxed. "I'm going to be spend- ing a lot of time at the gym." said Caitlyn Holder. a Grade 12 student. who cites exer- cise as one of her primary de- stressing activities. "I atway2 listen to classi- cal music while studying." In 1958, the program was formally established and distributed 156 food ham- pers: today, it often serves more than 100 hampers each day and is the primary provider of emergency food assistance in the K-W com- munity. Emergency Food Hamper program began in 1958. - House of Friendship has been providing emergency food assistance since it was founded in 1939. Program coordinator Michael Parkinson says 2003 was a very busy year due to a number of factors: The amount of food dir tributed to families. individ- uals and other agencies was a record high; The defth of poverty has increased in many house- holds: Cuts to the social safety net have left many people with nowhere else to go " " Parents of children horn in 1990 and 2000 are muted to register Emir ch1ldtren) for classes hegmmng m September, 2004, If your Child IS currently attending Junmr kmdergarlen. It Is not necessary to repster your child agaln. Junior and senior kindergarten registration will be held at local public schools from Monday, January 26, 2004 to Friday, February ti, 2004. Please contact your school ahead of mm: to arrange a spenfh time for registration. and In receive an mformateon package If you are not sure winch school your (had “I" attend. please W)†the Boards weh site at www.wrdsb.on.ca or call 570-0003. ext 414rl The Waterloo Regmn "mud School Hoard IS pleased to welcome young students as they begin Icammg m our puhhc school system Audited Statements The Waterloo Regum Disim‘l School Board's Mutual Fmanoal Statements for the year ended lupus" "tl, mm are mallahle on the Board's web stte at www.titrrdsB.omca at from reception at the ltducatmn Centre, fil Ardelt Avenue m Kulchener MWWWWMummIcWM Waterloo Region District School Board www.wrdsb.on.ca said Dane Wendell. another student in Grade 13. "Play- ing the piano also helps me to relieve stress, And watch- ing teievision. If you don't do stuff for yourself. you end up becoming a slave ito the world." Delicate balance is clear- ly a key part of the equation. but most students seem to pull it off. "livery year I get stressed out, but once I sit down and start writing (the exam) everything goes rule," added Moore. Nevertheless. many high school students will be a lot happier in two weeks than they are right now. assistance with non-food issues like income, housing, heating and other basic necessities of life; Other services provided by the Program were at or over capacity, The Emergency Food Hamper program provided 1.560 more hampers than in 2002, an increase of about six per cent. The program serves more than 18,000 different people annually, orte-third of whom are children 12 years old and under. House of Friendship's Christmas Hamper program provided an additional 3.085 hampers to low-income households in December 2003, up nine per cent from the previous year. On the positive side, more than 300 volunteers contributed approximately 25.000 hours of labour to sustain the program. Kathi Smith {Ina-menar- of the Board Bill Getttt Bureau! of Education