112% Feel the "Freedom of Movement" - Restaurants . Catering q Meats 8; Cheese . Bakery . Seminar & Banquet Rooms as you allow your body to experience the exciting rhythms of Swing, Disco, Latin, Hip Hop and Country. Kindermusik: The foundation that supports your child 's lifetime growth. Is today a Kindermusilf Day? Monday & Tuesday 5pm -7pm Continues for a limited time... 1396 King St.. St. Jacobs (SI?) 664-2286 BREAKFAST BUFFET SPECIAL< oo 'C,',,'.',;?:,, 8ersdtrtaitgit1aagt. Includes soup, our famous Waterloo County Salad Bar. hot buffet and dessert. a EARLY MED) EVENING BIUFEEF We offer the full Kindermusik" Series Newborn to 7 Years wit/14a Billboard STONE CROCK 59 Church St. w. ELMIRA (519)669-152l “DanoeIT is FITNESS IN DlSGUISE" in a nutshell "IT" is: > FITNESS > FRIENDS _ FREEDOM OF MOVEMENT p- FUN Restaurant & f '(Ircring Every Saturdpy in January Specially-researched, purposeful musical activities that mi." stimulate & enhance every aspect ([er child's development! A new seawater begins soon! 62 2-5702 All lbnul an W 51hr In but!" Village with Seniors! Cfmoes NT (â€Mitt ' Gro- Wanda-n Sm r 191‘ , 1ppenmrs4, 59 Church St. W Elmira (519) 669-I52I But six years ugn. she decidcd In rHIrc again __ and stay that wav. "f always kwed working" she said. "But I knew it was time" Kuppersou's decision freed up more time " her to pursue her longtime goal to vulumeer in the community. Kopperson put a lot of thought into her choices, basing them an her own interests in life. Continued from page I l "I love music," she said. "A friend of mine was a volun- leer with the K-W Sympho- "I knew I wanted to wil- unteer." she said. “I just did- tit know where." it good beginning never ends QVQ) f"dv'A' I 1/ 7 £940 ff " (/J d “in: WHO SHAPE OUR command. uic'ffstcyc, I" ny, and was always raising funds for the orchestra, I thought that sounded like a lot ot fun." Koppersois efforts help the symphony raise money for its programs. including scholarships for music my dents. "To me. that's important." she said. "In today's world. it 's nice to have music." A vibrant senior, Kopper- son is convinced there are others in her age group who are also looking for more activity. As L-hair of the SARI}: 55- plus group, a not-for-profit group affiliated with the City of Waterloo. she helps pro- vide seniors with an oppor- tunity to enjoy the great out- doors. The group organizes a N), B 13???ka THERE’S NOTHING LIKE WARM COOKIES ON A COLD DAY! Smarte. Chocolate Chb, Oatmeal Roth, Peanut Butter Fresh Pork Sausage. . ... Smoked Pork Chops................$3.79 lb. Sirloin Tip Roasts. ... . .. Stew Beef..... Deli Sliced Black Forest Ham.....$3.99 lb. Marble Cheese.......................$5.69 lb. Get the kids together to bake cookies fresh from your oven using Stone Crock's convenient frozen cookie dough. Stone Crock Bakery (519) 664-3612 - 1402 King St., St. Jacobs "We're getting seniors out or the rocking chairs. and getting them moving." she said. four-day get-away twice a year. offering a variety at activities. kopperson also supports the Canadian Cancer Society by taking part in the annual Relay for Life. in support of cancer research. "We get a team of lit together and walk all night," she said. "It's nice because welake turns. "last year we raised near- ly $4,000. which was won- derfulfm our team." A breast cancer survivor herself, Kopperson knows too well the need for sup- port. - That's why she also takes part in the annual Terry Fox Run, also in support of (an cer research. "I'm a member of Terry's Team. which is made up of cancer survivors." she said. "And I always take part in the Chris Barker, who helps organize the Terry Fox Run for the City of Waterloo, said Koppersun is an example for others her age. "She has such a zesl for life," Barker said. "And she's a true inspiration. "The; fact that at her age she still continues to give and nurture is truly cool." Church arsoiiays an important role in Kopper- son's life. She often serves as as vol- unteer greeter at St. Agnes church, welcoming parish- ioners before mass. And if the church needs food for a special function. she's more than happy to make some- "I have a lot of energy." she said. "In order to keep that energy. 1 need to keep going. Kopperkon said staying active keeps her young - in body, mind and spirit. "it's helped nie be a sur- vivor." she said. "There's just so much in life. No one needs to be bored, and volunteers are needed so badly." - "f'm sure I get tired. but I'm too busy to notice." ...$3.49 lb. ...$l.99 lb. ...$3.99 lb.