When she's not helping others, Somie Kopperson enjoys sitting down and reading a good book. 0 Skate with the Siskins q Shoot Outs . Prizes --t-l-l_.L=CT> bran your sneakers or mates and I K I T C H E N E a - w A T E R L o o " walk andskatingmierttktstsppo' W All K Eel!, Society of Kitchener-W I O Cd Friday, January - Illlll, SKA I E Waterloo Memorial Recre _ ME-sa -.--.r_--_--r---_----r-r---. 6:00 _" 8:00 'ii" a ' L I... MIMnDll:( P e9. For more information and pledge forms, please contact us by telephone 519.74?1422 . by email alzkwtDnonline.net visit our web site at: www.alzhelmerkw.nonline.net h CH1]: for MEMORIES ANDREA emu v PHOTC . Chuck-a-Puck contest q Meet George a Tara from CHYM . Grab bags for the First 350 people to be 80 years old. With her on-the-tw lifestyle. it would be hard for some 30-year-oltls to keep up. 7 Staying adive in her com- munity Her secret to a Itmg-last lug youthful spirit? 100 Ilmlnn "nun mm In Watrrtors, tttk Nll. bu? Hannah-n; ‘nlll Hut-i. \ntanrs John " lmu-sqlw. HUN. LLB. J. Michael Drama: II.R.3\.. LLB. Big or Small Short or Tall... we'll fit you all New HIM sprung suits arnmng daily FFTNESSCLABSICS HEAL SUITS FOR REAL WOMEN 7% KING GTFRECT SUUTH WAT“. Lou m m JqP..+ By New!“ Bum I ltroutcte Ntutl El mrra Kn C hener Learn Inglon “val I'.<I.m-, 'xrrvrrratrv'uomrorm ml. W Illa & Fsotrs 'evung Sunny Rup- person. it's hard In .helieve she's going AW 0511th 8; Ilvullv Ickner :nnan Committed to Insuring Your World mass-1529 5X9 576-7211] 5m 33-8601 lk We? Grab your sneakers or skates and join us for an indoor walk and skating event In support of the Alzheimer Society of Kitchener-Waterloo.' Cin Flu-arm k 5’! .lrd Flux-r hm Itmtrr tPN V2rf 2Pr, Tr'l 51W579-.q.T3o Fat SIG-579413! 1-ht0tr-26'i-262r, kn inc-mu lrnnan tum "l could never just sit at home all day," Kopperson said adamantly. “I'm a pew ple person. I lave It) be around people, and 1 like It) be active." For years she enjoyed daily imeraction with her co- workers at Uniroyal in Kitch- erter. After retiring. she look another job at Ratz-Bechtel Funeral Home. where she met more friends. M-lverl I] n New Hamburg Waterloo Continued on page 12 II-lrpllunr mm :23 202': ba, (MO) sj'9585-8N6 513 562-3550 519 14671110 72.3 t'tltt Entire Fwy! Fun For The S.L. Marcella TWE- Ul HG FROBSHEi? DR WAYERLOC. ON. N2V 2G? 519-88S2367 FREE ESTIMATES Alzheimer' Society 145 Columbia Siren West. Watvrloo Ontario. Canada N2L 31.2 Tel: 5Priui8-h570 Fax: 519 388 6382 Mark L. Dorfman. Planner Inc. Proud to Supgort the Mark L Dorfman. ECIR, REP.