-Pr0!e L I FREE 1/2 W The New Hamburg lndapendenl has an Immedlale openlng lot a lullvume reponer'phatngrapher The msslul candidate will have a wnallsm alploma cl related unlvelsml degree and lie responsible ttrr wnllng general news oounal stones, lemmas and some sports. Expenence as a reports:- IS essenllal along wan strong wntog and communlcatlon sluils Wong clean may and adhering to deadllnes Is imperative as are strong pr1o1ography SKINS Experience usung Photoshop and QuarkXPress 's a dellnrte asset Preference mll be glven lo candidates who Ilve In Waterloo Reglon or withm a 30-mnute dnve ‘nl New Hamburg A tenable venloe ls essential Candldales must also be avanable tor occasional night and weekend work Interested mdmduals should lomard resumes, a cover letter and :lpplngs by Frrday, Jan 23 to Doug Cmson _ Editor " Maw Hamburg Independenl ', TI Peel Street, New Hamburg, ON NBA f E? j [519) 662-1082 ext 30 i519.'t662-352' {lam i editortenewhamtrurgiMependenrca . 0"“.51 J..elite'/:" ii (,,C,,iCri'i'ssr" ports,,)) _ V A NOE“ .r V _ 1rr.rirrssi' owe', 1 ‘5; 'tl . ii Tm“ Le.?,,?,:?:',"':')] ' (W NOEL" c:),.'] The Cambridge Times has an opening for a fulHime reporter/photographer. The person will be responsible for general news and feature writing. as well art photo assignments. Experience as a reporter is essential. along with strong writing and communication skills. Writing clean copy and adhering to deadlines are imperative. In addition. strong photography skills are necessary. Photoshop and QuarkXPress experience is an asset, The successful candidate will also have a related college diploma or university degree, Interested candidates should forward resumcx by Friday. Jan. If). to: l Jeff Hurst Editor Cambridge Times 1460 Bishop Street Cambridge, Ontario NIR 7N6 (519) 623-7395 (519)623-91551faxl jhurst@cambridgetimes.ca FNICI IPOs Reporter/Photographer Reporter/Photographer In: d INDEPENDENT 'l",,', i Cluttered Space? Can't0seviagra? 7? Peel Street, New Hamburg. ON N3A1E7 st I _ .n WProfessmnal tiiiieessiiow WPmiessmnal I IW Miscellaneous 'ltAjijjsriiLy]llliiiin ITIOI " a“ ",C,i',i'iivB"l,,' NEW HQMBURU iT AVAILAB I' ours V ossmss) ABLEI ' RUBBISH REMOVIl HATE " DO CHRONICLE u, m Professorial I H Rh fEil'attite, I PSORIASIS? ECZEMA? VITILIGO? Before 1 -877-42ti-822T m Professnonal I CLEARIASIS Heanh and Beauty I Stop Suffering NOW emf I Ill I " o igT,tslteavty I After HOME APPLMNCE \I k W1; L " w-m ta, wrau \nstauahon 8 Repairs mum. A ' sl 63.78129 BEST BUYS ttt ‘E'woqd "eltinq, I-ru . "" Ill Mrs; ~01me _ - ? WI (on hob Touch with“. soeUts, wiees, who- in wrung, we rt _ M cl til Ikhehg I IT,, In W! Road; MM la. Cambridge IBM-d! Biol Open Mon wlrurThorresiadFri1trtt Sun 'ra, BUY IT SELL IT RENT IT.'! WATERLOO CHRONICLE Phnnl- ny5 CCilit Fax 6ll 12fit