Waterloo minor soccer celebrates its Squirt winners The Winner of the MondayNVednesday Squirt Girls Minor was the navy team #7 coached by Gary Stortz and Katie Store. Ci.â€Y The wmner of the Tuesdayfrhursday Squirt Girls Minor was the purple teim #6 coached by Gord Buttinger, Pam Bumnger, Tim Corrigan and Amber Dunn. The wvnner of the Monday/Wednesday Squirt Boys Minor frrght A was the forest team " toathed by Radomur Despotovm The winner of the Monday/Wednesday Squirt Girls Major was the silver team " coached by Mark Wallace and Christopher Thacker. The winner of the Tuesday/Thursday Squirt Girls Major was the slimy grenooi0e lime team #2 coached by John Rowe and Steve Kscttesirtski The winner of the Monday/Wednesday Squirt Boys Minor Hugh! 8 was the royal team “I coached by Lauren Woods. Leeanne Hanneman and he Romanitk squtrtsouxr'mumamentfhatures868plqers The-roMetorstxxxisttr% at ttteeodt0drFtrtBiqeesoetmtree m0†Mun-uddlzmm thetoumamesttftattufngbodtgMsand 'nammummagn Thewtr-ttttegtrtsdhisitmsand tsoothe-tM-more-tami)' â€Whom Tttetrtme-leplqedatBeclttel NN and were broken down in trtitmrsiatsep-rinertteie MtmdaednesdedTusd.rfThum-