The University of Waterloo's Studio 180 presents The Laramie Project March 5-8 in the Theatre of the Arts, Mod- em Languages Building. Pro- ceeds from tonight's perfor- mance will fund a four-day display of the Canadian AIDS Memorial Quilt to Waterloo region and ultimately support people with HIV and AIDS. For ticket information. call the UW box office at 888- 4908. The Kitchener-Waterloo Little Theatre presents You Can't Take It With You, March 6- 15 at the Registry Theatre. For ticket information. call 886-0660. or email Tickets are also available at The Centre in the Square box office, 578-1570. man I Yuk Yuk's, I King M, W, kitch ener. presents Chuck Bym. wnh opening acts Laurie A Aposlolos B Barn-It CCorp-nt-v D DUNS-woo Wm E Em. E an: 0 Gen! K - Black allusion Mummy Glut-st John" "BORN ON THE 2ND OF MARCH" 'Porry Loo xm Waterloo Stage Theatre prev sents the musical comedy Sophie Tucker: last of the Red Hot Mamas, through March 8. For ticket information, call the box office at 888-0000. Theatre tk Company presents Susan Sandler's Crossing Delancey through March 8. For ticket information, call 57 1 _ 0928. Kitchener-Waterloo Little Theatre is holding auditions and production call for its upcoming production of Shakespeare's Othello. The auditions will be held March l0-12 at St. John's Lutheran Church in Waterloo from 7- 10 pm, There is no need to show up each night, but there may be call-hacks: Needed are actors. technicians and production staff, Actors should bring a short prepared If!“ "tull Solution: 18 Letters (5 Words) VVInNoov Last puzzle's answer: BASQUE IN THE SUN Benton Street Baptist Church will presents the Trinity Concert Choir from Deerfield, Illinois, March 7 at 7:30 pm. Freewill offering. The DaCapo Chamber Choir, directed by Ronald Enns. will perform March 8 at8 p.nrat St. luhn the Evangelist Angli- can Church. Special guests will be the Waterloo Chamber Players.oboist Michael Purversntith, and members of the Wellington Winds. Tick- The Wllfrid Laurier Faculty of Music presents a noon-hour concert featuring the Pen- derecki String Quartet, March 11 at the Maureen Forrester Recital Hall. Admission is hee Noon-hour concerts continue March 12 at Conrad Grebe] University College Chapel with New Canadian Vocal Music, featuring Stacie Robin- son (soprano) and Kong Kie Njo (piano). The concert begins at 12:30 pm Admis- sion is free. Harbinger Gallery, 22 Dupont St. E., Waterloo. features exhibits by loan Burneau (clay) and Simon Andrew (paintings). March 8-29. An opening reception will be held March 8 from 2-4 pm. ACROSS ion-Wm“ 5 Friend 8 Hump“! " Baum " Sum " smmms " tbvtdC-fiobrrsmm â€PM \SMWCD 20 'rt'purytourtr'tpo'd. 21 BOW " "rMrm.artrmot. 26de 30 Catrntqt_urtcq 32me 36 WMHOIW 37 Mountain-ma mqtrh,torgttrrt 39W wet-quay, 420mm " mun-1mm " mm 50 WNW!“ 52 Mdmm 53 Org-10"..†M Airman.»- 550mm soc-named†" ErNhhtmr-r scout“ 6F$ttrt-tNrxttxtmmrtiort , WWW ovum-nah Deanna vomwm,um H W " WM " WNW!!! 236atatsttrNt 25M 2 1t-ticttqrt0qris2t, 3mm Te is 79 Te" G 2gFtotrMdttttr(cm$tt. J1Tl|lov¢r 33 Lmyrrt_irorAband) so Maw 30 Winnie! 41mm 43mm Mh$qtBthrtqtttg8B. 45 Sal-mood: “mm " Dim, Sl [a Complete Collision and Refinishing Service A30 Albert Street, Waledoo 88 Ts i7 Tt ANSWER TO LAST _ihCiK'td PUZZLE Tr" -39 m, W fi 31