at: City Hall. Council Chambers. 100 Regina Street South. Waterloo on: May. February 8, 2003 at: l0:30 mm. The purpose of this heanng conference IS to establish the parties and parumpants, the identmcatirm of I t s and to eslablish the order of evidence. The Board has set nude I (one) day for this conference. If you require further information. please contact the Clerk's Department. Telephone 4519) 747-87†Fax. (Sl9y747-85l0 e-mall clerklnfo@city.waterloo coca On July 24. 2002. the Council of the CI!) of Waterloo denied the Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment appltcatsons of the Grand River Conservation Authonty These deusmns have been appealed to the Ontario Municipal Board On Octuhcr 30. 2002. a prehearing conference was held for the purpose of organlztng the actual hearing If you do not attend the prehearing conference. the Ontario Municipal Board my proceed in your absence and you will not be entitled to any further notice of these proceedings. TIMI", AND PLACE OF 2ND PRKHFARiNC. CONFERENCE Grand River Conservation Authority has appealed to the Ontario Municipal Board under subsection 22(7) of the Planning Act. R.S.0. 1990, C. Rl3. as amended from Council's refusal or neglect to enact a proposed amendment to the Official Plan for the Crly of Waterloo to redesugnate lands located between existing and future Westmount Road North at Bearinger Road from Open Space to Office Commercial to permit office commercial uses OMB File No, 0020125 Grand fhver Conservation Authoniy has appealed to the Ontario Municipal Board under subsection " I l i of the Planning Art, RSI) l990. c. Pl3, as amended. from Couneil‘s refusal or neglect to enact a proposed amendment to Zoning By-law Nos, 878A and MIR of the Ctty of Waterloo to rezone lands located between existing and future Westmount Road North at Beannger Road from A to C2 to perm" the devel- opment of office commercial uses OMB File No Z02WNO A 2nd preheanng conference Will he held The City of Waterloo is studying the requirement to widen University Avenue to four lanes between New Bedford Drive and Lexington Road to handle increased traific. This study, in part, has been initiated by the fact that the eastern limits of University Avenue in this section remains incomplete. with curbs and sidewalk remaining to be constructed. Increased pedestrian and cycling have also required the completion of the trail links in the area. Subject to comments received and receipt of approvals. the planning. design and construction is scheduled to be complete in 2003. This project is being planned under Schedule B of the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment process. A public Information Center is scheduled for Thursday. February 20. 2003. between 4:00 pm and 8:00 pm. This PIC will overview the project. present possible altema- use solutions. and solicit public input and comment. The PIC will be held at: RIM Park. 200t University Avenue Room ll 206 Telephone 884-5363 If you are unable to attend. please do not hesitate to contact one of the following project personnel, As well. for further information on this subject. or questions regarding the Class Environmental Assessment process. please contact either of the lollovting: . CLASS ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT (SCHEDULE B) UNIVERSITY AVENUE IMPROVEMENTS New Bedford Drive to Lexington Road ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD commssnou DES mum MUNICIPALES or t'00utl0 Mr Thomas Daniel City of Waterloo Dcvelopment Serums IOU Regina Street South, End Floor Waterloo, Ontario N.2J 4A8 Ph, SI9-j418744 Wateloé THE CITY OF Notece of Study Commencement and Invitation to Public Gtt,rmation Center NOTICE OF PREHEARING CONFERENCE Mr. John Perks. MBA. PEng Planning & Engineering lmtiatives Ltd 379 Queen Street South Kitchener. Ontario NEG IWh Ph, 519-745-9455 Ext 208 Fred Dobbs, City CieNfSolicitor City of Waterloo This is the first in a series of fwe Ward Town Hall Meetings to occur over the next couple of months. The Ward Town hall meetings are a forum for residents of the ward to talk over concerns specific to your neighbourhood and to encourage discussion amongst each other. Council will hear any person who wishes to speak to this issue and who has regis- tered as a delegation with the City Clerk's Office 1747-8549) no later than 4:00 pm on Friday. February M. 2003 For further information about the proposed hy-law amendment. please contact: Roh Trotter. Development Services Telephone: 747-8544 Email: At a meeting to he held in the Council Chambers. Waterloo City Centre. on Monday. February 17, 2003, the Council of The Corporation of the City of Waterloo will con- sider By-Law No, 03-20. a hy-law to amend the City's hy-law licensing. regulating and govermng lodging houses in the City of Waterloo. The purpose of the proposed amendment is to Increase the fees charged for lodging house license applications and renewals, Presentation of the Final Report ' Monday. February 24, 2003 Council Chambers Waterloo City Centre l00 Regina Street South A Public Meeting will be held to discuss the Height and Density Policy Study Final Report. The purpose of the Final Report is to present staff 's tinal recommendations regarding the choices that the community faces on issues related to growth. height and density. All interested persons are invited to attend the Public Meeting. The purpose ofthis meeting is to give Council and the community an opportunity to discuss the Final Report and it's recommendations. Staff will not be asking Council to consider Omcial Plan or Zoning By-law amendments at this time. The Final Report is vailable for pick-up at City of Waterloo, Development Services, 2nd Floor, Waterloo City Centre. l00 Regina Street South or call 747-8752. Or for download on our website at: Any person may attend the Public Meeting and/or make a written or verbal presen- tation regarding the Final Report. If you wish to make a presentation to Council you should contact the Clerk's Department at 747-8549 so that the n'ecessnry arrange- ments can he made to place you on the agenda. For more information please comet Dan Currie, Policy Planner at 747-8517 or e-mail Dan Currie. BES . Policy Planner. Development Services WARD 3 (EAST) TOWN HALL MEETING Email: Ralph Kamlnskl, Assistant Chief Building Omcual Telephone: 747-8782 Email: rimminsky gt COMMUNITY INFORMATION 886-1550 For More Inhalation Contact the Mayor‘s oftke at 747-87â€. TO CONSIDER AN AMENDMENT TO LODGING HOUSE LICENSING BY-LAW NO. 00-140 HEIGHT AND DENSITY POLICY STUDY MAYOR LYNNE WOOLSTENCROFI' INVITES YOU TO ATTEND THE Room 207 - Manulife Financial Sportsplex and Healthy Living Centre Wednesday, February 19, 2003 7:00 - 8:30 pm RIM Park rimminsky Ci PUBLIC MEETING PUBLIC MEETING Fred Dobhs. City Clerk City of Waterloo I00 Regina Street South Waterloo. Ontario N21 4A8