t LTIM STE. Fl BASKET] l\D()UR SUN Cord indoor Ultimate Frisbee C o-ed Recreational Indoor Volleyball Co-ed Recreational "5-A-Side" Soccer Men's Recreational Basketball Women's Recreational Basketball Men's Recreational "S-A-Side" Soccer Wo 's Recreational “S-Rdc" Soccer Open Rec. Full Field Indoor Soccer C o-ed Recreational Full Field Soccer ADDITIONAL NOTES; Team Captain I Individual Info Meetings will be scheduled pnor to season start for all rules. schedules. individual placements, Rec, A and Rec. B divisions. All Team and Individual registration forms must he complete and returned by Friday, January 10th. 2003. First come ttrst served'. Contact In" Call 884-5363 or “mil: rimpar%ksigrtodty.wnterko.ort.ot Men's Recreational Ball (Floor) Hockey Winter League PLEASE CLEAN m. WALK Enkrrcement of the Snow Clearing By-law #82-12 is proactive and complaint generated. Failure to clean your walk twenty-Four hours after a snow fall could result in the City of Waterloo removing the snow and ice and invoic- ing the property owner for work done at an average cost of $160.00. For further information contact the By-law Department at 747-8714 www.citrwoterioo,on,co HEMNG To BUILD A BETTER COMMUNITY a" F £2? L, THEC MVI park If: for everyone! IT'S (noun NEIGHBOURHOOD! SEE THE NEW WINTER SEASON PROGRAM & ACTIVITIES GUIDE AVAILABLE NOW! Exciting Frisbee team spon ... indoors! Great exercise using speed. stamina. and agility, yet simple rules make it easy and fun for newcomers! Min. "Meant, 5 females min. The RIM Park Gymnasiums continue to be the home for Rec. "A" and Rec. .. division Volleyball. Mixed teams are 8-12 players. min. 4 females. Self-officiated. _ . The Gymnasiums at RIM Park provide for excellent hoops? Teams of 8-l2 players in a recreational self-omciated setting The Gymnasiums at RIM ParkEwide for excellent hoops! Teams of 8-l2 females in a recreational self-officiated setting. Experience this immensely popular format of "S-A-Side" Indoor Soccer! 4 players plus goalie on 1/3 of the field. Teams of 8-12 players, min. 4 females per team, Games played Elbow RIM Park & Bechtel MFSSC indoor fields, Rosters to consist of 8-12 players. 50 minute, se91,ml:itted games. Games played at both RIM Park and Bechtel MFSSC indoor fields. Rosters to co-mist-of 8-72 females. 50 minute, self-officiated games. Games played at both RIM Park and Bechtel MFSSC indoor fields. kosiers to consist of IO players minimum (7-8 on the full field), and are open to any gender. Teams not required to be co-ed. Self-official rec. league. Games played at both RIM Park and Bechtel MFSSC indoor fields. Full field -reVGtiVnaicCed {occer Rosters to consist of IO players min. (7 to 8 on the full fteld) of 5 males and 5 females min. Games played at both RIM Park and Bechtel MFSSC indoor fields. Floor/Ball hockey for adults in the RIM Park gymnasiums in a self-ofrwiated recreational setting i†Register TODAY at RIM Park Customer Service 6 am - Midnight, or Fax to (519) 884-8560 Space is limited and not guaranteed! REGISTRATION CLOSES FRIDAY, JANUARY 10th! COMMUNITY ADULT RECREATION LEAGUES Program Description COMMUNITY INFORMATION 886-1550 Vehicles are prohibited from being on City of Waterloo streets at any time between 2:30 a.m, and 6:00 a.m. This offence is referred to as being "parked on a highway between 2: 30 am. and 6:00 am." Signage for this parking restriction is posted at the (Yly limits of Waterloo along all major roadways entering the municipality. Overnight parking on City Streets is prohibited year round, Every household within the City of Waterloo will be allowed a maximum of eighteen tl8) exemptions per year Exemptions are for visitors' vehicles and/or if there are extenuating circumstances that do not permit household vehicles to access their driveways. Exemptions may he denied at the discretion of the City should road maintenance and/or snow removal he required, All households must register any vehicle that will be parked on the City street between the hours of 2:30 am. to 6:00 mm. Residents must call 747-8559 prior to mo mm. to register their vehicletsl. TTehets turned It a result of falling to register a vehicle will not be cancelled. For further infor- mation or inquiries regarding the receipt of I porting ticket. pleme all the By-tor Enforrement Department at 7474785. The City of Waterloo posts the overmght parking rcslnction. as well as the parking limit of three consecutive hours on all city streets unless otherwise posted. at the City limits The City appreciates and anticrpates your co-operation in the adherence of these hrtaws www.city.waterloo.on.ca TRAFFIC BY-LAW #8349 & Mondays 9:15 pm-l 1:I5 pm Sundays 7:15 pm-11:15 pm Games scheduled . Sundays 7 pm - midnight Tuesdays 9 pm - midnight Tuesdays 9 pm - midnight Tuesdays 9 pm ._ midnight Mondays, Wednesdays & Thursdays 9 pm - midnight _ Fridays 9 pm - midnight Fridays 9 pm - midnight Mondays. Wednesdays & Thursdays 9 pm - midnight Thursdays 9 pm - midnight Night of Play Weeks l2 I.? l2 12 12 12 l2 12 12 12 Jam 26th Jan. 26th Jan. 28th Jan. 28th Jan. 28th Jan. 3lst Jan. 27th Jan. 27th Jan. Mst Jan, Start Date For more info, SEE THE NEW WINTER SEASON PROGRAM & ACTIVITIES GUIDE'. Available at all City of Waterloo facilities! Sl .050 s l .050 Team $985 $650 $650 $575 $650 SW $575 $650 etc Individual $ll0 SI IS Sl l5 $90 $90 $90 $85 $85 $85 S90