F. 3 , ' la' ' ‘ iM& 'Ia '& T ' th. iBEle' , _ l ECI , ts . x ; at}: , C, ‘K "sm " “3351-er Kt-e" . g s r . , affyra Sth ne, th "OU ‘em-2 a ch ' Better “a. g' nt " 7f Ji-U.;' r a :h _ -.-.----", ' . . . N . a _ 3 a ' 1 o. _ - , I l vt'" Hume Entertaintuent S stem C g f , , J a " I >2 » , L-. i---er' it . ' . . . ,i 7 , twr, I :" ' [he muxt uIInrtIuhle and easy-to-tlse Bose l)\ I) home Cu. ., I 'i . . bl, _1,i l A . Pi entertainment s} stem. in†' _ . . "c'c-s _ t _. I 0}. \ures. 2 spcukcrs. I ea“ “Hem. s-C, i If i “in . . . _ _. Li? t'iai- I lit is Ft . _ ., oPropriciury signal prneewmg and speaker destgn 7ac. i l " a: Ar ' deliver surround mourul from two speakers. 4tsrca: i -- ' " {1 tsr. l q Simplified " lrlng reduces setup to four connection“. - M2? - g, I . . 7 I I _ ' ,e,tserrji'ir'_aii,,i,i,',?_, It' --\Iedlu center meludex I)\ I) (I). AM/FM tuner and 1†- ' e ' "in "V =2( . . . i I . "ge?, w . t-'-'.cr', sr,-:-:.-, "e-si, it three 'Iddltlunul In Hits. - o-l',,",:)','-,;,"-'-)'-'-::--", "ut" ,, Ir/j, It; ce “km ".r, M, iii a P. L ‘. T , Ir V 1 T (ry ';?ct'-lr' :22 ' “I T ' l _c'st': â€aim...“ 7 _ , I \ 'w. l: u.. , 'v" s, V "tlt I "M '.~ - " = J é "arll E - _ T x . 2 - --'.-; 'v " f X Bl Bas, ' et, _' - 'e, ' _ "A-Rr-l, ' . I . A IT - - I "f'tt *ev‘h'x :‘s â€:2 ttrr', iii; 2i 1 7-13? tb, Ii-v:,, Em 'iiiszs‘wm "e, s"v."r Irs,, " l “ , I _ \ Iligll-perInrnmmt [hm I)\II Inlud Imnu I [Ill rLumm‘nV Premium Ilnurxmudinu Hirett “New "itltxirttrully Ittxisilh l â€In \1\1.II\¢I\ cra_rit'rk"e7r'lrarl Ktllt’tlillu s'itc.tkcrs front _ . titttosratiscs1siot thsiun drlixcrs plrriuai"t" t-hu.rrut dclixcrs, \(Hllld th,tt .Ippru.u he~ " .qu situItluity HIIIIIJItIM‘LI In u-nu-ntiun.tlunnpumm Iiu‘ Itcrtorrttnttcrr, h"“ " ‘3“""" C--fr"irji"iis li I li _ . II . Ilthgvullul Ii\l) I I) leux Itlrxs (hr muxl pnpuln‘ Audio &v’sm . Du “Mu .Illll) i""".""'" for III . .qu 1idri, Im‘nmlx deep "uso, “nth nmrr mumâ€. _ _ . _ . Iriuiiul R I tlncnlmu .uul prupriemn \Itllll\l.l"..'( -, tquuI - - t InlengletI snunJl pl'tut~\|llu _ '... F _ In: \II\HIII\ gut " Inn tI|.InIIl| \llll‘Hlllltl \nuud I It'ttllll“ tuilcirucs peIIUIIIIJIu e . _ l x!" In I1tt hum "llh Niultq1. en ll olden' 'lltriil' IN \Im\\~ f "utortiutii.tlls uni ftlt'tit " _ A ect,' f mm- In tri/tso/t , In At't' (1111/ /<-e/ (I luv t/-/,strttt/t,p, FOR 90 _ DAYS I lll um ilCli' t [MIN/II Hume Illa/Ire \lmu‘nmnm r _ . www.gitmmsv.tamt V‘t t ti?: T _ "isu. GIBSON SOUND '_I 3 & VISION 25 COLUMBIA " F. I 746-8030 x. I Us, I I . WRIEHIOO 2_\ " sl, ll \m WEEKDAYS 8 9, \" . . a . (In "; _ W a , "tr:": v,' t' ' r" SMURIMYS 9 2 5:30 a; _'-'re"i't"t l F i, f 't A ,:.. SUND‘VS l? _ b SINCE 1955 I:' 1ry . F l 2 _ , ()l R hllWlf I: It (.llwm 't Ht' lvtk up mm high (“with prudm ls l‘thiIItlIh Nk uh 1 \pt II Jud (Ilnrtvugh st'lAlt e kitos, It’tlgt Ixhlt \I.IH.II1tI _ " ‘ A. mm loss lhr"t' glltll'JlIlk‘t' m,ilst mu: n It ( tum 4nd hrt'rilt t II.I\\I( luv .