8 Lu © W, E - cc. cussrmn Z .e". 900“ 7 a â€new i "Yi"" etc fs ; AmKNREf - Tr stereo l .3 as" f, AIR com E 532m Em 't 5250 ex l snowaLo .3 useOJInmes g Gunmen: a woman my E 'rtxxt $300 a BIKE Mow cc. ‘Espeec ' : LAWN um f $50 535-44 E GOLFBAG f, momma CNSSTERHELD 3 mace set war! goon Mn $200 no swims lot manage a! rec Tir' etc 621235 AWE! Poe Menu" or TV ale'eo unit $600 82! AIR CONDITIONER Damy 5230 BTU, used , season 5250 550%†SNOW BLOWER 3 Sup gr" used 3 nines $400 83? 9?IS GLIDERIROCKER ml? otromar2P1Py1alyc m new no?) 7403795 ' BIKE Moumam iyr wheel 23 speed $45 886449: LAWN MOWER gas 3 5m $50 3864496 GOLF BAG 95 886M496 STROLLER 350 3580??? HIGH CHAIR Costco Mo 7664292? EVENFLO Sum $45 766-0927 , HOME APPLIANCE SERV- ICE JD Same day repaur to an “wages stoves, was" erg dryers, Iveezevs dusk Myers hammer heaters Cir. semce can Guar- rte-9d “24383 anytime M types ot catung, home fashions. 579-5208, kw an WWW†PAINTING MrERtthberte. MES CUSTOM no" plumbmu. general In CABINEYS pans elacmcal. caulung a $8le CW ' area pavgmg small moms mm 'ttt ave! 25tews In“ tree trrm/removal Creatwe Custom Ralph 896 I212 Wm macs mums Cupboards mass. shew SERVICES " mall WE“ m '0" Complete house cleanmg m "oatmeal“; mending windows WWW In- ciudlng wonmg t mending For a use and: ca Hug at F16 4555 Haasoname Rags" mam-mm i)gy'tat,,t',t, man: It» WW“ Mamas “sums FINANCIAL use" mu mm QUICK CMM who mums aims 0.03m? â€mutant; mummWl odd yobs Call Jen Harding Macadam 884283! WO) 7.1-2“ GARAGE SALE Sat. Aug. 17 Edgebrook Pl, Dun-i; room set. stove and much more' Custom Sawing ' Decoding Sonic†REDUCE YEARLY ACCOUNTING FEES BY UP TO 40% FOR DETAILS CALL 5786813 25 YEARS EXPERIENCE Barn to Noon All types of roofing tshlngle, hot asphalt or gravel) Over " Years Experience . FREE ESTIMATES All Types ot" Rdelrs o Work Guaranteed For further information (all 519-271-9551 741 -821 a BEAUTY & HAIR " HOME IMPROVEMENI DOG CAGE alga meta, mm Prx.r $40 Mo 62t 3845 BIKE has ik)" whee ok not! mg mm am sul mr 3338 COMPUTER software, nannies, Super Voor, Val. was Common and 3 games otorM5tvcansep aralety. 363 9830 TRAILER 51m, sel of 4 only $15 363 9830 um: TMES lame walker shaped Imamme totttatyes Iearmng Ia walk. excellent shape, no 7:15.373 GRAD!) Rm am Bounce shimmy a routing node FISHER PRICE Slat and my ham Lt rung " 705833 PUNCH BOWL and slaw glass, 16mm 545 835-9408 MEX vague control RNmtkst $75, 3379219 can! SKATES Power may sue E, worn a mes $45 837 9219 BAR STOtAs, 3 wooden high bans smeet excels“ column $100 I’MA4637 POKEMON was 94 In all Mr wi $t5, Creat nonunion $50, cal Joseph between 120m4orr, al 521 5556 vacuum" me IO spew. Eager cycle, Serra $45 62r 8 ALLSORTS OF SERVIC- as Some damn, dumps renovalnons pamtrntr line shrub removal at plenum) John 5N-5t 97 CP" Now OPEN , " NATURALESCAPE spa ts, 10% OFF 6214162 any Aesthetic Services Appointments Call L3, 746-8563 Fall Special SPA â€WAVE S25 624 9798 OR MI 6t0ti CAR SEAT $25 KM 9798 OR 261 iy106 9796 (NI 24, 6706 SWEEPER lawn yatettan, mat Brush mm 30' was blushes $150 000 m goon wanton 62! 8294 GLASSES Maet any for anmle layered modems 2 613 B $30, 384-9669 mm variety limo! Muse pants. $257 Bach. 884-9869 sz mum's 0mm pm. $90 ‘game 823-0856 CHAIR hipttahswmsllA" tamer man $125, m perfect comm 3227463 PRINTS, 2 $25 each 25x21, 822-7363 WATER TANK MIC Mt walerlam 2 was old 115L $100 wait; HIGH CHAIR my mm tray m 9000 concur-on $20 653-9130 um CHAIR IO kt mm $25. 653-900 BUNNES we and (may readying) mmuraitamtlap wally Dunn-es Ion mam1e nance VO-KO, 824065! DRAFI'ING MACMNE 50133 We $24il 621» 9390 LAMP REPAIRS MEWS] MOT WORKING? We can nap Touct1 such» as mats waves whatever Is wrung, we - them a! at my I has, m Hes paler Roaavahway " Cambridge (basude Essa) Dun “on“ ")6 WI: 3 cn ‘09 Sat ttrs tho v2; wood. mo 62: DRESER doubt! wan or- tor, head beam and mm no»: vm 658 2614 SOFA BED love sea: oval rcoitee 1am; $250 653-2411 GARDEN FOUNTAW $100, 6NriM14 DOG MOUSE 67518582414 DOG CAGE medlum 5121a $40,6684M14 EXERCtSE â€COME W 6582414 FRIDGE $75, 658-2414 FRIDGE Fmst Free, we! "100114.90â€. $75, 3215544 BAR STOOLS 3 smvel. named seals. and backs, moms My: $90 or $40 saw. 8215644 BLAKE! Cannon MEI, ruse colour, lung sue. In“, 59' $10 821-5544 114's $125 93ch 623496" TTXmLERtrxhandmlt. flew. $150 M355 0011 5200427 ROLLER syncs good size i $50 ubo. 6200427 mm m. 5240. 8857695 CHAIR and ottoman. green and Mgundy. good axxh- tiom$i!00.8854Wt DRESSER and matetog small 1abe green mttt wood g'am Ion good DOMHIOI'I $150, 885-0701 . Financial mutant: My be nailâ€: to - who qualify. For information on enrolling call: '-iiifiiYt, (519) 836-7280 ext. 619 £1113}???me LIP Machine Skllh Ttstung & Lughupmd Welding pmwied by LIP seille 'lhunng Inc no APPOINTMENY mommy WW ~CWB Tickets . Welding Operators (tangy: J.slr 21 Meyer Or., Guelph q CNC Programming, Sol-up & Operations q Conventional Machining * uP-To-DATE cuc MACHINES ' HANDS ON TRAINING Hugh srhmd (mg-55mm. manhu- througt, tbe Wellingum Centre " Conlnnmng Education " mm 53 CLASSIFIED MARKETPLACE l 9 MACHINE SKILLS TRAINING ITEMS FOR SALI GARAGE new shell awe car moo undemsam $50 8850701 DENUIIIDIFIER $50. 885. 3701 lop 011mm. SOFA and man. We and lame m mun excellem am- when $80, (in 766-1938 KING SIZE and head board blue velvet $100.823-1631 use All? Traynor, m wens $75 836-3516 BASE AllP Yorimlle. 100 watts, mint coronal. $250, 8362516 PAT|0 set We. table, and Mrs. 350. 653-1971 KING St2E bed good shape S25. B21422? METAL Am tor that IX m. $26. 3214222 WEEMTII 10 Namibia 3118214222 BIKES 2. 1 mens the mom Iam. Human; m tmurt- 1arttteatstires SST-122? 823-1637 msguua. 3214222 Nu m 3 games. 2 am- 1mltersandarmt6ttrrpaein excellent cantor. $120 one 8834?624 PAREGO stroller, $100 excellent osmium 83ir5123 HAPPY CAMPER play can $30, m excedem common &36-5123 FISRER me: new mom- m $15 excellent madman 836-5123 CAI CORDER 8mm Cannon comma. model #6704200 7301412 END TABLES set o! 2ctatr mas, mm doom um wood asmg $50. cm 32743787 CORNER KITCHEN set mm 2 Mars. and sectrtmal strats, $100axrrAyhsaatsartdoae “#1827078? LOVE BIRDS hand raised can, have mus. and and» M. 375. to 3125. each. 740-1275 out: 2 wheeler, girls, mm mm traimng wheels. swells!“ Winn. $55 fem, 7401275 BUGS oval m MF an t 512 5. 6x4 5 mnmgw mes gear W‘SIZS om, 82ML21 CATS 2 male Hermie 1 year old 32272293 $5 each SLEEPERS assorted Dam skews and blanket). and vanaus young girls domes $50 . $2 8373206 CAR SEAT older can be used as Moor enianr seat $5 8313915 gum new: ga? St'p, It“ Gm Jalopy, Seper DIPLOMA! Bruggs and - Stvaloh Ercaliber 390 7634112 YORK Wamm pec that}, $250 7634112 "6 mm. $50, 7634‘? smash mm. Star Wars, Sex. mam 99, $25 each or$1iXHttrag, 827-9172 newsman“ Dante" 10620. 622W98 Manom-m. mm “11622417! 51505220795 Hora MUSE clams, van» gala! Ittavtts, yelkr'ripmk/grmm. In very Narpots.$N&6-2388 CLOTHES hays mu W13! clothes l8 " mor‘ms sw8aitws Sisal was Mc $15 a bag M0-6215 WEI? lays bagel lull Barney, Bananas Blues Glues as gram shape $20, W an MOSES BLIND large Hen Hunter Douglas me up Mme um 90' rune ceded Ior pane 00053225 000 "7S327 SWEATERS baby 5 and laces, ham!!!“ Slsandua 624-6315 GOLF CLUBS ngm ham tay- Ior rnatitr, FIBSBI men all set 95 degrees graphite shah, regular "an, excellent mime 82mm PANTS 2aue 26 2-sae ' new. cal 624-4052 tttMt LEE 8068's mad mess buripxtts_sos ITU, pm STN, samtite " all WEDmNG DRESS may" mane Ths sue mg sleeves net's“ to! Ian at m weaning ertpettt $1N, “1099‘ DOLL mgr than or change tabla. combo, Lime Tykes $10 “70991 SNOW BLOWER wens wed $50 N7S655 0! 747mm CANADIAN saver oollavs $525aprece. at mum. 82r8922 CANADIAN 50 cm places, $250 a pece,E?1-8gl?l? DIX VENIEER entenamr mm mm. 8100, 6226891 - call atier 4pm VCR 4 head H: mm ado, ' men. an; arm nondi- wn_ pal 'al? _ashirN $120 6 mains old. 3374199? CAR SEAT convertible to huh m hangar seat bf child. 22-70, ms, Cosmo 5509173 manual“! um. um warding cellos and 2 an mes, oak WISE " " set 650-9173 LUGGAGE like mm mm pro 19cm - casings. tage 291 mm ar smal IW, red. vatimite. exoellem amdi, tton, $75. 88641336 SOFA BED we new. mummm pun. mm. 623-Mi15 WROUGH'I’ IRON i-wlfee ta.ltrl?mtdtaNes,awtaosd a $650. sell for $199. aha 763-7033 BASH!!! W chm Ight and htraitr almost 0901.009 mal amt $180 Sell to! $100 82%?5UI MATERNITY CLOTHES assoned ttttnts, mcIuOung hamng sutt, sue M-L 829- 25UI IIAVTAGwashev ' 1931506. $225, 6222026 mt» gas.tt25, 6222026 HOFFAT gas stove. great new. 5200, 62-2026 TYNCR mm mm mm mm doors, you Ike new. 622 2026 GAs0RYEM125,6i!2-l!026 [ertrtui. 51mm “new, halsoidmgumwndi ttm,t508167999 LITTLE “RES semen $35, 8263999 SHALL ENTERTAINMENT 12von roICampa 5150 :22 KILIS Flesurnauuwl kins a warm wes $3 885-2673 FUl’ON SOFA BED Queen 5119560 8368652 COFFEE TABLE $50 836 SONY mum N $UX7 83679552 LEG BARS surtathe hst has! tot boats $25166 lbs 650. 8182 MICROWAVE oven Danny new" plus, , 000 wan axcmlem common hardly used lap 01 me me $?5 763-7033 RABBIT needs good hwy home 3 was ole. male very we Mi, Mt'r9228 FREEZER 115cuit Mute $126. 386-4853 ANTIQUE cast won moi rat mg sections very unque neces. 550 can 824-9763 SWING ser 0ts Henry 2 swungs glide! and basket swung. 10 years nld. good Siam 3251223297 " Flaor Medal, good comm pours. 21", made August 23, $20 62243297 " PF". floor model, wot, remola good 00mm $45 621-1807 COUCH and desk. great lot swam. 550 for W. goon mammal 5214383 PET TAXI memm sue. new. $55, 6213824 STHOLLER umbrella style. good Wm. $8. 62l-3824 TOYS mac. smal red and mm. $8, 621-3824 LITTLE TKES doll house. plain cream will blue mot, 2 M. $35. 621-3824 Seuss-2590 m 12 vtgt.$20.ii684?590 emu mg wheel smile! 35052315433 LITTLE MES cozy coupe, TRICVCLErad 35623-6433 BIKE SEAT 815.6236433 PICNIC MILE hexgune. oedal. 3150, 7.15275 STOVE Kalvinator ceramlc loo. $125, 7415?75 DOG CRATE metal. large sue mm tray, $40 also 621 KATERMTY pans. Sae M and shorts huge sue I? excellent common $20 or bum. 7660516 COACH HOUSE lanes new for wassoum and glass. 621- 8294 "sumo“ 15 the M swung 218 ISsheets less thanhalttrce mom-5347 GARAGE door (new, new In but 31001225147 CAMPER?) COOL Masm I? vol! pom (moist "L W usnd, $20. @8347 ROTOTILLER heavy any, 12' 20'. and 2612 - 317538-7395 BAR ms l pam good malty, lam: but $40, 8241395 canvas 9:9, "BOXED ON PROMOS mam to 'ead M and-o cas senes reaoers am: no“ books exceltent ItX mowing vaamug skins mum 921 9318 WIN Ti?x24xte Suit sue tor WW Dr gem DONG mm In! and Man anoessnnes $50 8218718 WASHERIDRVER Vtglrs t.astw and gas awe! $100 821 9718 SLOT mum toy [Iggy Banks. m really Matias nugwhenyouwm U50 49ii. 3185 LAWN CHAIRS lawn chair Irames, aluminum tolo rig type $5 WEEKS STOVE Mme In good 05nd: lion, 6245M5 mm t't)t2EM 134 " 7l25206 VERTICAL BUNDS tam an mash: veins and mama rod manned, 321 7225205 CROSS SWCH magazines M. aMttrmks2, $15 tty at; 722-5208 CAR SEAT with base, and exam exceuem am “on issmrbmr 624-6429 830mm $15 624 Ki'5 ENTERTAINIEN‘V Centre madam sue, beige wow mm Mes lama and 2 man tables $200, BBS-76% REVERSE 05MB, teater Mer Nlmdus wars on to Mchen facet makes 1 gallon over mam malls $250 ask mg. 5150, 767-2289 DRESSEH wamut, mth rounc beveled munch 3 drawers, must sell, $225 a qgtirr tare War, 8210205 DRESSER/WARDROBE “sweaty desk l new very unique, not a common 9:909. 5200 abs. 8270205 DESK m. smalls ior, den Ot girls loom oi any were. 875, am 8270205 WASHER Apl we n excel. mm mm. spins almost to W W. $150. one 823- 8196 CHANG 2 W131 chairs m 310mm common $75 each one. 3238196 GONE WITH THE WIND lama beam hand painted excelter‘l common. aslung $250. 8283196 WING ROOM set. measu- enan 5:742. cam wood tatre 4 Mars. Warmth $249, 1irm.620-1476 QUEENSEbed 5‘50 82y 1521 SEWING MACHINE $25 823M621 AIR CONDITIONER, $25 823-1621 DECK was 2 chairs, 2 waist In smelly“ common $20 each 81Ma?1 7 SWING bath mu 3 In 1 stmoet, maker. $75 an 623 BIKE mm‘ is speed 3318265337 USN “ASHER panama Ham. bundle! W I00 310052145131 mm on m wooden use “25822-3567 "MR FNetatre em» Wm common, $200, 836- new