“WIVI-llvvl ,,rr,qt"t'i'rii: 5‘ G rriirisii'rhel?t ' Fi'r,atrgf: '2lirahli1rllr. _,:sri'li, 'larr'a"vd _ Buck to 7 y, 'Fe'/ - CHECKOUT Kai i,,tfa" at ZEHRS locations . .5: (tjj'ai'i/" lilM ASt Feud Back \‘DLEhEi‘Jiii be Priced to How do you rewrite the amiablealiehrsstmes outperform from history of the sports "s5iillilNiiliriilimimtilll t 9 sedan? Start with the - - "i-o)-" 38, 00 . " itâ€: - " , liliillii5 heart-stopping power WWECL‘CUT MBll© Si of a class-leading DOHC V6 engine. Then 'lNiMiiiliiiMiMillNilt master it with breakthrough aerodynamic ItiliMilB, 0:30: .ui: . t h I I l , design that produces an unheard of zero 'lt - S iNilIlmlll, _ I MI front lift, maximizing your connection law " Barn to the road. With a race-inspired driver's Our, Goat. cockpit, state-of-the-art 30 Birdview"" $200 000 navigation system and a spacious leather . interior, driving becomes an unparalleled sensory experience. The new G35... GD zehrs Now youve driving. ti' f I I I Tt Irtfinititartada.tomlG35 MARKETS wArrth)tliiijNIcLE GUELPH (A): u F I u i T , NISSAN THF, R Ef gum) 305 WOODLAWN ROAD w., (ttter. $7) GUELPH AUTO MALL CKGIQ 822-9200 tar. 757-0092 51mm OF- " & Cambridge 658-6798 W H WW W‘ w A A " Inlcrnclrnon mach " 't-rttsteBttiMittiotssatt corn or WINSâ€) _ i . " . email "rtrt4htrerprotkt0tissan can! w atoead W ‘IW‘iii‘avnIiViiil‘ Human-i mm it Te mum h-rrbC'r'rt um Pnt* 'TF ar . 'l, In Waterloo ? Region _ last year, §approximately 11,000 children under the age of 18 required food assistance. - “m w m. an " 'lurv't Una-r mm w hr " Inuv‘ any.» n 9' an am mm m mum new.» "art " um mwvm mm. m a vmdw 7m “mm-mm"... "a... ast summer. we I stopped for dinner at he Auberge le Coin du Bane, a cluster of green- roofed buildings along the shore. just east of Percé in Quebec. Friendly people provide the key to tasty travel Everyone will notice the 260 horsepower G35. Always adventurous, we ordered cod tongues which aren't really tongues but cod chins. The delicacies were served pan fried with cognac. orange juice and orange zest. Madame Lie. the owner. took us on a tour of the premises. She and her late husband owned a hotel on Bonaventure Island before the island was turned into a wildlife sanctuary: The couple lived and worked together for many. many years. Since his death, the hotel is her home and her employees and cus- tomers are her companions. She never leaves the auberge. not even when the snow is deep and the ice and wind blow in off the Gulf of St. Laurence. Hur spare set was in the motorhome, 20 km away. As we tried to open the trunk with a good kick. our wait- ress appeared with a set of keys. "The chef said you should take his car." she told To show our gratitude. we stopped at a garage to fill the chef's gas tank. The lady at the gas station recognized the car. She said, "He is a nice man." We agreed. We didn't admit that we hadn't even met the chef even though we had met his cod tongues. Like the cod tongues. these chicken breasts are pan fried with oranges. V The key to sucéess is to simmer all the flavours together in order to lock in After our tour, we discov- ered we had accidentally locked our keys in the trunk ofour car. Waterloo teens earn Millennium Scholarships Continued from page t I being able to share with oth- ers." If there's any advice she has for students just starting their high school experi- ence, it is to get involved and explore the leadership The Region of Waterloo wall he undenaking road and underground servicing improvements on l'nncr sity Avenue between Fischcr-Haltmart Road and Resurrection Drive, Thu corts1ructton n scheduled In commence on or about July 2. 2002 and Is expected In he completed on m about August IL 2002 For the duratmn of the contract an cwmplinn to both the City of Kitchener and the City of Watcrloo Nossc By-laws will be in cited which permrts cmtstruction activity In take place hetwecn V il0 am and 9Ot pm Monday through Saturday Umvcrsity Avenue watt he closed to through traffic between FischerHattman Rum] and West Hill Drivc. howevcr, Norway access wilt he maintained from Fischer Hallmun Road to the Gtasgots Heights shopping plan: entrance "n llnivemly Avenue Access tbr emergemy respunsc whale» Will he maintained along University Avenue at all times While University Avenue h dined. thrivugh tratiic in both the eastbound and westbound dilutions will he dctnured Via Highland Road, Fiwhei Hallman Road and Erh Street Local traffic and Resurreclmn School staff and students will he permmcd In use Universuy Avenue west ot Resurrcctmn Dnve and Will have access to Fischer Hallman Road "a Wea vale Dnvc and the traffic signals at Thomdalc lhwe As a result of the Umversity Avenue cltrsorc. Grand River Transit Rnute 4 wilt he detoured along Westvalc Dove and Thomdale Drive [inquires regarding this prolcct may he directed In Mr Smu- \an Dc keem. Pt rug, fitrmm Proreo Manager qumnal Mumupalily (It Walcrlm. Tramp-"alum and hnumnmcnlal Senna Ikstpn and Uotvaructton REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF WATERLOO NOTICE or CONSTRUCTION AND TRANSIT DETOUR REGIONAL CONTRACT 2002-0I 8 UNIVERSITY AVENUE IMPROVEMENTS FISCHER-HALLMAN ROAD TO RESURRECHON DRIVE Peel the parsnips and cut them into IM-inch rounds. Peel. smash and chop the garlic cloves. Cut the toma- toes into l/2-inch pieces. Trim any excess fat from the chicken breasts. In a deep frying pan heat the combined taste of the orange. garlic. parsnip and tomato. opportunities available. "Leadership to me is an important quality," said Chow. "My involvement in my school and in the com- munity has really allowed me to develop my leader- ship potential. 2 parsnips 3 garlic cloves 10 sun-dried tomatoes 4 boneless. skinless chicken breasts 3 tablespoons canola oil 1 (ll oz.) can mandarin uranges in light syrup 1 chicken bouillon cube CHICKEN BREASTS IN ORANGE, PARSNIP AND SUN-DRIED TOMATO SAUCE (Makes dservings) IS" Frcdertck 'Ureet b" Hour Km. homer. Ontarto. N20 431 Telephorw MN) 'i7r4792 I'm mulls " NI 57'i 44ttt Izmall “Incl" reglnn uaIcrI-nl on Lil the oil to medium-high. Add the parsnip rounds and chopped garlic. Cook, stir- ring frequently, until the garlic and the parsnips are soft and lightly browned. Add the tomatoes and the mandarin oranges and their light syrup to the parsnips and garlic. Turn the heat down to a slow boil. Add the chicken bouillon cube. Stir the liquid until the chicken bouillon cube is dissolved and mixed with the other "rngredierlts. After 10 minutes turn the breasts over and cover the dish. Simmer for 25 min- utes. stirring occasionally. Place the chicken breasts on serving dishes and top them with the orange. parsnip, sun-dried tomato sauce. Place thd Chicken breasts on top of the mixture in the frying pan. "I’d love to continue my volunteerism through the work I'm doing in the com- munity. and through UW's Federation of Students next fall. Anything that I can do to help out on the Waterloo campus. I'll be therefor sure."