Volunteer group continues fight for leash - free dog park in Waterloo But. according In Dnger loo committee member Arlene Shouslcmum. mum's the word on the location of the park until the meeting. The battle of Dogerloo novel park project. Aflanned for some- vhere in Waterloo. is for the dogs - literally, A local group of vulun, teers known as Dogerloo will present its plans tor a leash-free dog park within the city limits to Waterloo council Monday night. "We're really excited about it," Shousterman said. "The location we're looking at was discounted as a pos- sibility, but the city took a second look at it and felt maybe it would work." Shousterman said. if approved, the fenced-in park will be located on five to seven acres of green- space. and will include for- est area, walking trails. and a lot of garbage cans. "And the side benefit for dogs is improved behaviour and less aggression." Shousterman said the group also hopes to offer activities within the park, such as obedience classes for dogs. "We hope to have bags donated to give out at the park," Shousterman said. "The park will be patrolled by volunteers, but it will be up to the users to keep it clean." Plans for a leash-free park have been in the works for more than two years. after the city found a num- ber of owners allowing their dogs to run at large in undesignaled areas, despite the threat of a $41.25 fine. Some felt the problem would relieve itself with the 2001 opening of a leash-free park at the Kitchener- Waterloo Humane Society. However. Shousterman said she knows tickets have since been issued to owners who have allowed their dogs off-leash. "We've been trying to dis courage off-leash activity in But with the fun will come a strict set of rules users must abide, she reminded. "We want the park to offer recreational activity for people and their pets, with the emphasis on people." she said. "This won't be a stand-around park. We want people talking and socializ- ing. wishes to announce his association in the practice of Chiropractic, active release techniques & Acupuncture with Doctors ILL. & SM. Smith at: SMITH CHIROPRACTIC CLINIC 227 Dumfries Ave. Kitchener 742-4471 Be ANDREA Emu) ( humid: and] DR. JASON PRICE New patients by WWI non-designated areas," she said. “It's not acceptable. and it poses risk to wildlife in the area, as well as others who use the land. Shousterman said planned activities include a dog cookie bake sale, and a Hot Dog and Cool Dip swim day for dogs. scheduled for sometime in June. Shousterman said her group is optimistic council will favour the project, espe- cially since a similar project in Kitchener has received so much support from the municipality. "We want to freak: parks that are safe for us and our pets." A number oi areas were initially considered In house the park. including Laurel Creek, Columbia Lake, Bechtel Park and Kiwanis Park. But Shousterman said the group has found a more suitable location. To help offset the park costs, a host of fundraising activities are in the works. She also said the Doger- loo group plans to take part in the K-W Walk for Guide Dogs, lune 9 at Waterloo "But our dogs will be on- leash for that event," she said. A five-acre leash-free zone is planned to be incor- porated into the revamped McLennan Park, located in the Ottawa Street-Strasburg Road area of Kitchener. Besides the dog park, the facility. scheduled to open this December. will include a snow-tubing park, sports- fields and a passive area. "We've been just blown away by the support from the City of Kitchener," Shousterman said. "That project is moving ahead to discourage of-leash activity in non-designated "We've been trying areas. It's not acceptable, and it poses risk to wildlife in the area, as well as others who use the land. " - Arlene Shousterman Dogerloo committee member But she added, measures [mm be put in place to cmure the safety ofthe dogs. humans and other wildlife in the area, very quickly: and we're hop- ing to bring the same sort of facility to Waterloo." Waterloo Mayor Lynne Woolstencroft said she's sympathetic to dogs being allowed to run off-leash in a park of their own. "l want In ensure the least amount of impact on those who use the park; and the most benefit for every- one who makes use of it," she said. "But, in general, a leash- free park seems to be a ter- rific answer. especially for big dogs." The Dogerloo group is asking those who support the idea of a leash-free dog park to attend the Monday's council meeting. Supporters can identify themselves by wearing something red. Shousterman also said two public meetings will be scheduled for mid May, to give residents the chance to share their thoughts on the park project. "Our short-term goal is to demonstrate to city coun- cil at the meeting that there is a large number of taxpay- ers in our community sup- porting this proposal." added Dogerloo member Ellie Ross. w“ Answer the following question correctly for your . chance to win TWO TICKETS to see the hit Broadway nlusical RAGTIME opening night (May 13) at The Centre In The Square, as well as DINNER AT SOLE RESTAURANT in Waterloo, WATERLOO CHRONICLE RAGTIME THE CENTRE Tickets to THIS AD SPONSORED BY "Se_rvsnLLyotcomerti_tys_utc_et85t_i-t - IN THE SQl tARE 'ht,