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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 27 Mar 2002, p. 31

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Classified CLASSIFICATIONS . businesses fur sale . open houses . properties wanted . lots, acreage . commercial/ industrial . office; retail; storage . vacation properties . shared accommw damn a accommodation wanted ' lownhouselcondus . houses for rent . apartments for rent . furnished suites . music instruction - tutoring classes . career trmmng . personals . tenders . births . childcare wanted W . childcare available . accounting . taxes & frnance . computer semces . "mm, loans. etc . electrical . heating . plumbing . painting and decorating etc, What- an . Rx Fm Immune ‘- For Tu Mimnzamn 'for, t?tmyoyetop Let'sldum‘ly artttiim Terms & Conditions: Both Flu-1i and ST ADS am be placed 24 HUU [IS il day. 7 days a week. Reach l00.000 homes and over 200,000 puren» rial readers Your ad will be seen In the Guelph 'ln’hune. Cambridge l imes and Waterloo Chronicle. This service applies In private parry ads only. ll ma PER AD _ l LMCT 3 ADS PER WEEK Ilitt LNuftEti0i2b we reserve the right m determine if your ad is a private party ad, Headlines up to Friday at noon prior to rwxt week's. editions. l'his offer subject to change. Have you encountered problems placing your FREE ads in the Classified Marketplace? Did you remember to call before the deadline of Friday, noon? Did you remember Io leave your phone number and price of the article? Did you limit the item description lo 20 words or iesst Did you limit the number of items you‘re selling lo 3 or less? If you've followed these procedures Ihen you should not experience any difficulties placing your FREE ad in the Classified Marketplace. It's so easy and FREE'. Get rid ot that hike or that old chair. Just have the following info ready: description of Item. price and plume number, in 20 words or less. NOTE: DOES M11" INCLUDE GARAGE SALES, REAL ESTATE, ACCOMMODATIONS. CHILD- CARE OR BUSINESS ADS. Selling or Buying merchandise UNDER $250? 0mm Pumas IINA~(|AL HIV-K15 ISS Union SI. E wan-mo. 0m, 5195157724 (Em 2:) call 623-7218 I','cB%', 31-1 GOVERNIENI FUNDS Governmenl Assas- Iance Programs Information avallahle For your new or ex- Islmg Dusmess and larm Take amantage of the gov- emmem grams and loans Call 18XHi05-8g66 ttt DOWN m. INTEREST 0 payments ior 6 months or 519 56hek Complem enter- faomentpackage 27" w surroururSiereo. 6 speak- ers. DVD. VCR Mon-257- 966 mm crazycalsm- rectcom We buy and serl used my plonces We also speoahze m last, prolessmnal service to all makes of appliances 742-4081 Bur QUEBEC Margarine wholesase Carmadhy s F0005 282 Mars ar'u Dr-ve, Walenm “and“ ‘0me - 900 a m I 339 m DISH NETWORK UMOOP ERIUNLOCKEP m Sag have-an 835 mm an tone ad per card; GrouwDeater mas madame Call 306585- UACK (6225) an: 32016 Reqm. sash 5m 7L2 Sauna! Ever“ $31 no: month" No downpaymenl, 00M ply will Swag t000 MM: WEI, 17' ttttmoot, also noleboots Gums wanted mm W GREATEST COUPUYEH onlma o I c I!" xssys [mourn i-mass-sem BHUTHOIIICS . t69 magma UnlBZ Marlo-3 Stocks good Gears an em; mam: components com purer pans ”Hawking supp! es and mrgan deals on sate/tle aCcessoneS 1hepl as Cf can us at Overwvaps Hershey bars ' Wrrgley's gum mm personalized mes- sages Weddmgs. pro- motional. birthdays 656-2802 m.clndycwers.ca CANDY COVERS BECK APPLIANCE (mun-9995 ( llMlllilllMtalllilll NEED h Computer dorm have cast!" The ongml IBM PC. Just in a day No money unwn' The Buck A Day Company Can 1-800- 894-1289 wwwbucka- uaymm I have several mausano yams ct new Smmmasler and 10%. Nylon carpet llWg do Magma"! and hall lo: $349 Pncemclwes carpet. pm and mamm- '30 sq yards" Call Steve 576, 7387 WHOLESALE ”KING Par duels Avanable - Rarsos, Nuts. elc Carma0ny's Foods. 282 Marsland Drive, Waterloo Monday In Fuday - 9 (X) a m - t 30 p m NEED A COMPUYER Don‘l have castto The ongmal BM PC, ;usl 31 a day No money _ The Buck A Day Company Call L890- BQl-QBB Wm: buck} daturn ORIGINAL meson mm carrying case. 2 games Kris! manner and angina! lama $30 766mm FLOOR MODEL. can: TV cab noel will hold up in 21' TV STE- 621-7608 LONG. Pill was swam ity mud n! nor-am smah new as we 18 $50 62L7608 "ENS DOYOHCVCLE lack- er. very good madman see 38 s75 621 was COOL MIST hudehe' by Ouracrat Iavge capaott $30 624-4663 3 OF me ml 022mm ttatm gmea pgs. mm Febmaly 16, wavy to 90 lo a good home 16 mm 650538 HSMER Piles Ingms and sound museul gym tor unlanls caveman! comm 825 7670743 so” CUE. Kaltassy's uasrcsrmnt'-ststtk "an! who, m In help some! your sung. as seen MTV mm!) mm Em 'urthTt,irar temsetrrtie,thMltxmtmts. may noun, "ml-mm mam 8206053 I FOGWTGOLiUssiybiis obo $0t4YM9ai6pm ir/rd-ls-ii-i-ij-Trier-Luis) l aiwairiiriipsl Ayjip1-1riij'eid CARPET Classified Marketplace, the best deal in the Region! Reach over 107,000 Homes! TEDDY BEAR. Gum brand brand new $20 on n 501. BM9 aner E p m TEcHt0ttusfrtttErrEo can me! good common $30 aha 5014U49ater6pm NIGHT RIGHT'MFa iiolt dais. " granule. m mace set mnssmg 3 "on. lull Ind-Jae nemngm hand Fre and 12 pack balls. all new $111 SIN-3733 thrtitltm5tmtatktrmtsit and G malls Koo, 8264571 LaMt Ftta2STt, 13435: helm moan Inuit tuTt'suai. 5aiis Glam Travel system. excel. lerl mm with manual. do and base Mo, 620-2S39 'ttttttut" "stltTe" may?“ ‘00 stmes,smen.tamtoyatts sheds moms 5150, am lemcuKIm 8215213 Alumni WWW? set a neon Molnar a Penn new tuner $055075 tM1or, hook brush cum, etc In 009mm 00: $150 82352“ TELEPNONE TABLE, wood reimhed must see 5:": 'wm 632-9795 GRACO PLAY Den $40 63ir 9796 FREE. IL mason new 32! 069? am: BUDDY. sngle speed more: 20' wheel, attaches In am“ on: 8381326 580 CHILD‘S EASE. nth poor, very good ccMeon $21: 653 "INC 00A IILBS 'volnng motor veav mom used " once $80 8373733 Shim HIRE! 20MB trstkr9 met. very good oom- tem, sill n my $55 331 3733 cart MAY, Emma Ohara Plan-u ladder all seal. yea! Won $65 than: 65th1725 if!) a): mi. " Man‘s om, W and Wm SIS momma Event) sum and met 2, W 325 MENUS DER. new on? Rush 30atkr.Mrti© mamas 23613? SW “alien mm mm navy enslave an 16 $60 obo 3219310 hon of Item. rice and hone number. in 20 words or less. NOTE: DUI-18m INELUDE GARAGE SALES, REAL ESTATE, ACCOMMODATIONS. CHILDCARE OR BUSINESS ADS. DEADLINE: FRIDAY AT "AW, FAXES call 1 '900'565'1414 AOCEPTED lt will cost you ONLY $7. No writingchequys, “(king slumgs. No VISA or Miistercard. . it is g'u"g,1tgt billed on your fur" phone bill. Ws that easy! All you need In ave ready is... descrip- tion of item. price and phuperngmper; in 320 words' 031935. . Selling or Buying merchandise OVER $250? WESTERN snow mouse mam! new - worn navy blue lama mm you we 1T'ld $25 0 00 827-9310 SAME SIAM. erce8em mum. heavy wood mm wheels $80 a no 821-9310 Por" CHAIR. 3.21m Gist name 315 660-6030 DRYER, KEtttrWtE, Muie. 2 was 096. excellem mm $25Orm 6585352 BIKE any: ir, speed, made try OCH, 2r Meek. Mute éolour mm accents 830. Tom 6214762 d'im76at-tMttB" set rrs o to Emma: was up I08 years dd 824-6506 sire td," Alamnruotr dress $90 622003 tyEhTitttfrtitpt back boast er man tao 6220428 “gamma" anamwaus mm stand and any, In new 518) 7.585“ BOY'S BLACK sun. see a for Furs! We" Cl wedcng SEA) mm 831% SINGLE BED Irarne ‘vghl coloured wood $40 883. GIRLS 16" l? weed like, we brand new Silo 836 cmo 301's BIKE. 16', 12 sneer) sign-1 conul‘m SM 886. BABY EXERSAUCER mm ms. good conOI-on $20 823-5744 SEGI DREAM Cast 2 w» Idlers, i? memory cans 1 rumbte pad! and 4 games 3366236 3170 'Four places remain on 20-day (and of Scandinavia. Helsinki, St. Peters- burg,TaIlinn. 12 Ame - 1 July 2002. Includes air to Copenhagen and Mum, Ftrst class hotels. 33 meals, cruises, yodous scenery. animal riches, for $4300 plus tax per person. Hosted by Rev. Al and Audrey Kirker. he: Info call srsau2) LAST CALL? ITEMS FOR SALI BLACK FLUX fur Iackef, Mod, leopard Wh, elasln: WMSL small. m We loo small looks and feels real 5100 7401772 EXERCISE EOUIPIIEIIT. tubular Mor exevclser mth Mumms US Home STEPFER, :26. ruTrYr72 LARGE WOODEN churén bench, we, apple: 801 25'W. 3TH. has parental, needs some moan $100 oto 886-8956 If". LatttElraiirsd solo: I- fui mm. mm mal S40 " I) o 88b8956 SNOW BOARD. new, won m contest, ot 130m at 51 T, very ayoutful deslw. Mm baking $50 o b o 888 Remain: misc slam waspaue $30 KEG-um '0RtTgEtR6t Mama gav- dens plale $25 766933 EMMY CmDUR. good common $60 76B-1M8 PLAY tt7FtT5i) 0’66 'rr 1591 CHIS. WHITE. Slut} all!) Wrth mamas 7674591 FISHER ME mg"! Chair $50obo 7674591 CHESIERFIELD. i'L. mom slnweu and woman 575 good cumin" 663-6tyir ' “LE puWNes. husky bor der con-e mm making to: good home 5120 each a weeesok1 6231524 I YEAR old contagion nemeved mm cage Vand accessories $50 6202015 20' 3 m hmseoower, cider snow - mth new electric stan. M am to sum 550 6202076 QUEEN SIZE 0'0an coour metal bed Irame $20 620 2076 WASHED OAK capmn s bed wuh memes; queen tNo Mn 6202920 TENT ESCORT. iu7, nylon dame mth carry Mg. Iran Canaan ma used once. will assemble ITISUIJCKICWIS $30. 885-6W3 'otr-CorfPhttwketrsrr tem. AMFrn lunar, BFR A speed mm and speak, ers, erceRmt comma. open almg manual S95 8856003 tWirtyt 'tat-ttt um casters. oak Mtstt, assen8he0. 2 tittots on 00m. 25m WZ'HHS tWD, good cm “on $35 8855003 and) OPEN loo, 3 Wu battery operated swmg $50 2201547 EVENFLO AiitpUttCexer saucer $50 22tr1547 WTIE EMT. new Kinsmen! and red!» 550 2N-154? Deadline: The Deadline for ads in Tuesday's edition is Friday at 12:00 p.mt Wednesday's edition is Monday at 12:00 pm. and Friday's edition is Wednesday at 12:00 pm. Payment: Ads prepaid byVisa, MasterCard. Cash or Cheque. For business ads an account can be set up with an approved credit application. Advertising Policy: Please check your advertisement. Publisher is responsible for l incorrect insertion and is not liable for any error in advertisement beyond the cost ofthe space occupied by the error. . Financial mini. ka, 5; IIth I. tho.. like 0|:an ML? MACHINE SKILLS TRAINING 21 Meyer Or., Guelph up mum sum. Wmmng l lAghupaal mum; Irma-M by OP Sh“: “mung In: -CWB Tickets . Welding Operators Certitiea)e o ENC Programming, Set-up t Operations . Conventional Machining . IP-TO-MTE cuc MACHINES . HANDS ON TRAINING All omen- Classified and Business alts MI For information on enrolling call 'at lbw! (will: made gnu-Me mm}: the Walkman a.» a: l ant-um Mutation (519) 836-7280 ext. 619 3510“}: $3501 call 623-6617 " Fax 623-1261 HOVAL DOULTAN ashes. 45 piece set. panem In Norfolk $250 263-6527 SIEREO CABINET. oak S100 7536527 OCCASION”. TABLE, 0mm we $50 75345527 2 TRICYCLES. $20 eich 822-6035 LITTLE TYKES carszo 822- Hull DIFDER‘S, VIKING and Au King, lo: renal! ot pans $10iortmth 6213824 BABY STBOLLER, deluxe. encenem canal-on $35 621- Doe ewes. asu'zcwmn mm “a; m 621 1324 TOY, wrto may»: Doodlé m box. In new $8 6210466 tt00itt 'ttit' 1M Maclniosh. 2 bores $50 Gram vane 6210366 tot cturthA fashion destPer kit mm lug" out, un tor $10 621-0466 PINE HOPE chest $30 766 7673 Oatt COLOUR my cam nel JO'WIdB‘H $30 F66- 1873 Awareness 1ysoWTV$50 766-7673 PAIR OF tuberbIaOCS. Blaoe Runners, me s Past S65 asking $20 856-4192 SOCCER SHOES. $5 pet pan 3554192 DANDY AIR sand-none: H.500 BTU 2 was an. greal common. rarety used 5200 623-7784 IKEA DAV bed irame, glean mm 550, 623-7784 BABY CRADLE while Mr- beoang $60 7406229 mama: 621-098 man miss. 30x59 $25 62I4798 ts BA" was $15 62f 4798 sToet. 65mm. Beam 30'. almond. used for 2 years. A1 00"le $250 film 621. 1409 moe SWIVEL ONE. gone minivan, made try Kicker $45 650-4278 ROOM CWSEL 9(ch tot. mode» #350 and lathe pe""-" va colon! slides S85 62r Y54 {man booming 32130 S50 620-0295 Special feature coming April s. April is

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